
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 別


Without a choice

bieˊ wuˊ xuanˇ zeˊ

別 bieˊ, bieˋ
Do Not, Leave, Depart, Not, Don't, Differentiate, Separate, Pin Up, Turn, Distinguish, Different, Unique, Other, Original, Misspelled, Alias

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Phone , Tone


選擇 xuanˇ zeˊ

Words that rhyme with 別無選擇 (ye-wu)

Grouped by first phone

bie, die, jie, lie, nie, qie, tie, xie, ye

別出來 bieˊ chu¯ laiˊ

Don't come out

別出聲 bieˊ chu¯ sheng¯

Keep quiet, Don't make a sound

別處 bieˊ chuˇ


別墅 bieˊ shuˋ

Villa, Cottage, Country house

別無選擇 bieˊ wuˊ xuanˇ zeˊ

Without a choice

bie, die, jie, lie, nie, qie, tie, xie, ye

跌出 die¯ chu¯

Fall out, Drop out

疊出 dieˊ chu¯

Repeat, Replicate, Reproduce

bie, die, jie, lie, nie, qie, tie, xie, ye

借不到 jieˋ buˊ daoˋ

Can't lend

借不著 jieˋ buˋ zhaoˊ

Can't lend

接觸 jie¯ chuˋ

Contact, Touch, Explore (a new place, New planet)

接觸了 jie¯ chuˋ le˙

Contacted, Got in touch

接觸到 jie¯ chuˋ daoˋ

Come in contact with, Contacted

接觸的 jie¯ chuˋ de˙


接觸點 jie¯ chuˋ dianˇ

Point of contact

傑出 jieˊ chu¯


結出 jieˊ chu¯


解出來 jieˇ chu¯ laiˊ


解除 jieˇ chuˊ

Relieve, Release, Remove restrictions, Annul, Cancel, Fire from a job, Relieve from a post, Renounce

解讀 jieˇ duˊ


解僱 jieˇ guˋ


介乎 jieˋ hu¯

Somewhere between

解苦 jieˇ kuˇ

Resolve pain or suffering

揭露 jie¯ luˋ

Reveal, Revealed

揭露奧祕 jie¯ luˋ aoˋ miˋ

Mysteries revealed, Mysteries had been revealed, Reveal the mystery,

揭露真相 jie¯ luˋ zhen¯ xiang¯

Show truth, Uncover truth, Reveal the truth

揭幕 jie¯ muˋ

Raise the curtain, Unveil, Grand opening

節目 jieˊ muˋ


節目結束 jieˊ muˋ jieˊ shuˋ

End of the program

捷普 jieˊ puˇ

Jaipur (India)

介入 jieˋ ruˋ

Interfere with, Get involved with/in

結束 jieˊ shuˋ

Done, Finished, Conclude, End, Finish

結束了 jieˊ shuˋ le˙

Finished, Ended

結束對話 jieˊ shuˋ duiˋ huaˋ

End the conversation, Conclude the conversation

接住 jie¯ zhuˋ

Caught, Received

接住我 jie¯ zhuˋ woˇ

Catch me

借住 jieˋ zhuˋ

Stay at

借助 jieˋ zhuˋ

With, By means of, Use

借助絞車兩邊的四個人 jieˋ zhuˋ jiaoˇ che¯ liangˇ bian¯ de˙ siˋ ge˙ renˊ

By means of four people on either side of the winch

bie, die, jie, lie, nie, qie, tie, xie, ye

獵捕 lieˋ buˇ

Hunt, Hunting

列出 lieˋ chu¯

Lists, Listed

列入 lieˋ ruˋ

Placed in, Incorporated

獵物 lieˋ wuˋ

Game, Prey, Quarry, Target, Potential victims

bie, die, jie, lie, nie, qie, tie, xie, ye

顳骨 nieˋ guˇ

Temporal Bone

bie, die, jie, lie, nie, qie, tie, xie, ye

切除 qie¯ chuˊ


且副 qieˇ fuˋ

And vice

切膚 qieˋ fu¯

Close to oneself, Feel keenly

切骨 qieˋ guˇ

Intense, Deep, Strongly felt

切努克號 qieˋ nuˇ keˋ haoˋ


切入 qie¯ ruˋ

Carve out, Carve into, Cut into

且住 qieˇ zhuˋ

Wait! Stop it!

bie, die, jie, lie, nie, qie, tie, xie, ye

貼補 tie¯ buˇ

Supplement, Subsidize

鐵弗龍 tieˇ fuˊ longˊ


鐵路 tieˇ luˋ

Railroad, Railway, Railways, Train tracks

鐵路隧道 tieˇ luˋ suiˋ daoˋ

Railway tunnel

bie, die, jie, lie, nie, qie, tie, xie, ye

些不耐煩 xie¯ buˊ naiˋ fanˊ

A little impatient

寫不上 xieˇ buˊ shangˋ

Can't write on it, Can't be written on

攜出 xieˊ chu¯

Remove from, Take out, Carry out

寫出 xieˇ chu¯

Write out, Write down

諧附 xieˊ fuˋ


楔骨 xie¯ guˇ


泄露 xieˋ luˋ


泄露出 xieˋ luˋ chu¯


協助 xieˊ zhuˋ

Help, Assist, Mutually beneficial assistance

bie, die, jie, lie, nie, qie, tie, xie, ye

也不在大乎 yeˇ buˊ zaiˋ daˋ hu¯

Didn't much care

也不在意 yeˇ buˊ zaiˋ yiˋ

Wasn't at all bothered, Was untroubled

也不算 yeˇ buˊ suanˋ

Not matter, Not count, Don't count

也不算多 yeˇ buˊ suanˋ duo¯

Didn't amount to much, Didn't amount to alot

也不要 yeˇ buˊ yaoˋ

Also… no or not

也不見得 yeˇ buˊ jianˋ deˊ

Not necessarily

也不記得了 yeˇ buˊ jiˋ deˊ liaoˇ

Couldn't remember

也不過跟加法一樣 yeˇ buˊ guoˋ gen¯ jia¯ faˇ yiˊ yangˋ

It's just like adding

也不適用囉 yeˇ buˊ shiˋ yongˋ luo¯

Doesn't work, Isn't useful

也不知道 yeˇ buˋ zhi¯ daoˋ

Do not know, Does not know, Did not know, Did not recognize

也不知道那是什麼 yeˇ buˋ zhi¯ daoˋ naˋ shiˋ shenˊ me˙

Wouldn't know it, Wouldn't know, Wouldn't recognize, Would be unable to recognize what it was

野夫總匯 yeˇ fu¯ zongˇ huiˋ

Club (As In Club Sandwich)

野夫總匯帕里尼 yeˇ fu¯ zongˇ huiˋ paˋ liˇ niˊ

Club Panini

業服務業 yeˋ fuˊ wuˋ yeˋ

Business services

耶姆人 ye¯ muˇ renˊ


耶穌 ye¯ su¯


業務 yeˋ wuˋ


Grouped in tone pairs

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

別無選擇 bieˊ wuˊ xuanˇ zeˊ

Without a choice

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

跌出 die¯ chu¯

Fall out, Drop out

耶穌 ye¯ su¯


22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

切除 qie¯ chuˊ


些不耐煩 xie¯ buˊ naiˋ fanˊ

A little impatient

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

貼補 tie¯ buˇ

Supplement, Subsidize

楔骨 xie¯ guˇ


耶姆人 ye¯ muˇ renˊ


22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

接觸 jie¯ chuˋ

Contact, Touch, Explore (a new place, New planet)

接觸了 jie¯ chuˋ le˙

Contacted, Got in touch

接觸到 jie¯ chuˋ daoˋ

Come in contact with, Contacted

接觸的 jie¯ chuˋ de˙


接觸點 jie¯ chuˋ dianˇ

Point of contact

揭露 jie¯ luˋ

Reveal, Revealed

揭露奧祕 jie¯ luˋ aoˋ miˋ

Mysteries revealed, Mysteries had been revealed, Reveal the mystery,

揭露真相 jie¯ luˋ zhen¯ xiang¯

Show truth, Uncover truth, Reveal the truth

揭幕 jie¯ muˋ

Raise the curtain, Unveil, Grand opening

接住 jie¯ zhuˋ

Caught, Received

接住我 jie¯ zhuˋ woˇ

Catch me

切入 qie¯ ruˋ

Carve out, Carve into, Cut into

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

別出來 bieˊ chu¯ laiˊ

Don't come out

別出聲 bieˊ chu¯ sheng¯

Keep quiet, Don't make a sound

疊出 dieˊ chu¯

Repeat, Replicate, Reproduce

傑出 jieˊ chu¯


結出 jieˊ chu¯


攜出 xieˊ chu¯

Remove from, Take out, Carry out

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

別處 bieˊ chuˇ


捷普 jieˊ puˇ

Jaipur (India)

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

別墅 bieˊ shuˋ

Villa, Cottage, Country house

節目 jieˊ muˋ


節目結束 jieˊ muˋ jieˊ shuˋ

End of the program

結束 jieˊ shuˋ

Done, Finished, Conclude, End, Finish

結束了 jieˊ shuˋ le˙

Finished, Ended

結束對話 jieˊ shuˋ duiˋ huaˋ

End the conversation, Conclude the conversation

諧附 xieˊ fuˋ


協助 xieˊ zhuˋ

Help, Assist, Mutually beneficial assistance

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

解出來 jieˇ chu¯ laiˊ


寫出 xieˇ chu¯

Write out, Write down

野夫總匯 yeˇ fu¯ zongˇ huiˋ

Club (As In Club Sandwich)

野夫總匯帕里尼 yeˇ fu¯ zongˇ huiˋ paˋ liˇ niˊ

Club Panini

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

解除 jieˇ chuˊ

Relieve, Release, Remove restrictions, Annul, Cancel, Fire from a job, Relieve from a post, Renounce

解讀 jieˇ duˊ


鐵弗龍 tieˇ fuˊ longˊ


寫不上 xieˇ buˊ shangˋ

Can't write on it, Can't be written on

也不在大乎 yeˇ buˊ zaiˋ daˋ hu¯

Didn't much care

也不在意 yeˇ buˊ zaiˋ yiˋ

Wasn't at all bothered, Was untroubled

也不算 yeˇ buˊ suanˋ

Not matter, Not count, Don't count

也不算多 yeˇ buˊ suanˋ duo¯

Didn't amount to much, Didn't amount to alot

也不要 yeˇ buˊ yaoˋ

Also… no or not

也不見得 yeˇ buˊ jianˋ deˊ

Not necessarily

也不記得了 yeˇ buˊ jiˋ deˊ liaoˇ

Couldn't remember

也不過跟加法一樣 yeˇ buˊ guoˋ gen¯ jia¯ faˇ yiˊ yangˋ

It's just like adding

也不適用囉 yeˇ buˊ shiˋ yongˋ luo¯

Doesn't work, Isn't useful

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

解苦 jieˇ kuˇ

Resolve pain or suffering

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

解僱 jieˇ guˋ


且副 qieˇ fuˋ

And vice

且住 qieˇ zhuˋ

Wait! Stop it!

鐵路 tieˇ luˋ

Railroad, Railway, Railways, Train tracks

鐵路隧道 tieˇ luˋ suiˋ daoˋ

Railway tunnel

也不知道 yeˇ buˋ zhi¯ daoˋ

Do not know, Does not know, Did not know, Did not recognize

也不知道那是什麼 yeˇ buˋ zhi¯ daoˋ naˋ shiˋ shenˊ me˙

Wouldn't know it, Wouldn't know, Wouldn't recognize, Would be unable to recognize what it was

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

介乎 jieˋ hu¯

Somewhere between

列出 lieˋ chu¯

Lists, Listed

切膚 qieˋ fu¯

Close to oneself, Feel keenly

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

借不到 jieˋ buˊ daoˋ

Can't lend

業服務業 yeˋ fuˊ wuˋ yeˋ

Business services

22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

獵捕 lieˋ buˇ

Hunt, Hunting

顳骨 nieˋ guˇ

Temporal Bone

切骨 qieˋ guˇ

Intense, Deep, Strongly felt

切努克號 qieˋ nuˇ keˋ haoˋ


22, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 23, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

借不著 jieˋ buˋ zhaoˊ

Can't lend

介入 jieˋ ruˋ

Interfere with, Get involved with/in

借住 jieˋ zhuˋ

Stay at

借助 jieˋ zhuˋ

With, By means of, Use

借助絞車兩邊的四個人 jieˋ zhuˋ jiaoˇ che¯ liangˇ bian¯ de˙ siˋ ge˙ renˊ

By means of four people on either side of the winch

列入 lieˋ ruˋ

Placed in, Incorporated

獵物 lieˋ wuˋ

Game, Prey, Quarry, Target, Potential victims

泄露 xieˋ luˋ


泄露出 xieˋ luˋ chu¯


業務 yeˋ wuˋ



口-口 : > : > [別]-別無 : > [別]-別無選擇 >

丿-𠂉 : > : > [無]-無選 : > [無]-別無選擇 >

丶-辶 : > : > [選]-選擇 : > [選]-別無選擇 >

十-扌 : > : > [擇]-選擇 : > [擇]-別無選擇 >

別無選擇 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 別

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