
Definition, Pronunciation with char definition links


fen¯ leiˋ jiˊ zhong¯ chuˇ liˇ

Categorize and sort

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Words and Phrases included in:

分類 Categorize, Classify

fen¯ leiˋ

集中 Concentrate, Focus, Focused on, Stored in, Collected in,Pooled in, Converge, Center, Centered

jiˊ zhong¯

處理 Handle, Handles, Handling, Handled, Take care of, Takes care of, Taking care of, Took care of, Dispose of, Disposes of, Disposing of, Disposed of, Deal with, Deals with, Dealing with, Dealt with, Process, Processes, Processing, Processed

chuˇ liˇ


人-八 : > : > [分]-分類 : >

人-米 : > : > [類]-分類 : >

丿-亻 : > : > [集]-集中 : >

丨-中 : > : > [中]-集中 : >

丨-虍 : > : > [處]-處理 : >

一-王 : > : > [理]-處理 : >


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