
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 有


All together, A total of

qianˊ houˋ zongˇ gongˋ huiˋ youˇ

有 youˇ
Have, Has, Had, That Have, Is (There Is), With, If, Possessing, Owning, Be Present, Exist

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Phone , Tone


前後 qianˊ houˋ

總共 zongˇ gongˋ

Words that rhyme with 前後總共會有 (yan-ou)

Grouped by first phone

qian, bian, dian, jian, lian, nian, tian, xian, yan

前後 qianˊ houˋ

Forward and Back, All together, About, Before and after

前後徑 qianˊ houˋ jingˋ

Front-to-back diameter or distance

前後總共 qianˊ houˋ zongˇ gongˋ

All together from start to finish

前後總共會有 qianˊ houˋ zongˇ gongˋ huiˋ youˇ

All together, A total of

前後輪 qianˊ houˋ lunˊ

Front and back wheels

前後轉移你的重量 qianˊ houˋ zhuanˇ yiˊ niˇ de˙ zhongˋ liangˋ

Shift your weight forwards and backwards, Shifting your weight forwards and backwards

前後轉移重量 qianˊ houˋ zhuanˇ yiˊ zhongˋ liangˋ

Shift weight forwards and backwards, Shifting weight forwards and backwards

欠收 qianˋ shou¯

Crops fail, Crop failure, Poor harvest

牽頭 qian¯ touˊ

Take the lead

前頭 qianˊ tou˙

Front end

qian, bian, dian, jian, lian, nian, tian, xian, yan

變厚 bianˋ houˋ

Thicken, Thickened, Make thicker, Became thicker

邊走邊讚嘆 bian¯ zouˇ bian¯ zanˋ tanˋ

Walk while speaking out in admiration

qian, bian, dian, jian, lian, nian, tian, xian, yan

點頭 dianˇ touˊ

Nod head

點頭道別 dianˇ touˊ daoˋ bieˊ

Nod goodbye, Nods goodbye, Nodding goodbye, Nodded goodbye

qian, bian, dian, jian, lian, nian, tian, xian, yan

簡陋 jianˇ louˋ

Simple, Crude, Poor, Humble, Very basic

簡陋地 jianˇ louˋ de˙

Simple, Crude, Very basic

堅守 jian¯ shouˇ

Hold fast

肩頭 jian¯ touˊ

Shoulder, Shoulders

剪頭髮 jianˇ touˊ faˋ

Give a haircut, Have a haircut

qian, bian, dian, jian, lian, nian, tian, xian, yan

聯手 lianˊ shouˇ

Join hands, Hold hands

聯軸節 lianˊ zhouˊ jieˊ

Shaft coupling

qian, bian, dian, jian, lian, nian, tian, xian, yan

黏稠 nianˊ chouˊ


黏稠物 nianˊ chouˊ wuˋ


黏稠狀 nianˊ chouˊ zhuangˋ

Viscous, Holds shape

年頭 nianˊ touˊ


念頭 nianˋ touˊ

Thought, Thoughts

qian, bian, dian, jian, lian, nian, tian, xian, yan

天候 tian¯ houˋ


甜頭 tianˊ touˊ


qian, bian, dian, jian, lian, nian, tian, xian, yan

仙后座 xian¯ houˋ zuoˋ


先後 xian¯ houˋ

Order of events, Successive, Sequence of events, In this order

先後繼起 xian¯ houˋ jiˋ qiˇ

Successive, One after the other

先後繼起的國家 xian¯ houˋ jiˋ qiˇ de˙ guoˊ jia¯

Successive states, Successive countries

先走 xian¯ zouˇ

Go first, Goes first, Going first, Went first

qian, bian, dian, jian, lian, nian, tian, xian, yan

咽喉 yan¯ houˊ


延後 yanˊ houˋ

Postpone, Delay

岩口藏身處 yanˊ kouˇ cangˊ shen¯ chuˇ

Stone shelter

掩口而笑 yanˇ kouˇ erˊ xiaoˋ

Hide one's smile

眼眸 yanˇ mouˊ

Eye, Eyes

眼熟 yanˇ shouˊ

Look familiar, Looked familiar

驗收 yanˋ shou¯


演奏 yanˇ zouˋ

Live musical performance, Perform live

Grouped in tone pairs

24, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 25, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

前後 qianˊ houˋ

Forward and Back, All together, About, Before and after

前後徑 qianˊ houˋ jingˋ

Front-to-back diameter or distance

前後總共 qianˊ houˋ zongˇ gongˋ

All together from start to finish

前後總共會有 qianˊ houˋ zongˇ gongˋ huiˋ youˇ

All together, A total of

前後輪 qianˊ houˋ lunˊ

Front and back wheels

前後轉移你的重量 qianˊ houˋ zhuanˇ yiˊ niˇ de˙ zhongˋ liangˋ

Shift your weight forwards and backwards, Shifting your weight forwards and backwards

前後轉移重量 qianˊ houˋ zhuanˇ yiˊ zhongˋ liangˋ

Shift weight forwards and backwards, Shifting weight forwards and backwards

延後 yanˊ houˋ

Postpone, Delay

24, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 25, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

肩頭 jian¯ touˊ

Shoulder, Shoulders

牽頭 qian¯ touˊ

Take the lead

咽喉 yan¯ houˊ


24, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 25, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

邊走邊讚嘆 bian¯ zouˇ bian¯ zanˋ tanˋ

Walk while speaking out in admiration

堅守 jian¯ shouˇ

Hold fast

先走 xian¯ zouˇ

Go first, Goes first, Going first, Went first

24, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 25, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

天候 tian¯ houˋ


仙后座 xian¯ houˋ zuoˋ


先後 xian¯ houˋ

Order of events, Successive, Sequence of events, In this order

先後繼起 xian¯ houˋ jiˋ qiˇ

Successive, One after the other

先後繼起的國家 xian¯ houˋ jiˋ qiˇ de˙ guoˊ jia¯

Successive states, Successive countries

24, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 25, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

聯軸節 lianˊ zhouˊ jieˊ

Shaft coupling

黏稠 nianˊ chouˊ


黏稠物 nianˊ chouˊ wuˋ


黏稠狀 nianˊ chouˊ zhuangˋ

Viscous, Holds shape

年頭 nianˊ touˊ


甜頭 tianˊ touˊ


24, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 25, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

聯手 lianˊ shouˇ

Join hands, Hold hands

岩口藏身處 yanˊ kouˇ cangˊ shen¯ chuˇ

Stone shelter

24, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 25, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

前頭 qianˊ tou˙

Front end

24, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 25, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

點頭 dianˇ touˊ

Nod head

點頭道別 dianˇ touˊ daoˋ bieˊ

Nod goodbye, Nods goodbye, Nodding goodbye, Nodded goodbye

剪頭髮 jianˇ touˊ faˋ

Give a haircut, Have a haircut

眼眸 yanˇ mouˊ

Eye, Eyes

眼熟 yanˇ shouˊ

Look familiar, Looked familiar

24, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 25, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

掩口而笑 yanˇ kouˇ erˊ xiaoˋ

Hide one's smile

24, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 25, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

簡陋 jianˇ louˋ

Simple, Crude, Poor, Humble, Very basic

簡陋地 jianˇ louˋ de˙

Simple, Crude, Very basic

演奏 yanˇ zouˋ

Live musical performance, Perform live

24, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 25, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

欠收 qianˋ shou¯

Crops fail, Crop failure, Poor harvest

驗收 yanˋ shou¯


24, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 25, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

念頭 nianˋ touˊ

Thought, Thoughts

24, 12, 13, 14, 22, 23, 25, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 44

變厚 bianˋ houˋ

Thicken, Thickened, Make thicker, Became thicker


人-丷 : > : > [前]-前後 : > [前]-前後總共會有 >

丿-彳 : > : > [後]-前後 : > [後]-前後總共會有 >

𠄌-糸 : > : > [總]-總共 : > [總]-前後總共會有 >

人-龷 : > : > [共]-總共 : > [共]-前後總共會有 >

人-人 : > : > [會]-會有 : > [會]-前後總共會有 >

十-𠂇 : > : > [有]-會有 : > [有]-前後總共會有 >

前後總共會有 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 有

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