
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 得


Where did you get it?, Where did you get, What gave you

niˇ congˊ heˊ deˊ laiˊ

得 deˊ, deiˇ, de˙
Acquire, Obtain, Get, Succeed, Infix Used To Indicate Ability Or Success Or Acquisition (De5), (Dei3), Must, Should, Need, Adverbial

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 你從何得來 (yi-wong)

Grouped by first phone

ni, bi, di, ji, li, mi, qi, ti, xi, yi

你從何得來 niˇ congˊ heˊ deˊ laiˊ

Where did you get it?, Where did you get, What gave you

你從來也沒有逮捕過什麼人 niˇ congˊ laiˊ yeˇ meiˊ youˇ daiˋ buˇ guoˋ sheˊ me˙ renˊ

You never arrested anyone

妳從來也沒有逮捕過什麼人 niˇ congˊ laiˊ yeˇ meiˊ youˇ daiˋ buˇ guoˋ sheˊ me˙ renˊ

You never arrested anyone

霓虹 niˊ hongˊ


霓虹燈廣告 niˊ hongˊ deng¯ guangˇ gaoˋ

Neon light

尼龍 niˊ longˊ


你總算來了 niˇ zongˇ suanˋ laiˊ le˙

You finally got here, You are finally here, Now that you're here

ni, bi, di, ji, li, mi, qi, ti, xi, yi

逼供 bi¯ gong¯

Force confessions

畢恭畢敬 biˋ gong¯ biˋ jingˋ

Deferential, Reverent and respectful

鼻孔 biˊ kongˇ

Nostrils, Nostril

閉孔內肌 biˋ kongˇ neiˋ ji¯

Obturator Internus

閉孔外肌 biˋ kongˇ waiˋ ji¯

Obturator Externus

比重 biˇ zhongˋ

Specific gravity

ni, bi, di, ji, li, mi, qi, ti, xi, yi

低弓步式 di¯ gong¯ buˋ shiˋ

Low Lunge, Low Bow Pose, Anjaneyasana

低空 di¯ kong¯

Low altitude

低空飛過 di¯ kong¯ fei¯ guoˋ

Low flying

地空 diˋ kong¯


ni, bi, di, ji, li, mi, qi, ti, xi, yi

機動 ji¯ dongˋ


機動性 ji¯ dongˋ xingˋ

Mobile, Flexible

機動車 ji¯ dongˋ che¯

Motor vehicle

激動 ji¯ dongˋ

Aroused, Agitated, Stimulated, Excited

幾公克的 jiˇ gong¯ keˋ de˙

Several grams of, A few grams of

幾公里 jiˇ gong¯ liˇ

Kilometers, Many kilometers

幾公釐 jiˇ gong¯ liˊ

A few millimeters

基隆 ji¯ long¯


基隆市 ji¯ long¯ shiˋ

Keelung City

雞籠 ji¯ longˊ


寄送 jiˋ songˋ

Send of, Send to, Sending

激筒 ji¯ tongˇ

Hosepipe, Hose

極痛 jiˊ tongˋ

Limitless pain, Excruciating pain

集中 jiˊ zhong¯

Concentrate, Focus, Focused on, Stored in, Collected in,Pooled in, Converge, Center, Centered

集中了 jiˊ zhong¯ le˙


集中在大儲存槽 jiˊ zhong¯ zaiˋ daˋ chuˇ cunˊ caoˊ

Gathered in a giant tank, Gathered in giant tanks

集中心神 jiˊ zhong¯ xin¯ shenˊ

Focus, Focusing, Focused, Concentrate, Concentrating, Concentrated

集中放大 jiˊ zhong¯ fangˋ daˋ

Zoom in on, Zoomed in on

集中目力 jiˊ zhong¯ muˋ liˋ


集中精神 jiˊ zhong¯ jing¯ shenˊ

Focus on, Focus intently, Concentrate will power

擊中 jiˊ zhongˋ

Hit, Strike

擊中了 jiˊ zhongˋ le˙

Hit, Struck

幾種 jiˇ zhongˇ

A few species of, Several kinds of, Different types of, Several models of

ni, bi, di, ji, li, mi, qi, ti, xi, yi

立冬 liˋ dong¯

Beginning Of Winter, Nov 7 to Nov 22

理工 liˇ gong¯

Science and technology, Engineering

立功 liˋ gong¯

Meritorious service

ni, bi, di, ji, li, mi, qi, ti, xi, yi

迷宮 miˊ gong¯

Labyrinth, Maze

ni, bi, di, ji, li, mi, qi, ti, xi, yi

起衝突 qiˇ chong¯ tuˊ

Conflict, Clash

氣沖沖 qiˋ chong¯ chong¯


氣沖沖地 qiˋ chong¯ chong¯ de˙


啟動 qiˇ dongˋ

Started, Switch on, Start, Switched on

啟動了 qiˇ dongˋ le˙

Switched on, Started

其中 qiˊ zhong¯

Within, Among, From among

其中一人 qiˊ zhong¯ yiˋ renˊ

One of them

其中一個 qiˊ zhong¯ yiˊ ge˙

Any one of, One of

其中一個自動對焦點 qiˊ zhong¯ yiˊ ge˙ ziˋ dongˋ duiˋ jiao¯ dianˇ

Any one of the auto focus points

其中一個自動對焦點對準 qiˊ zhong¯ yiˊ ge˙ ziˋ dongˋ duiˋ jiao¯ dianˇ duiˋ zhunˇ

Aim any one auto focus point

其中一側 qiˊ zhong¯ yiˊ ceˋ

To one side

其中一根 qiˊ zhong¯ yiˋ gen¯

From among (them being long slender objects)

其中一腳 qiˊ zhong¯ yi¯ jiaoˇ

One foot, One of their feet

其中一輛 qiˊ zhong¯ yiˊ liangˋ

One of the (vehicles)

其中一邊有 qiˊ zhong¯ yiˋ bian¯ youˇ

One of which had, One side of which had

其中一隻 qiˊ zhong¯ yiˋ zhi¯

One of the (creatures)

其中一顆小球 qiˊ zhong¯ yiˋ ke¯ xiaoˇ qiuˊ

One of the small spheres, One of the tiny globes

其中兩個 qiˊ zhong¯ liangˇ ge˙

Two of them

其中包括 qiˊ zhong¯ bao¯ kuoˋ

That included, Those included

其中圓周率約為 qiˊ zhong¯ yuanˊ zhou¯ luuˋ yue¯ weiˋ

Math: Where the value of PI is about:

其中摻雜了 qiˊ zhong¯ chan¯ zaˊ le˙

Mixed in, Mixed with it

其中沒有一個人有啤酒肚 qiˊ zhong¯ meiˊ youˇ yiˋ ge˙ renˊ youˇ piˊ jiuˇ duˋ

Not one person among them had a beergut or beer belly

其中開放的妙想地 qiˊ zhong¯ kai¯ fangˋ de˙ miaoˋ xiangˇ diˋ

Within open ground of fancy

期中 qiˊ zhong¯

Interim, Midterm

起重機 qiˇ zhongˋ ji¯


起重機械 qiˇ zhongˋ ji¯ xieˋ

Hoisting machinery, Lifting machinery, Cranes

企踵 qiˋ zhongˇ

Stand on tiptoe

ni, bi, di, ji, li, mi, qi, ti, xi, yi

提供 tiˊ gong¯

Provide, Offer

提供了 tiˊ gong¯ le˙


提供了活生生的對照 tiˊ gong¯ le˙ huoˊ sheng¯ sheng¯ de˙ duiˋ zhaoˋ

Provided a vivid contrast

提供任何援助 tiˊ gong¯ renˋ heˊ yuanˊ zhuˋ

Provide help, Provide aid

提供任何援助給 tiˊ gong¯ renˋ heˊ yuanˊ zhuˋ geiˇ

Give help to

提供給 tiˊ gong¯ jiˇ

Provide, Provided, Give to, Given to, Purvey, Purveyed

提供顧客他們所要的 tiˊ gong¯ guˋ keˋ ta¯ men˙ suoˇ yaoˋ de˙

Give the customer what they want, Giving the customer what they want

體統 tiˇ tongˇ

System, Propriety

踢中 ti¯ zhong¯

Kicked, Hit

踢中了他的胸口 ti¯ zhong¯ le˙ ta¯ de˙ xiong¯ kouˇ

Kicking him in the chest, Kicked him in the chest

體重 tiˇ zhongˋ

Weight, Body weight

體重超過標準 tiˇ zhongˋ chao¯ guoˋ biao¯ zhunˇ


ni, bi, di, ji, li, mi, qi, ti, xi, yi

希寵 xi¯ chongˇ

Curry favor, Ingratiate, Ingratiate through obsequious actions

西紅柿 xi¯ hongˊ shiˋ


系統 xiˋ tongˇ

System, Systems

系統化 xiˋ tongˇ huaˋ

Systematized, Systematic

系統圖 xiˋ tongˇ tuˊ

System Map

系統地 xiˋ tongˇ de˙

Systematic, Methodical

系統設計工程 xiˋ tongˇ sheˋ jiˋ gong¯ chengˊ

Systems Design Engineering

ni, bi, di, ji, li, mi, qi, ti, xi, yi

一叢 yiˋ congˊ

A cluster

一叢叢 yiˋ congˊ congˊ

Bunched together

一叢小樹林 yiˋ congˊ xiaoˇ shuˋ linˊ

A small grove

一動 yiˊ dongˋ

Moved, Shifted

一動不動 yiˊ dongˋ buˊ dongˋ

Perfectly still

一動也不動 yiˊ dongˋ yeˇ buˊ dongˋ

Was completely still, Didn't move

一棟公寓樓房 yiˊ dongˋ gong¯ yuˋ louˊ fangˊ

An apartment building, A tenement

移動 yiˊ dongˋ

Move, Moves, Moving, Moved, Adjust, Adjusts, Adjusting, Adjusted, Shift, Shifts, Shifting, Shifted

移動了 yiˊ dongˋ le˙

Shifted, Moved, Adjusted

移動了一下 yiˊ dongˋ le˙ yiˊ xiaˋ

Shifted, Moved, Adjusted

移動的 yiˊ dongˋ de˙


移動系統 yiˊ dongˋ xiˋ tongˇ

Locomotion systems, Drive systems

一共 yiˊ gongˋ

All together

以供觀察 yiˇ gong¯ guan¯ chaˊ

For observation

以公頃計算 yiˇ gong¯ qingˇ jiˋ suanˋ

Counted by the hectare

一公分 yiˋ gong¯ fen¯

One centimeter

一公分一公分 yiˋ gong¯ fen¯ yiˋ gong¯ fen¯

Centimeter by centimeter

一公尺寬 yiˋ gong¯ chiˇ kuan¯

One meter wide, A meter wide

義工 yiˋ gong¯

Volunteer (worker)

一共有多重 yiˋ gongˋ youˇ duo¯ zhongˋ

Combined weight

一鬆 yi¯ song¯


一同 yiˋ tongˊ


一同前往 yiˋ tongˊ qianˊ wangˇ

Go together, Travel together

一統 yiˋ tongˇ


倚重 yiˇ zhongˋ

Rely heavily, Value, Relied heavily, Valued

一種 yiˋ zhongˇ

A kind of, A type, One kind

一種技能 yiˋ zhongˇ jiˋ nengˊ

A skill

一種新的感官 yiˋ zhongˇ xin¯ de˙ ganˇ guan¯

A new sense

一種武器 yiˋ zhongˇ wuˇ qiˋ

A kind of weapon

一種混合體 yiˋ zhongˇ hunˋ heˊ tiˇ

A hybrid

一種澱粉與肥豬肉混合的香腸 yiˋ zhongˇ dianˋ fenˇ yuˇ feiˊ zhu¯ rouˋ hunˋ heˊ de˙ xiang¯ changˊ

A kind of sausage made with starch and fatty pork

一種獨特的做事方式 yiˋ zhongˇ duˊ teˋ de˙ zuoˋ shiˋ fang¯ shiˋ

A unique way of doing something, The only possible way of doing something

一種藝術 yiˋ zhongˇ yiˋ shuˋ

A kind of art

一種誇大 yiˋ zhongˇ kua¯ daˋ

A kind of exaggeration

一種誇大的 yiˋ zhongˇ kua¯ daˋ de˙

An exaggerated

Grouped in tone pairs

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

你從何得來 niˇ congˊ heˊ deˊ laiˊ

Where did you get it?, Where did you get, What gave you

你從來也沒有逮捕過什麼人 niˇ congˊ laiˊ yeˇ meiˊ youˇ daiˋ buˇ guoˋ sheˊ me˙ renˊ

You never arrested anyone

妳從來也沒有逮捕過什麼人 niˇ congˊ laiˊ yeˇ meiˊ youˇ daiˋ buˇ guoˋ sheˊ me˙ renˊ

You never arrested anyone

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

逼供 bi¯ gong¯

Force confessions

低弓步式 di¯ gong¯ buˋ shiˋ

Low Lunge, Low Bow Pose, Anjaneyasana

低空 di¯ kong¯

Low altitude

低空飛過 di¯ kong¯ fei¯ guoˋ

Low flying

基隆 ji¯ long¯


基隆市 ji¯ long¯ shiˋ

Keelung City

踢中 ti¯ zhong¯

Kicked, Hit

踢中了他的胸口 ti¯ zhong¯ le˙ ta¯ de˙ xiong¯ kouˇ

Kicking him in the chest, Kicked him in the chest

一鬆 yi¯ song¯


32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

雞籠 ji¯ longˊ


西紅柿 xi¯ hongˊ shiˋ


32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

激筒 ji¯ tongˇ

Hosepipe, Hose

希寵 xi¯ chongˇ

Curry favor, Ingratiate, Ingratiate through obsequious actions

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

機動 ji¯ dongˋ


機動性 ji¯ dongˋ xingˋ

Mobile, Flexible

機動車 ji¯ dongˋ che¯

Motor vehicle

激動 ji¯ dongˋ

Aroused, Agitated, Stimulated, Excited

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

集中 jiˊ zhong¯

Concentrate, Focus, Focused on, Stored in, Collected in,Pooled in, Converge, Center, Centered

集中了 jiˊ zhong¯ le˙


集中在大儲存槽 jiˊ zhong¯ zaiˋ daˋ chuˇ cunˊ caoˊ

Gathered in a giant tank, Gathered in giant tanks

集中心神 jiˊ zhong¯ xin¯ shenˊ

Focus, Focusing, Focused, Concentrate, Concentrating, Concentrated

集中放大 jiˊ zhong¯ fangˋ daˋ

Zoom in on, Zoomed in on

集中目力 jiˊ zhong¯ muˋ liˋ


集中精神 jiˊ zhong¯ jing¯ shenˊ

Focus on, Focus intently, Concentrate will power

迷宮 miˊ gong¯

Labyrinth, Maze

其中 qiˊ zhong¯

Within, Among, From among

其中一人 qiˊ zhong¯ yiˋ renˊ

One of them

其中一個 qiˊ zhong¯ yiˊ ge˙

Any one of, One of

其中一個自動對焦點 qiˊ zhong¯ yiˊ ge˙ ziˋ dongˋ duiˋ jiao¯ dianˇ

Any one of the auto focus points

其中一個自動對焦點對準 qiˊ zhong¯ yiˊ ge˙ ziˋ dongˋ duiˋ jiao¯ dianˇ duiˋ zhunˇ

Aim any one auto focus point

其中一側 qiˊ zhong¯ yiˊ ceˋ

To one side

其中一根 qiˊ zhong¯ yiˋ gen¯

From among (them being long slender objects)

其中一腳 qiˊ zhong¯ yi¯ jiaoˇ

One foot, One of their feet

其中一輛 qiˊ zhong¯ yiˊ liangˋ

One of the (vehicles)

其中一邊有 qiˊ zhong¯ yiˋ bian¯ youˇ

One of which had, One side of which had

其中一隻 qiˊ zhong¯ yiˋ zhi¯

One of the (creatures)

其中一顆小球 qiˊ zhong¯ yiˋ ke¯ xiaoˇ qiuˊ

One of the small spheres, One of the tiny globes

其中兩個 qiˊ zhong¯ liangˇ ge˙

Two of them

其中包括 qiˊ zhong¯ bao¯ kuoˋ

That included, Those included

其中圓周率約為 qiˊ zhong¯ yuanˊ zhou¯ luuˋ yue¯ weiˋ

Math: Where the value of PI is about:

其中摻雜了 qiˊ zhong¯ chan¯ zaˊ le˙

Mixed in, Mixed with it

其中沒有一個人有啤酒肚 qiˊ zhong¯ meiˊ youˇ yiˋ ge˙ renˊ youˇ piˊ jiuˇ duˋ

Not one person among them had a beergut or beer belly

其中開放的妙想地 qiˊ zhong¯ kai¯ fangˋ de˙ miaoˋ xiangˇ diˋ

Within open ground of fancy

期中 qiˊ zhong¯

Interim, Midterm

提供 tiˊ gong¯

Provide, Offer

提供了 tiˊ gong¯ le˙


提供了活生生的對照 tiˊ gong¯ le˙ huoˊ sheng¯ sheng¯ de˙ duiˋ zhaoˋ

Provided a vivid contrast

提供任何援助 tiˊ gong¯ renˋ heˊ yuanˊ zhuˋ

Provide help, Provide aid

提供任何援助給 tiˊ gong¯ renˋ heˊ yuanˊ zhuˋ geiˇ

Give help to

提供給 tiˊ gong¯ jiˇ

Provide, Provided, Give to, Given to, Purvey, Purveyed

提供顧客他們所要的 tiˊ gong¯ guˋ keˋ ta¯ men˙ suoˇ yaoˋ de˙

Give the customer what they want, Giving the customer what they want

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

霓虹 niˊ hongˊ


霓虹燈廣告 niˊ hongˊ deng¯ guangˇ gaoˋ

Neon light

尼龍 niˊ longˊ


32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

鼻孔 biˊ kongˇ

Nostrils, Nostril

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

極痛 jiˊ tongˋ

Limitless pain, Excruciating pain

擊中 jiˊ zhongˋ

Hit, Strike

擊中了 jiˊ zhongˋ le˙

Hit, Struck

一動 yiˊ dongˋ

Moved, Shifted

一動不動 yiˊ dongˋ buˊ dongˋ

Perfectly still

一動也不動 yiˊ dongˋ yeˇ buˊ dongˋ

Was completely still, Didn't move

一棟公寓樓房 yiˊ dongˋ gong¯ yuˋ louˊ fangˊ

An apartment building, A tenement

移動 yiˊ dongˋ

Move, Moves, Moving, Moved, Adjust, Adjusts, Adjusting, Adjusted, Shift, Shifts, Shifting, Shifted

移動了 yiˊ dongˋ le˙

Shifted, Moved, Adjusted

移動了一下 yiˊ dongˋ le˙ yiˊ xiaˋ

Shifted, Moved, Adjusted

移動的 yiˊ dongˋ de˙


移動系統 yiˊ dongˋ xiˋ tongˇ

Locomotion systems, Drive systems

一共 yiˊ gongˋ

All together

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

幾公克的 jiˇ gong¯ keˋ de˙

Several grams of, A few grams of

幾公里 jiˇ gong¯ liˇ

Kilometers, Many kilometers

幾公釐 jiˇ gong¯ liˊ

A few millimeters

理工 liˇ gong¯

Science and technology, Engineering

起衝突 qiˇ chong¯ tuˊ

Conflict, Clash

以供觀察 yiˇ gong¯ guan¯ chaˊ

For observation

以公頃計算 yiˇ gong¯ qingˇ jiˋ suanˋ

Counted by the hectare

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

幾種 jiˇ zhongˇ

A few species of, Several kinds of, Different types of, Several models of

你總算來了 niˇ zongˇ suanˋ laiˊ le˙

You finally got here, You are finally here, Now that you're here

體統 tiˇ tongˇ

System, Propriety

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

比重 biˇ zhongˋ

Specific gravity

啟動 qiˇ dongˋ

Started, Switch on, Start, Switched on

啟動了 qiˇ dongˋ le˙

Switched on, Started

起重機 qiˇ zhongˋ ji¯


起重機械 qiˇ zhongˋ ji¯ xieˋ

Hoisting machinery, Lifting machinery, Cranes

體重 tiˇ zhongˋ

Weight, Body weight

體重超過標準 tiˇ zhongˋ chao¯ guoˋ biao¯ zhunˇ


倚重 yiˇ zhongˋ

Rely heavily, Value, Relied heavily, Valued

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

畢恭畢敬 biˋ gong¯ biˋ jingˋ

Deferential, Reverent and respectful

地空 diˋ kong¯


立冬 liˋ dong¯

Beginning Of Winter, Nov 7 to Nov 22

立功 liˋ gong¯

Meritorious service

氣沖沖 qiˋ chong¯ chong¯


氣沖沖地 qiˋ chong¯ chong¯ de˙


一公分 yiˋ gong¯ fen¯

One centimeter

一公分一公分 yiˋ gong¯ fen¯ yiˋ gong¯ fen¯

Centimeter by centimeter

一公尺寬 yiˋ gong¯ chiˇ kuan¯

One meter wide, A meter wide

義工 yiˋ gong¯

Volunteer (worker)

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

一叢 yiˋ congˊ

A cluster

一叢叢 yiˋ congˊ congˊ

Bunched together

一叢小樹林 yiˋ congˊ xiaoˇ shuˋ linˊ

A small grove

一同 yiˋ tongˊ


一同前往 yiˋ tongˊ qianˊ wangˇ

Go together, Travel together

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

閉孔內肌 biˋ kongˇ neiˋ ji¯

Obturator Internus

閉孔外肌 biˋ kongˇ waiˋ ji¯

Obturator Externus

企踵 qiˋ zhongˇ

Stand on tiptoe

系統 xiˋ tongˇ

System, Systems

系統化 xiˋ tongˇ huaˋ

Systematized, Systematic

系統圖 xiˋ tongˇ tuˊ

System Map

系統地 xiˋ tongˇ de˙

Systematic, Methodical

系統設計工程 xiˋ tongˇ sheˋ jiˋ gong¯ chengˊ

Systems Design Engineering

一統 yiˋ tongˇ


一種 yiˋ zhongˇ

A kind of, A type, One kind

一種技能 yiˋ zhongˇ jiˋ nengˊ

A skill

一種新的感官 yiˋ zhongˇ xin¯ de˙ ganˇ guan¯

A new sense

一種武器 yiˋ zhongˇ wuˇ qiˋ

A kind of weapon

一種混合體 yiˋ zhongˇ hunˋ heˊ tiˇ

A hybrid

一種澱粉與肥豬肉混合的香腸 yiˋ zhongˇ dianˋ fenˇ yuˇ feiˊ zhu¯ rouˋ hunˋ heˊ de˙ xiang¯ changˊ

A kind of sausage made with starch and fatty pork

一種獨特的做事方式 yiˋ zhongˇ duˊ teˋ de˙ zuoˋ shiˋ fang¯ shiˋ

A unique way of doing something, The only possible way of doing something

一種藝術 yiˋ zhongˇ yiˋ shuˋ

A kind of art

一種誇大 yiˋ zhongˇ kua¯ daˋ

A kind of exaggeration

一種誇大的 yiˋ zhongˇ kua¯ daˋ de˙

An exaggerated

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

寄送 jiˋ songˋ

Send of, Send to, Sending

一共有多重 yiˋ gongˋ youˇ duo¯ zhongˋ

Combined weight


丿-亻 : > : > [你]-你從 : > [你]-你從何得來 >

丿-彳 : > : > [從]-從何 : > [從]-你從何得來 >

丿-亻 : > : > [何]-何得 : > [何]-你從何得來 >

丿-彳 : > : > [得]-得來 : > [得]-你從何得來 >

十-木 : > : > [來]-得來 : > [來]-你從何得來 >

你從何得來 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 得

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