
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 美


North American

beiˇ meiˇ de˙

美 meiˇ
Beautiful, Captivating, Handsome, Fine, Attractive, Happy, America

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Phone , Tone


北美 beiˇ meiˇ

Words that rhyme with 北美的 (ei-ei)

Grouped by first phone

bei, fei, hei, lei, mei, pei

背背包 bei¯ beiˋ bao¯

Carry a backpack

背背包遠足 bei¯ beiˋ bao¯ yuanˇ zuˊ

Backpacking, Hiking

背黑鍋 beiˋ hei¯ guo¯

Take the blame for another's mistake

北美 beiˇ meiˇ

North America

北美的 beiˇ meiˇ de˙

North American

bei, fei, hei, lei, mei, pei

非得 fei¯ deiˇ

Had no alternative but to, Have to, Must

非非金屬 fei¯ fei¯ jin¯ zhuˇ


沸沸揚揚 feiˋ feiˋ yangˊ yangˊ


bei, fei, hei, lei, mei, pei

黑黑 hei¯ hei¯


黑黑的 hei¯ hei¯ de˙


bei, fei, hei, lei, mei, pei

累累杖痕 leiˋ leiˋ zhangˋ henˊ

Cane marks

bei, fei, hei, lei, mei, pei

每每 meiˇ meiˇ

Repeatedly, Frequently, Often

妹妹 meiˋ mei˙

Sister, Younger sister

bei, fei, hei, lei, mei, pei

配備 peiˋ beiˋ

Issue, Equip, Equipped, Outfit

Grouped in tone pairs

33, 11, 13, 14, 41, 44, 45

北美 beiˇ meiˇ

North America

北美的 beiˇ meiˇ de˙

North American

每每 meiˇ meiˇ

Repeatedly, Frequently, Often

33, 11, 13, 14, 41, 44, 45

非非金屬 fei¯ fei¯ jin¯ zhuˇ


黑黑 hei¯ hei¯


黑黑的 hei¯ hei¯ de˙


33, 11, 13, 14, 41, 44, 45

非得 fei¯ deiˇ

Had no alternative but to, Have to, Must

33, 11, 13, 14, 41, 44, 45

背背包 bei¯ beiˋ bao¯

Carry a backpack

背背包遠足 bei¯ beiˋ bao¯ yuanˇ zuˊ

Backpacking, Hiking

33, 11, 13, 14, 41, 44, 45

背黑鍋 beiˋ hei¯ guo¯

Take the blame for another's mistake

33, 11, 13, 14, 41, 44, 45

沸沸揚揚 feiˋ feiˋ yangˊ yangˊ


累累杖痕 leiˋ leiˋ zhangˋ henˊ

Cane marks

配備 peiˋ beiˋ

Issue, Equip, Equipped, Outfit

33, 11, 13, 14, 41, 44, 45

妹妹 meiˋ mei˙

Sister, Younger sister


丨-北 : > : > [北]-北美 : > [北]-北美的 >

人-丷 : > : > [美]-北美 : > [美]-北美的 >

丶-白 : > : > [的]-美的 : > [的]-北美的 >

北美的 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 美

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