
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 切


Chop onions, Chopping onions

qieˋ yangˊ cong¯

切 qieˋ, qie¯
Close To, Related, Important, Strongly Felt, (Qie1), Carve, Cut, Slice, Near

(hide char details)

Phone , Tone


洋蔥 yangˊ cong¯

Words that rhyme with 切洋蔥 (ye-yang)

Grouped by first phone

qie, pie, xie

切洋蔥 qieˋ yangˊ cong¯

Chop onions, Chopping onions

qie, pie, xie

瞥向 pie¯ xiangˋ

Glanced towards, Glanced at

qie, pie, xie

斜向 xieˊ xiangˋ

Diagonal, Oblique, Slanting

Grouped in tone pairs

42, 14, 24

切洋蔥 qieˋ yangˊ cong¯

Chop onions, Chopping onions

42, 14, 24

瞥向 pie¯ xiangˋ

Glanced towards, Glanced at

42, 14, 24

斜向 xieˊ xiangˋ

Diagonal, Oblique, Slanting


十-乜 : > : > [切]-切洋 : > [切]-切洋蔥 >

丶-氵 : > : > [洋]-洋蔥 : > [洋]-切洋蔥 >

人-艹 : > : > [蔥]-洋蔥 : > [蔥]-切洋蔥 >

切洋蔥 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 切

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