
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 口


Tone, Connotation

kouˇ wenˇ

口 kouˇ
Mouth, Opening, Entrance, Gate, MW For Members Of A Family

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 口吻 (ou-wen)

Grouped by first phone

kou, chou, dou, hou, shou, tou, zhou

口吻 kouˇ wenˇ

Tone, Connotation

kou, chou, dou, hou, shou, tou, zhou

醜聞 chouˇ wenˊ


kou, chou, dou, hou, shou, tou, zhou

斗紋 douˇ wenˊ

Fingerprints, Fingerprints with whorls

kou, chou, dou, hou, shou, tou, zhou

後盾 houˋ dunˋ

Backing, Support, Supporter

後輪 houˋ lunˊ

Back wheel, Rear wheel, Rear wheels

kou, chou, dou, hou, shou, tou, zhou

受損 shouˋ sunˇ

Become damaged, Suffer damage

kou, chou, dou, hou, shou, tou, zhou

頭昏 touˊ hun¯

Dizzy, Feel dizzy, Felt dizzy

頭昏腦脹 touˊ hun¯ naoˇ zhangˋ

Feel dizzy, Felt dizzy, Felt light headed

kou, chou, dou, hou, shou, tou, zhou

皺紋 zhouˋ wenˊ

Wrinkle, Crease, Wrinkles

皺紋開始出現 zhouˋ wenˊ kai¯ shiˇ chu¯ xianˋ

Wrinkles start to appear, Wrinkles started to appear

縐紋 zhouˋ wenˊ

Wrinkles, Creases

縐紋紙 zhouˋ wenˊ zhiˇ

Crepe paper

Grouped in tone pairs

33, 21, 32, 42, 43, 44

口吻 kouˇ wenˇ

Tone, Connotation

33, 21, 32, 42, 43, 44

頭昏 touˊ hun¯

Dizzy, Feel dizzy, Felt dizzy

頭昏腦脹 touˊ hun¯ naoˇ zhangˋ

Feel dizzy, Felt dizzy, Felt light headed

33, 21, 32, 42, 43, 44

醜聞 chouˇ wenˊ


斗紋 douˇ wenˊ

Fingerprints, Fingerprints with whorls

33, 21, 32, 42, 43, 44

後輪 houˋ lunˊ

Back wheel, Rear wheel, Rear wheels

皺紋 zhouˋ wenˊ

Wrinkle, Crease, Wrinkles

皺紋開始出現 zhouˋ wenˊ kai¯ shiˇ chu¯ xianˋ

Wrinkles start to appear, Wrinkles started to appear

縐紋 zhouˋ wenˊ

Wrinkles, Creases

縐紋紙 zhouˋ wenˊ zhiˇ

Crepe paper

33, 21, 32, 42, 43, 44

受損 shouˋ sunˇ

Become damaged, Suffer damage

33, 21, 32, 42, 43, 44

後盾 houˋ dunˋ

Backing, Support, Supporter


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口吻 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 口

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