
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 意


Your diligent attention to detail

niˇ duiˋ xiˋ jieˊ qinˊ fenˋ de˙ zhuˋ yiˋ liˋ

意 yiˋ
Mind, Idea, Thought, Meaning, Mood, Intent, Consciousness, Point Of View, Italy, Translit for I

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Phone , Tone


細節 xiˋ jieˊ

勤奮 qinˊ fenˋ

注意 zhuˋ yiˋ

注意力 zhuˋ yiˋ liˋ

Words that rhyme with 你對細節勤奮的注意力 (yi-wei)

Grouped by first phone

ni, bi, di, ji, li, qi, ti, xi, yi

你對細節勤奮的注意力 niˇ duiˋ xiˋ jieˊ qinˊ fenˋ de˙ zhuˋ yiˋ liˋ

Your diligent attention to detail

你對自己 niˇ duiˋ ziˋ jiˇ

For yourself, With respect to yourself

你會怎麼樣 niˇ huiˋ zenˇ me˙ yangˋ

How would you feel, What would you do

你會是我第一個殺掉的人 niˇ huiˋ shiˋ woˇ diˋ yi¯ ge˙ sha¯ diaoˋ de˙ renˊ

You will be the first person I kill

你會被關 niˇ huiˋ beiˋ guan¯

You will be held, You will be locked up

你會被關在離家不遠的地點 niˇ huiˋ beiˋ guan¯ zaiˋ liˊ jia¯ buˋ yuanˇ de˙ diˋ dianˇ

You will be held at a location close to home

你會驚訝 niˇ huiˋ jing¯ yaˋ

You'd be surprised

妳會是我第一個殺掉的人 niˇ huiˋ shiˋ woˇ diˋ yi¯ ge˙ sha¯ diaoˋ de˙ renˊ

You will be the first person I kill

妳會跟我一起去嗎 niˇ huiˋ gen¯ woˇ yiˋ qiˇ quˋ ma˙

Are you coming with me?, Will you accompany me?

妳會跟我們一起去嗎 niˇ huiˋ gen¯ woˇ men˙ yiˋ qiˇ quˋ ma˙

Are you coming with us?, Will you accompany us?

你為什麼 niˇ weiˋ sheˊ me˙

Why are you

你為什麼要 niˇ weiˋ shenˊ me˙ yaoˋ

Why would you want, Why would you want to

你為什麼要這麼做 niˇ weiˋ sheˊ me˙ yaoˋ zheˋ me˙ zuoˋ

Why are you doing this

你最喜歡吃什麼水果 niˇ zuiˋ xiˇ huan¯ chi¯ sheˊ me˙ shuiˇ guoˇ

What fruit do you like to eat the best?, What's your favorite fruit to eat?

你最好 niˇ zuiˋ haoˇ

You'd best

你最近過得怎麼樣 niˇ zuiˋ jinˋ guoˋ deˊ zenˇ me˙ yangˋ

How have you been lately

ni, bi, di, ji, li, qi, ti, xi, yi

比對 biˇ duiˋ

Compare, Check, Collate

鼻錐 biˊ zhui¯

Nose cone

閉嘴 biˋ zuiˇ

Shut up, Be quiet

閉嘴要不去死 biˋ zuiˇ yaoˋ buˊ quˋ siˇ

Shut up or die

ni, bi, di, ji, li, qi, ti, xi, yi

低垂 di¯ chuiˊ


滴水 di¯ shuiˇ

Dripping water

滴水聲 di¯ shuiˇ sheng¯

Sound of dripping water

地位 diˋ weiˋ

Position, Ranking, Status

的追蹤器 diˋ zhui¯ zong¯ qiˋ

Tracking device, Tracker, Tracer

ni, bi, di, ji, li, qi, ti, xi, yi

積灰塵 ji¯ hui¯ chenˊ

Collect dust, Collecting dust

機會 ji¯ huiˋ

Chance, Opportunity

集會 jiˊ huiˋ

Assembly, Gathering

忌諱 jiˋ huiˋ


擊潰 jiˊ kuiˋ

Dispersing, Fighting off

積水 ji¯ shuiˇ

Accumulate water, Puddled water, Accumulated water

脊髓穿刺 jiˊ suiˇ chuan¯ ciˋ

Spinal tap

幾歲 jiˇ suiˋ

How old

雞腿 ji¯ tuiˇ

Leg of chicken, Chicken leg

雞腿肉 ji¯ tuiˇ rouˋ

Chicken Leg Meat

擊退 jiˊ tuiˋ

Fight back, Hold off, Drive back, Repel, Repulse

幾微 ji¯ weiˊ

Omen, Augury, Portent, Sign

幾維鳥 ji¯ weiˊ niaoˇ


箕尾 ji¯ weiˇ

Constellations Sagittarius and Scorpio

極微型 jiˊ weiˊ xingˊ


極微小 jiˊ weiˊ xiaoˇ

Infinitesimal, Really tiny, Super tiny, Super small

極為 jiˊ weiˊ


極為非常強大 jiˊ weiˊ fei¯ changˊ qiangˊ daˋ

Very, vey powerful, Powerful in the extreme

幾位 jiˇ weiˋ

A few

記為 jiˋ weiˊ

Denote as, Denoted as

脊椎 jiˊ zhui¯


脊椎關節 jiˊ zhui¯ guan¯ jieˊ

Vertebral Joint

脊椎骨 jiˊ zhui¯ guˇ


ni, bi, di, ji, li, qi, ti, xi, yi

理會 liˇ huiˋ

Understand, Comprehend, Heed, care, Pay attention to Take notice of, Not ignore

瀝水籃 liˋ shuiˇ lanˊ

Drainer, Draining tray

麗水 liˋ shuiˇ

River Li, Beautiful Water

栗尾 liˋ weiˇ

Writing brush

ni, bi, di, ji, li, qi, ti, xi, yi

起堆 qiˇ dui¯

Pile up

汽水 qiˋ shuiˇ


氣味 qiˋ weiˋ


七嘴八舌 qi¯ zuiˇ ba¯ sheˊ

Talking at the same time, Lots of people talking at the same time

ni, bi, di, ji, li, qi, ti, xi, yi

體會 tiˇ huiˋ

Understand, Comprehend

體味 tiˇ weiˋ

Savor, Appreciate

ni, bi, di, ji, li, qi, ti, xi, yi

吸水 xi¯ shuiˇ

Suck up water

吸水紙 xi¯ shuiˇ zhiˇ

Absorbant paper

戲水 xiˋ shuiˇ

Play in water, Play with water

熹微 xi¯ weiˊ

Dim, Pale, Feint light at dawn

席位 xiˊ weiˋ

Seat, Position, Place

細微 xiˋ weiˊ

Tiny, Minute, Microscopic

ni, bi, di, ji, li, qi, ti, xi, yi

一對 yiˊ duiˋ

A pair

一對夫婦 yiˊ duiˋ fu¯ fuˋ

A couple, A man and wife

一隊 yiˊ duiˋ

A team, A flight, A squad

一隊獵人 yiˊ duiˋ lieˋ renˊ

A group of hunters

已對焦的 yiˇ duiˋ jiao¯ de˙

Just now focused, Focused

一堆 yiˋ dui¯

A (e.g. a packet or pile of), Bunch of, Pile of, Heap of

一堆分數 yiˋ dui¯ fen¯ shuˋ

A big pile of points

一堆又一堆 yiˋ dui¯ youˋ yiˋ dui¯

Piles and piles, Piles of

一堆小人物 yiˋ dui¯ xiaoˇ renˊ wuˋ

A bunch of small figures

衣櫃 yi¯ guiˋ


以跪姿壓住了 yiˇ guiˋ zi¯ ya¯ zhuˋ le˙

Kneel and press down on, Kneeling and pressing down on, Kneeling on

一會兒 yiˊ huiˋ erˊ

A while, For a while, A moment, For a moment

一會兒後 yiˊ huiˋ erˊ houˋ

Before long, After a while, After a short while

一會兒痙攣一會兒僵直 yiˊ huiˋ erˊ jingˋ luuanˊ yiˊ huiˋ erˊ jiang¯ zhiˊ

Jerked and stiffened

一會兒轉這一會兒轉那 yiˊ huiˋ erˊ zhuanˇ zheˋ yiˊ huiˋ erˊ zhuanˇ naˋ

Rotating this way and that way, Turning this way and that way

一會兒轉這一會轉兒那 yiˊ huiˋ erˊ zhuanˇ zheˋ yiˊ huiˋ zhuanˇ erˊ naˋ

Turning this way and that, Rotating this way and that

一回 yiˋ huiˊ

Once, One time, An occasion, A round (boxing)

一回事 yiˋ huiˊ shiˋ

One and the same thing, Caused by, One thing

一會 yiˋ huiˋ

A while

議會 yiˋ huiˋ


已隨歲月 yiˇ suiˊ suiˋ yueˋ

Over the years

已隨歲月裡成 yiˇ suiˊ suiˋ yueˋ liˇ chengˊ

Over the years had become, Aged

依偎 yi¯ wei¯


一位 yiˊ weiˋ

A/An (e.g. a person)

一位客戶 yiˊ weiˋ keˋ huˋ

A customer, A client

一位對浪漫派詩人狂熱的人 yiˊ weiˋ duiˋ langˋ manˋ paiˋ shi¯ renˊ kuangˊ reˋ de˙ renˊ

An aficionado of romantic poets

一位年紀較大的男士 yiˊ weiˋ nianˊ jiˋ jiaoˋ daˋ de˙ nanˊ shiˋ

An older man

一位文學家 yiˊ weiˋ wenˊ xueˊ jia¯

A writer

一位痴情女子 yiˊ weiˋ chi¯ qingˊ nuuˇ ziˇ

An infatuated woman

一位皇帝 yiˊ weiˋ huangˊ diˋ

An emperor

一位知名 yiˊ weiˋ zhi¯ mingˊ

A famous

一味 yiˊ weiˋ

Habitually, Invariably

一未知 yiˊ weiˋ zhi¯

An unknown

以為 yiˇ weiˊ

Think, Assume, Presume, Might think, Thought, Be under the impression that

以為這是某種比賽 yiˇ weiˋ zheˋ shiˋ mouˇ zhongˇ biˇ saiˋ

Thought it was some sort of competition, Was under the impressiont that it was some sort of contest

一微形塊 yiˋ weiˊ xingˊ kuaiˋ

A microscopic chunk, One microscopic chunk

意味 yiˋ weiˋ

Imply, Mean, Meaning

意味著 yiˋ weiˋ zhe˙

Imply, Implies

異味 yiˋ weiˋ

Strange taste, Tasted funny

以最快的速度 yiˇ zuiˋ kuaiˋ de˙ suˋ duˋ

With great haste, Working as fast as possible

Grouped in tone pairs

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 41, 42, 43, 44

比對 biˇ duiˋ

Compare, Check, Collate

幾歲 jiˇ suiˋ

How old

幾位 jiˇ weiˋ

A few

理會 liˇ huiˋ

Understand, Comprehend, Heed, care, Pay attention to Take notice of, Not ignore

你對細節勤奮的注意力 niˇ duiˋ xiˋ jieˊ qinˊ fenˋ de˙ zhuˋ yiˋ liˋ

Your diligent attention to detail

你對自己 niˇ duiˋ ziˋ jiˇ

For yourself, With respect to yourself

你會怎麼樣 niˇ huiˋ zenˇ me˙ yangˋ

How would you feel, What would you do

你會是我第一個殺掉的人 niˇ huiˋ shiˋ woˇ diˋ yi¯ ge˙ sha¯ diaoˋ de˙ renˊ

You will be the first person I kill

你會被關 niˇ huiˋ beiˋ guan¯

You will be held, You will be locked up

你會被關在離家不遠的地點 niˇ huiˋ beiˋ guan¯ zaiˋ liˊ jia¯ buˋ yuanˇ de˙ diˋ dianˇ

You will be held at a location close to home

你會驚訝 niˇ huiˋ jing¯ yaˋ

You'd be surprised

妳會是我第一個殺掉的人 niˇ huiˋ shiˋ woˇ diˋ yi¯ ge˙ sha¯ diaoˋ de˙ renˊ

You will be the first person I kill

妳會跟我一起去嗎 niˇ huiˋ gen¯ woˇ yiˋ qiˇ quˋ ma˙

Are you coming with me?, Will you accompany me?

妳會跟我們一起去嗎 niˇ huiˋ gen¯ woˇ men˙ yiˋ qiˇ quˋ ma˙

Are you coming with us?, Will you accompany us?

你為什麼 niˇ weiˋ sheˊ me˙

Why are you

你為什麼要 niˇ weiˋ shenˊ me˙ yaoˋ

Why would you want, Why would you want to

你為什麼要這麼做 niˇ weiˋ sheˊ me˙ yaoˋ zheˋ me˙ zuoˋ

Why are you doing this

你最喜歡吃什麼水果 niˇ zuiˋ xiˇ huan¯ chi¯ sheˊ me˙ shuiˇ guoˇ

What fruit do you like to eat the best?, What's your favorite fruit to eat?

你最好 niˇ zuiˋ haoˇ

You'd best

你最近過得怎麼樣 niˇ zuiˋ jinˋ guoˋ deˊ zenˇ me˙ yangˋ

How have you been lately

體會 tiˇ huiˋ

Understand, Comprehend

體味 tiˇ weiˋ

Savor, Appreciate

已對焦的 yiˇ duiˋ jiao¯ de˙

Just now focused, Focused

以跪姿壓住了 yiˇ guiˋ zi¯ ya¯ zhuˋ le˙

Kneel and press down on, Kneeling and pressing down on, Kneeling on

以為這是某種比賽 yiˇ weiˋ zheˋ shiˋ mouˇ zhongˇ biˇ saiˋ

Thought it was some sort of competition, Was under the impressiont that it was some sort of contest

以最快的速度 yiˇ zuiˋ kuaiˋ de˙ suˋ duˋ

With great haste, Working as fast as possible

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 41, 42, 43, 44

積灰塵 ji¯ hui¯ chenˊ

Collect dust, Collecting dust

依偎 yi¯ wei¯


34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 41, 42, 43, 44

低垂 di¯ chuiˊ


幾微 ji¯ weiˊ

Omen, Augury, Portent, Sign

幾維鳥 ji¯ weiˊ niaoˇ


熹微 xi¯ weiˊ

Dim, Pale, Feint light at dawn

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 41, 42, 43, 44

滴水 di¯ shuiˇ

Dripping water

滴水聲 di¯ shuiˇ sheng¯

Sound of dripping water

積水 ji¯ shuiˇ

Accumulate water, Puddled water, Accumulated water

雞腿 ji¯ tuiˇ

Leg of chicken, Chicken leg

雞腿肉 ji¯ tuiˇ rouˋ

Chicken Leg Meat

箕尾 ji¯ weiˇ

Constellations Sagittarius and Scorpio

七嘴八舌 qi¯ zuiˇ ba¯ sheˊ

Talking at the same time, Lots of people talking at the same time

吸水 xi¯ shuiˇ

Suck up water

吸水紙 xi¯ shuiˇ zhiˇ

Absorbant paper

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 41, 42, 43, 44

機會 ji¯ huiˋ

Chance, Opportunity

衣櫃 yi¯ guiˋ


34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 41, 42, 43, 44

鼻錐 biˊ zhui¯

Nose cone

脊椎 jiˊ zhui¯


脊椎關節 jiˊ zhui¯ guan¯ jieˊ

Vertebral Joint

脊椎骨 jiˊ zhui¯ guˇ


34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 41, 42, 43, 44

極微型 jiˊ weiˊ xingˊ


極微小 jiˊ weiˊ xiaoˇ

Infinitesimal, Really tiny, Super tiny, Super small

極為 jiˊ weiˊ


極為非常強大 jiˊ weiˊ fei¯ changˊ qiangˊ daˋ

Very, vey powerful, Powerful in the extreme

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 41, 42, 43, 44

脊髓穿刺 jiˊ suiˇ chuan¯ ciˋ

Spinal tap

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 41, 42, 43, 44

集會 jiˊ huiˋ

Assembly, Gathering

擊潰 jiˊ kuiˋ

Dispersing, Fighting off

擊退 jiˊ tuiˋ

Fight back, Hold off, Drive back, Repel, Repulse

席位 xiˊ weiˋ

Seat, Position, Place

一對 yiˊ duiˋ

A pair

一對夫婦 yiˊ duiˋ fu¯ fuˋ

A couple, A man and wife

一隊 yiˊ duiˋ

A team, A flight, A squad

一隊獵人 yiˊ duiˋ lieˋ renˊ

A group of hunters

一會兒 yiˊ huiˋ erˊ

A while, For a while, A moment, For a moment

一會兒後 yiˊ huiˋ erˊ houˋ

Before long, After a while, After a short while

一會兒痙攣一會兒僵直 yiˊ huiˋ erˊ jingˋ luuanˊ yiˊ huiˋ erˊ jiang¯ zhiˊ

Jerked and stiffened

一會兒轉這一會兒轉那 yiˊ huiˋ erˊ zhuanˇ zheˋ yiˊ huiˋ erˊ zhuanˇ naˋ

Rotating this way and that way, Turning this way and that way

一會兒轉這一會轉兒那 yiˊ huiˋ erˊ zhuanˇ zheˋ yiˊ huiˋ zhuanˇ erˊ naˋ

Turning this way and that, Rotating this way and that

一位 yiˊ weiˋ

A/An (e.g. a person)

一位客戶 yiˊ weiˋ keˋ huˋ

A customer, A client

一位對浪漫派詩人狂熱的人 yiˊ weiˋ duiˋ langˋ manˋ paiˋ shi¯ renˊ kuangˊ reˋ de˙ renˊ

An aficionado of romantic poets

一位年紀較大的男士 yiˊ weiˋ nianˊ jiˋ jiaoˋ daˋ de˙ nanˊ shiˋ

An older man

一位文學家 yiˊ weiˋ wenˊ xueˊ jia¯

A writer

一位痴情女子 yiˊ weiˋ chi¯ qingˊ nuuˇ ziˇ

An infatuated woman

一位皇帝 yiˊ weiˋ huangˊ diˋ

An emperor

一位知名 yiˊ weiˋ zhi¯ mingˊ

A famous

一味 yiˊ weiˋ

Habitually, Invariably

一未知 yiˊ weiˋ zhi¯

An unknown

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 41, 42, 43, 44

起堆 qiˇ dui¯

Pile up

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 41, 42, 43, 44

已隨歲月 yiˇ suiˊ suiˋ yueˋ

Over the years

已隨歲月裡成 yiˇ suiˊ suiˋ yueˋ liˇ chengˊ

Over the years had become, Aged

以為 yiˇ weiˊ

Think, Assume, Presume, Might think, Thought, Be under the impression that

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 41, 42, 43, 44

的追蹤器 diˋ zhui¯ zong¯ qiˋ

Tracking device, Tracker, Tracer

一堆 yiˋ dui¯

A (e.g. a packet or pile of), Bunch of, Pile of, Heap of

一堆分數 yiˋ dui¯ fen¯ shuˋ

A big pile of points

一堆又一堆 yiˋ dui¯ youˋ yiˋ dui¯

Piles and piles, Piles of

一堆小人物 yiˋ dui¯ xiaoˇ renˊ wuˋ

A bunch of small figures

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 41, 42, 43, 44

記為 jiˋ weiˊ

Denote as, Denoted as

細微 xiˋ weiˊ

Tiny, Minute, Microscopic

一回 yiˋ huiˊ

Once, One time, An occasion, A round (boxing)

一回事 yiˋ huiˊ shiˋ

One and the same thing, Caused by, One thing

一微形塊 yiˋ weiˊ xingˊ kuaiˋ

A microscopic chunk, One microscopic chunk

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 41, 42, 43, 44

閉嘴 biˋ zuiˇ

Shut up, Be quiet

閉嘴要不去死 biˋ zuiˇ yaoˋ buˊ quˋ siˇ

Shut up or die

瀝水籃 liˋ shuiˇ lanˊ

Drainer, Draining tray

麗水 liˋ shuiˇ

River Li, Beautiful Water

栗尾 liˋ weiˇ

Writing brush

汽水 qiˋ shuiˇ


戲水 xiˋ shuiˇ

Play in water, Play with water

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 41, 42, 43, 44

地位 diˋ weiˋ

Position, Ranking, Status

忌諱 jiˋ huiˋ


氣味 qiˋ weiˋ


一會 yiˋ huiˋ

A while

議會 yiˋ huiˋ


意味 yiˋ weiˋ

Imply, Mean, Meaning

意味著 yiˋ weiˋ zhe˙

Imply, Implies

異味 yiˋ weiˋ

Strange taste, Tasted funny

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