
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 匠



bieˊ juˋ jiangˋ xin¯

匠 jiangˋ
Craftsman, Artist, Artisan, Workman

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 別具匠心 (ye-yu)

Grouped by first phone

bie, jie, lie, qie, xie, ye

別具匠心 bieˊ juˋ jiangˋ xin¯


別去 bieˊ quˋ

Don't go

bie, jie, lie, qie, xie, ye

結局 jieˊ juˊ

Result, Outcome, Ending

街區 jie¯ qu¯


借去用了 jieˋ quˋ yongˋ le˙

Borrowed, Used

劫獄 jieˊ yuˋ

Jailbreak, Freed from prison

介於 jieˋ yuˊ

Lie between

bie, jie, lie, qie, xie, ye

列舉 lieˋ juˇ


bie, jie, lie, qie, xie, ye

竊取 qieˋ quˇ


切魚刀 qieˋ yuˊ dao¯

Fish knife

bie, jie, lie, qie, xie, ye

擷取 xieˊ quˇ

Gather, Extract

斜去 xieˊ quˋ


bie, jie, lie, qie, xie, ye

葉綠體 yeˋ luuˋ tiˇ


也許 yeˇ xuˇ

Perhaps, Maybe

也許不是搞錯 yeˇ xuˇ buˊ shiˋ gaoˇ cuoˋ

Maybe it's not an error

也許他們都在忙 yeˇ xuˇ ta¯ men˙ dou¯ zaiˋ mangˊ

Perhaps they are all busy

也許再過二十分鐘吧 yeˇ xuˇ zaiˋ guoˋ erˋ shiˊ fen¯ zhong¯ ba¯

Maybe about 20 more minutes

也許我能幫忙 yeˇ xuˇ woˇ nengˊ bang¯ mangˊ

Maybe I could help

也許更久 yeˇ xuˇ gengˋ jiuˇ

Perhaps even longer

也許沒什麼相干 yeˇ xuˇ meiˊ shenˊ me˙ xiang¯ gan¯

Maybe it's nothing, It's probably nothing, It's probably not what we are looking for

也許沒有 yeˇ xuˇ meiˊ youˇ

Maybe not, Perhaps not

也許沒有差別 yeˇ xuˇ meiˊ youˇ cha¯ bieˊ

Perhaps it made no difference, Maybe it didn't matter, Maybe it was allright

也許辦得到 yeˇ xuˇ banˋ deˊ daoˋ

Probably could, Perhaps could do

揶揄 yeˊ yuˊ

Tease, Ridicule, Mock

也與 yeˇ yuˇ

And with, And together with

也與他 yeˇ yuˇ ta¯

And together with him

業餘 yeˋ yuˊ


Grouped in tone pairs

24, 11, 22, 23, 33, 42, 43, 44

別具匠心 bieˊ juˋ jiangˋ xin¯


別去 bieˊ quˋ

Don't go

劫獄 jieˊ yuˋ

Jailbreak, Freed from prison

斜去 xieˊ quˋ


24, 11, 22, 23, 33, 42, 43, 44

街區 jie¯ qu¯


24, 11, 22, 23, 33, 42, 43, 44

結局 jieˊ juˊ

Result, Outcome, Ending

揶揄 yeˊ yuˊ

Tease, Ridicule, Mock

24, 11, 22, 23, 33, 42, 43, 44

擷取 xieˊ quˇ

Gather, Extract

24, 11, 22, 23, 33, 42, 43, 44

也許 yeˇ xuˇ

Perhaps, Maybe

也許不是搞錯 yeˇ xuˇ buˊ shiˋ gaoˇ cuoˋ

Maybe it's not an error

也許他們都在忙 yeˇ xuˇ ta¯ men˙ dou¯ zaiˋ mangˊ

Perhaps they are all busy

也許再過二十分鐘吧 yeˇ xuˇ zaiˋ guoˋ erˋ shiˊ fen¯ zhong¯ ba¯

Maybe about 20 more minutes

也許我能幫忙 yeˇ xuˇ woˇ nengˊ bang¯ mangˊ

Maybe I could help

也許更久 yeˇ xuˇ gengˋ jiuˇ

Perhaps even longer

也許沒什麼相干 yeˇ xuˇ meiˊ shenˊ me˙ xiang¯ gan¯

Maybe it's nothing, It's probably nothing, It's probably not what we are looking for

也許沒有 yeˇ xuˇ meiˊ youˇ

Maybe not, Perhaps not

也許沒有差別 yeˇ xuˇ meiˊ youˇ cha¯ bieˊ

Perhaps it made no difference, Maybe it didn't matter, Maybe it was allright

也許辦得到 yeˇ xuˇ banˋ deˊ daoˋ

Probably could, Perhaps could do

也與 yeˇ yuˇ

And with, And together with

也與他 yeˇ yuˇ ta¯

And together with him

24, 11, 22, 23, 33, 42, 43, 44

介於 jieˋ yuˊ

Lie between

切魚刀 qieˋ yuˊ dao¯

Fish knife

業餘 yeˋ yuˊ


24, 11, 22, 23, 33, 42, 43, 44

列舉 lieˋ juˇ


竊取 qieˋ quˇ


24, 11, 22, 23, 33, 42, 43, 44

借去用了 jieˋ quˋ yongˋ le˙

Borrowed, Used

葉綠體 yeˋ luuˋ tiˇ



口-口 : > : > [別]-別具 : > [別]-別具匠心 >

冂-且 : > : > [具]-具匠 : > [具]-別具匠心 >

厂-匚 : > : > [匠]-匠心 : > [匠]-別具匠心 >

丶-心 : > : > [心]-匠心 : > [心]-別具匠心 >

別具匠心 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 匠

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