Index for words including 去


Go, Go To, Leave, Depart, Remove, Get Rid Of, Discard, Play A Role

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


我們去別的地方 We're going someplace else, We're going somewhere different, We're going to a different place


去哪 Going where, Where to?

你這是去哪 Where are you going?

媽媽去哪裡了 Where did mother go?


妳會跟我一起去嗎 Are you coming with me?, Will you accompany me?

妳會跟我們一起去嗎 Are you coming with us?, Will you accompany us?


去買 Go and buy, Go to buy


去睡 Go to bed, Went to bed, Go to sleep


帶他去見 Take him to see

帶我去見 Take me to see


去用 Borrowed, Used

去用 Was using it


來龍去脈 Ins and outs


去除 Remove


去習 Is to get used to, Are getting used to, For getting used to


去尋 Went looking for, Went searching for, Seek, Seek out

去尋找並毀滅 Seek and destroy


去了 Went, went to, Been, Been to, Gone to

吹到幾公里外去了 Blown kilometers away

你妻子去了哪裡 Where did your wife go?

甚至去了幾小時毛骨悚然的聖經研讀會 Had even attended a few hours worth of horrific bible-study sessions


去爬 Go hiking, Go climbing


去學校學習 Go to school to study


去匆 Bustling


去年 Last year

去年 Compared to last year

去年同期 Same period last year

去年春天 Last spring

去年的這個時候 This time last year

去年的事件發生之後 After the events of last year, After the happenings of the previous year


去休 Go on vacation


去何 Choose what to do next


去做 Done it


去拜 Go to worship Buddha

去拜 Go to visit


去看 Go and see, Go to see

出門去看朋友 Went out to see friends, Went out to go and see friends

去看 Go to visit

我們去看 Let's go and see


去得 Can go

來得容易去得也容易 Easy come, easy go


去向 Whereabouts


去郊 Goes out to the country


用各種方法去旅 Use all kinds of methods to travel, Travel in various ways

會用各種方法去旅 Can use all kinds of methods to travel, Can travel in varies ways


去讀 Enroll


用手去感 Use hand to feel, Used their hand to feel


去冰 No ice


命令她去泡 Order her to go make tea, Ordered her to go make tea, Ordering her to go and make tea


去漸 Receeding


去送 Go to die, Go to one's death


去遊 Go travel, Go travelling


去過 Have been (someplace)

去過 I went to

去過北京 I went to Beijing

去過郵局 I went to the post office.

去過圖書館 I was at the library.

從未真正去過那裡 Had never actually been there, Had never been there


去分 Take this to be analyzed, Get this analyzed, Get these analyzed


去到 Go to


去不 Can't go, Not possible to go

去不 Leave for good, Leave and never return

去不回的 Gone for good, Won't ever return

我們還去不去了 Are we still going or not, Are we still going


去死 Go to hell

叫他前任老闆去死 Told his last boss to go to hell


我試著去數 I tried to count them


去上 Go to school, Goes to school, Going to school, Went to school

去上 Went to work

去上 Went to work

去上 Didn't go to work, Missed work

沒有錢讓我去上 Not enough money for me to go to school

如果今天是她去上 If she goes to class today, If she'd gone to class today


他們可以去獻 They could go


去處 Place


去幹 Why go?, What's this about?, What's going on?, What are you doing?


如蝗蟲般地來來去去 Like locusts in the same way coming and going


去找 Go and look for, Go to look for, Went to find

去找 Go out and find

去找食物 Go to look for food

去找你的朋友 Find your friends, Go to your friends


去掉 Remove, Drop


去探望他 Go to visit him


去接 Go pick him up

伸手去接 Reach out to touch, Reached out and touched


去世 Death, Die, Leave the world


別去 Don't go


被風吹去 Blown away by the wind, Blown off by the wind


跑去 Run (there), Went for a run

跑來跑去 Running around, Running here and there

騎馬跑來跑去 Riding around on horses


跳來跳去 Jump around, Hop around, Jump here and there, Jump everywhere


回去 Return to, Go back to, Goes back to

回去 Shout back in return

回去 Put back

回去 Climbed back to

回去 Staple back, Staple back in place

走不回去 Can't go, Can't get back

回去 Go back to work on

回去 Hurried back to check

回去 Deliver back to, Send back to, Deliver to, Send to

我們回去 Let's go back, Let's return, Let's go home

回去面對 Turned back to face

回去面對他 Turned back to face him

回去年的夏天 Back to the summer of last year

心裡跳回去年的夏天 Flashing back to the previous summer


除去 Remove


走路上山去 Walk up the mountain


出去 Go out, Get out!, Went out

出去 Get out quick, Get out quickly

出去 Safely get out, Safely escape

出去 A view of, A view out onto

出去 Shot (from a gun), Fired

出去 Say it, Speak it

出去 Go all out

出去 Followed out, Chased after

退出去 Back away, Back out, Backed out, Backed away

出去 Expel, Drive out

出去 Fly out

不愛出去 Doesn't like going out

推了出去 Pushed out

逃了出去 Escaped

飛了出去 Flew out (from)

保釋了出去 Bailed out

從出口出去 Go out through the exit

把他帶出去 Took him out

拿垃圾出去 Take the trash out

選擇飛出去 Choose to fly out, Chose to fly out

窗戶鑽了出去 Went through the window

那個門走出去 Go out that door

從高塔上丟出去 Thrown from a tower, Thrown off of a tower

必須拿垃圾出去 Must take the trash out

從小小舊窗看出去 Looking out from the small old window

從那邊那個門走出去 Go out through that door over there

我今天晚上被人家從高塔上丟出去 I was thrown from a tower tonight

出去 Went out to grab, Went out to get

出去 Head out to, Walked out to

一起出去 Go to play together

剛才出去 Just went out

和好朋友一起出去 With friends go to play together

從更高的地方摔出去 Have fallen from higher places, Been thrown from higher places

你又不是沒有從更高的地方摔出去 It's not like you haven't been thrown from higher, You've been thrown from higher

妳又不是沒有從更高的地方摔出去 It's not like you haven't been thrown from higher, You've been thrown from higher

出去的子彈 The shot, The bullet shot


她去 Send her to, Sending her to, Sent her to


我不能去 I can't go, I can't go to


飛去 Fly away

向天空飛去 Fly away


爬來爬去 Crawl around, Crawling around, Crawled around


失去 Lose, Lost

失去 Lost, Gone missing

失去平衡 Lose balance

失去知覺 Unconscious

失去蹤影 Lost track of

失去了興趣 Lost interest

失去女神眷顧 Lost a goddess's favor

有人失去生命 Someone died, Someone lost their life

變得失去意義 Lost meaning, Lost its meaning

完全失去了主張 Completely out of ideas, At the end of their wits

逐漸失去對各國的影響力 Gradually losing authority over other states


佔去 Occupied, Accounted for


動來動去 Move around, Move from place to place, Move here and there

東西動來動去 Move stuff around, Move things around, Moving things around


我去 Take me to

能帶我去 Can take me to, Are able to take me to, Will be able to take me to


看去 Looked out

忽左忽右看來看去 Snapping back and forwards, Repeatedly looking left and right


舔去 Licked, Licked off

將手掌上的鮮血舔去 Licked the blood of their palms


將東西移來移去 Move stuff around, Moving stuff around


走上稱去 Step onto the scale


辭去 Resign, Resign from


得去 Should go

得去 Can go up

得去 Can go down

得去 Can go out

得去 Can go back

得去 Can go in

得去 Can go over

得去上班了 Had gone to work

得去上班了 She had gone to work


離去 Leave

等他們離去 After they left, After they were gone


放眼望去 Where ever (you) look, Looking around, Looking ahead (to where they want to go)


該去 Should go, Should go to

該去一趟 I think you should go there, I think you should take a trip

知道它該去的明確位置 Knew exactly where it should go, Knew exactly where it was supposed to go


割去 Cut, Chop


自去 Go in person


轉過身去 Turned around, Spun around, Wheeled around


永遠沒去 Never did, Never got around to


河去 Go across the river


消去 Reduce, Eliminate

消去大半暑氣 Reduce the effects of the heat of summer


淡去 Fading

逐漸淡去 Gradually fading


游來游去 Swim here and there


送去 Sent to, Had sent to


進去 Enter, Go in, Go into

進去 Suck into, Sucked into, Drawn into

進去 Take into, Taken into, Took into

進去 Put in

進去 Climbed aboard

進去 Run into

叫她進去 Tell her to go in, Told her to go in

插了進去 Plugging into

搬不進去 Can't move into, Can't be moved into

爬了進去 Climbed inside

考慮進去 Take into account

讓他們進去 Let them in

進去 After going in, After entering

進去 After running in (to)


過去 Formerly, In the past, Former, Old, Pass, Pass by, Passed, Go over, Go over there, Ended, Was over, Pass away

過去 Send to

過去 Bent

過去 Turn over, Flip, Flip over, Turn over there

過去 Walked over

儘快過去 Go over as soon as possible

撲了過去 Rushed over

看得過去 Barely presentable

翻了過去 Tumbled, Fell over

跨了過去 Across the past, Step through, Steps through, Stepping through, Stepped through, Cross over, Crosses over, Crossing over, Crossed over

我可以過去 I can come

朝上彎過去 Bent upwards

他把臉轉過去 He turned his face

和我一起過去 Go with me, Come with me to

慢吞吞地過去 Went by slowly

能夠傳遞過去 Could get through

日子一天天過去 As the days went by

過去都讓它過去 The past is the past, It's all water under the bridge

他在這裡有段過去 He has a history here

一分鐘慢吞吞地過去 A minute dragged by slowly

過去 Past Tense

動詞過去 Verb Past Tense

一天天過去 Days go by

一下子就過去 Flew by, Went by quickly

一切真的過去 Completely in the past, Completely over

這一切都過去 It was all over now

時間很快就過去 Time passed quickly

上午的時間一下子就過去 The morning went by quickly

過去幾天 Spent several days, Spent a few days

過去的事 Past events, Situations from the past

過去問她 Hurried over to ask her

過去幾十年 Past few decades

過去三個月 Over the last three months, For the last three months

過去看著他 Turn to him, Turns to him, Turned to him

過去幾十年內 Within the past few decades

過去的事情了 Were a thing of the past

過去幾十年內發展出來 Been developed within the last few decades

趕緊轉過去面對他 Quickly turn to face him, Quickly turning to face him, Quickly turned to face him

趕緊轉過去面對她 Quickly turn to face her, Quickly turning to face her, Quickly turned to face her

他把臉轉過去正面對著 He turned his face directly toward


掉到河裡去 Fall into the river, Fell into the river


人去 Take a team to, Take a group to, Take some people to


斜去 Angled

朝山邊斜去 Angled towards a hillside, Angled towards the side of a mountain


會去 Will go to

會去哪裡 Where would I go?

會去那裡 I would go there

會去公園運動 Will go to the park to exercise, Goes to the park to exercise

我不會去和他談 I won't go and talk with him

會去比佛利山莊 Wouldn't go to Beverly Hills, Wouldn't be in Beverly Hills

可是妳也會去 But you'll go too!, But you'll be there!

幾乎勢必會去 Would almost certainly have to wonder


鑽來鑽去 Moving here and there


少去 Very seldom, Very seldom go


前去 Go to


常去 Often gone

常去那裡 Often gone there

常去那裡游泳 Often gone there to swim, Often gone swimming there


下去 Go down, Went down

下去 Thrown out, Dropped, Discarded

下去 Plug in, Stick in, Jab in, Plugged in, Stuck in, Jabbed in

下去 Didn't go down

下去 Survive, Keep on living, Stay alive

下去 Climbed down

下去 Look down, Looking down

下去 Go down

下去 Jumped down

到樓下去 Went downstairs

掉了下去 Fell down

生存下去 To survive

落了下去 Falling off, Dropping down

不會掉下去 Did not fall, Will not fall

就想走下去 Thinking to go down

繼續待下去 Stay, Stay in, Stay on

繼續創設下去 Continue to start a company, Continue in founding companies

從邊緣掉了下去 Fell off the edge

會願意保持下去 Liked to maintain it, Liked to keep it

沒有水活不下去 Can't live without water

把我從高塔上丟下去 Throw me from a tower, Threw me from a tower

從太平洋暗沈的表面看下去 Looking down through the dark surface of the Pacific

下去 Went down

被人從飛機上丟下去 Thrown out of an airplane, Dropped from an airplane

他是被人從飛機上丟下去 He was thrown out of an airplane, Someone threw him out of an airplane


不去 Didn't go (to), Can't go (to)

不去 Can't go up

不去 Can't go down

不去 Can't go out

不去 Can't go back

不去 Can't go in

不去 Can't go over, Make life difficult for

過意不去 Sorry

少跟戴目鏡的人過不去 Don't mess with someone wearing sights

不去 Hadn't done it, Had never done it

不去 Can't get back, Can't make it back, Won't make it back

不去 Or die

閉嘴要不去 Shut up or die

我們還去不去 Are we still going or not, Are we still going

不得不去哀求 Had to beg


可去 Could go to


要去 Wants to go, Was going

要去 Don't want to go, Doesn't want to go, Didn't want to go

要去 Just going to, Am going to

他盤算既然要去 He figured that since he was going

我都要去上學 I still have to go to school, I have to go to school anyway

知道要去哪兒吧 Know where to go?, Know where we are going?

那我要去哪裡 Then where do I go?

接下來要去哪裡 Where to go next, Where do you want to go next?


翻來覆去 Toss and turn


揚長而去 Turned and ran, Sped away

遠逸而去 Fun far away, Runs far away, Running far away, Ran far away

朝山谷的尾端而去 Towards the end of the valley


死去 Dead

他會死去 He would die, He would be dead


上去 Go up

上去 Add, Added

上去 Didn't go up

上去 Climbed up

上去 Looks like

上去 Stood up on

上去 Went after, Chased

一走上去 Went up, Went up onto

開不上去 Can't drive up (it)

放到稱上去 Place onto the scale

把自己拉上去 Pulled himself up, Pulled herself up, Pulled themselves up, Pull yourself up

把自己舉上去 Pull yourself up, Pulled herself up, Pulled himself up, Pulled themselves up

將自己給舉了上去 Lifted himself up, Lifted herself up, Lifted themselves up, Lift yourself up

他將自己給舉了上去 He lifted himself up, He hauled himself up

上去 Went up

高到了天上去 Ascended towards the sky

上去抱住 Throw a hug around

上去像是 Looked like, To look at seemed like

上去十分寂寞 Looked lonely, Looking lonely

把耳朵貼上去偷聽 Placed her ear against it and listened, Placed his ear against it and listened


走去 Went over, Wandered over

走來走去 Went around, Wondered around

朝出口走去 Walk toward the exit, Walking towards the exit, Walked towards the exit

拖著步子走來走去 Shuffled around


起去 Went together to

跟我一起去 Go with me, Come with me

我不能和你一起去 I can't go with you, I won't be able to go with you

我不能和你們一起去 I can't go with you, I won't be able to go with you


想去 Do not want to go to, Did not want to go to


樓去 Went downstairs


抹去 Blot, Wipe out, Obliterate, Erase

無法抹去 Unable to erase or blot out


拖去 Dragged to, Towed to, Hauled away


掃去 Sweep away, Sweeps away, Sweeping away, Swept away

朝上游掃去 Sweep upstream, Sweeps upstream, Sweeping upstream, Swept upstream


接去 Heads straight for, Headed straight to


搬去 Move (house) away


從凳子上摔去 Fell off of the stool, Falling off of the stool


擦去 Wipe off

擦去 Been wiped off, Been erased


眼珠轉來轉去 Eyes moving from place to place, Eyes moving

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