
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 出


Go travelling, Go on an excursion

chu¯ youˊ

出 chu¯
Leave, Exit, Go Out, Come Out, Appear, Produce, Beget, Pay Out, MW For Plays

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 出遊 (wu-you)

Grouped by first phone

chu, bu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, ru, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

初秋 chu¯ qiu¯

Early autumn or fall

出遊 chu¯ youˊ

Go travelling, Go on an excursion

chu, bu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, ru, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

補救 buˇ jiuˋ


不久 buˋ jiuˇ

Not long

不久之後 buˋ jiuˇ zhi¯ houˋ

Not long after, Before long

不久前 buˋ jiuˇ qianˊ

Not long ago, Not long before

不久後 buˋ jiuˇ houˋ

Not long afterwards, Before long

不久的 buˋ jiuˇ de˙

Not long, Near (in time)

不留情面 buˋ liuˊ qingˊ mianˋ

Unrelenting, Ruthless, Unflinching

不留餘地 buˋ liuˊ yuˊ diˋ

Without leeway, Pursue to the brutal end

不銹鋼 buˊ xiuˋ gang¯

Stainless steel

不鏽鋼 buˊ xiuˋ gang¯

Stainless steel

不鏽鋼管線網路 buˊ xiuˋ gang¯ guanˇ xianˋ wangˇ luˋ

Stainless stell plumbing, Network of stainless stell pipes

不朽 buˋ xiuˇ


不由得 buˋ youˊ de˙

Can't help

不由自主 buˋ youˊ ziˋ zhuˇ

Involuntarily, Can't help, Couldn't help but, Couldn't stop from

chu, bu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, ru, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

粗又圓 cu¯ youˋ yuanˊ

Thick and round

chu, bu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, ru, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

俯就 fuˇ jiuˋ

Accept a job that is below ones self

腐朽 fuˇ xiuˇ

Decayed, Rotting, Rotten

富有 fuˋ youˇ

Rich, Wealthy, Well-to-do, Teem with

負有 fuˋ youˇ


chu, bu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, ru, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

古舊 guˇ jiuˋ


故舊 guˋ jiuˋ

Old friends

固有 guˋ youˇ

Innate, Inherent, Intrinsic, Built in

chu, bu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, ru, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

呼救 hu¯ jiuˋ

Call for help

忽悠 hu¯ you¯


chu, bu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, ru, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

苦酒 kuˇ jiuˇ

Bitter wine

chu, bu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, ru, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

木有 muˋ youˇ


chu, bu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, ru, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

如秋水般地明亮 ruˊ qiu¯ shuiˇ ban¯ diˋ mingˊ liangˋ

Like autumn waters, Just as clear

如有 ruˊ youˇ


如有不清楚 ruˊ youˇ buˋ qing¯ chuˇ

If anything is unclear, If there is anything you don't understand

如有變焦鏡頭 ruˊ youˇ bianˋ jiao¯ jingˋ touˊ

If using a zoom lens

如有需要 ruˊ youˇ xu¯ yaoˋ

And if need be

如右圖 ruˊ youˋ tuˊ

As shown on the right

chu, bu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, ru, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

樞紐 shu¯ niuˇ

Pivot point, Nexus, Node, Vital point

chu, bu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, ru, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

塗有 tuˊ youˇ

Coated, Covered with

塗有一層 tuˊ youˇ yiˋ cengˊ

Coated with a layer of, Covered with a layer of

chu, bu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, ru, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

物流 wuˋ liuˊ


無袖 wuˊ xiuˋ


無憂 wuˊ you¯

Carefree, worry free, Unperilous choice

無憂無慮 wuˊ you¯ wuˊ luuˋ


無憂的季節 wuˊ you¯ de˙ jiˋ jieˊ

Carefree season, Worry free season, Season of unperilous choice

無由 wuˊ youˊ

Unable to, No way to, In no position to

chu, bu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, ru, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

主流 zhuˇ liuˊ

Main current

主修 zhuˇ xiu¯

Major subject of study, Major

主修農業工程 zhuˇ xiu¯ nongˊ yeˋ gong¯ chengˊ

Agricultural engineering major

豬油 zhu¯ youˊ

Pork fat, Pork oil, Pork lard

chu, bu, cu, fu, gu, hu, ku, mu, ru, shu, tu, wu, zhu, zu

足球 zuˊ qiuˊ

Soccer, Football

足球課程 zuˊ qiuˊ keˋ chengˊ

Football program

足球賽 zuˊ qiuˊ saiˋ

Football game, Football match

足球隊 zuˊ qiuˊ duiˋ

Football team, Soccer team

Grouped in tone pairs

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

出遊 chu¯ youˊ

Go travelling, Go on an excursion

豬油 zhu¯ youˊ

Pork fat, Pork oil, Pork lard

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

初秋 chu¯ qiu¯

Early autumn or fall

忽悠 hu¯ you¯


12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

樞紐 shu¯ niuˇ

Pivot point, Nexus, Node, Vital point

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

粗又圓 cu¯ youˋ yuanˊ

Thick and round

呼救 hu¯ jiuˋ

Call for help

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

如秋水般地明亮 ruˊ qiu¯ shuiˇ ban¯ diˋ mingˊ liangˋ

Like autumn waters, Just as clear

無憂 wuˊ you¯

Carefree, worry free, Unperilous choice

無憂無慮 wuˊ you¯ wuˊ luuˋ


無憂的季節 wuˊ you¯ de˙ jiˋ jieˊ

Carefree season, Worry free season, Season of unperilous choice

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

無由 wuˊ youˊ

Unable to, No way to, In no position to

足球 zuˊ qiuˊ

Soccer, Football

足球課程 zuˊ qiuˊ keˋ chengˊ

Football program

足球賽 zuˊ qiuˊ saiˋ

Football game, Football match

足球隊 zuˊ qiuˊ duiˋ

Football team, Soccer team

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

如有 ruˊ youˇ


如有不清楚 ruˊ youˇ buˋ qing¯ chuˇ

If anything is unclear, If there is anything you don't understand

如有變焦鏡頭 ruˊ youˇ bianˋ jiao¯ jingˋ touˊ

If using a zoom lens

如有需要 ruˊ youˇ xu¯ yaoˋ

And if need be

塗有 tuˊ youˇ

Coated, Covered with

塗有一層 tuˊ youˇ yiˋ cengˊ

Coated with a layer of, Covered with a layer of

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

不銹鋼 buˊ xiuˋ gang¯

Stainless steel

不鏽鋼 buˊ xiuˋ gang¯

Stainless steel

不鏽鋼管線網路 buˊ xiuˋ gang¯ guanˇ xianˋ wangˇ luˋ

Stainless stell plumbing, Network of stainless stell pipes

如右圖 ruˊ youˋ tuˊ

As shown on the right

無袖 wuˊ xiuˋ


12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

主修 zhuˇ xiu¯

Major subject of study, Major

主修農業工程 zhuˇ xiu¯ nongˊ yeˋ gong¯ chengˊ

Agricultural engineering major

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

主流 zhuˇ liuˊ

Main current

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

腐朽 fuˇ xiuˇ

Decayed, Rotting, Rotten

苦酒 kuˇ jiuˇ

Bitter wine

12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

補救 buˇ jiuˋ


俯就 fuˇ jiuˋ

Accept a job that is below ones self

古舊 guˇ jiuˋ


12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

不留情面 buˋ liuˊ qingˊ mianˋ

Unrelenting, Ruthless, Unflinching

不留餘地 buˋ liuˊ yuˊ diˋ

Without leeway, Pursue to the brutal end

不由得 buˋ youˊ de˙

Can't help

不由自主 buˋ youˊ ziˋ zhuˇ

Involuntarily, Can't help, Couldn't help but, Couldn't stop from

物流 wuˋ liuˊ


12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

不久 buˋ jiuˇ

Not long

不久之後 buˋ jiuˇ zhi¯ houˋ

Not long after, Before long

不久前 buˋ jiuˇ qianˊ

Not long ago, Not long before

不久後 buˋ jiuˇ houˋ

Not long afterwards, Before long

不久的 buˋ jiuˇ de˙

Not long, Near (in time)

不朽 buˋ xiuˇ


富有 fuˋ youˇ

Rich, Wealthy, Well-to-do, Teem with

負有 fuˋ youˇ


固有 guˋ youˇ

Innate, Inherent, Intrinsic, Built in

木有 muˋ youˇ


12, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

故舊 guˋ jiuˋ

Old friends


凵-出 : > : > [出]-出遊 : > [出]-出遊 >

丶-辶 : > : > [遊]-出遊 : > [遊]-出遊 >

出遊 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 出

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