
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 四


Forty thousand

siˋ wanˋ

四 siˋ
Four, 4

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 四萬 (i-wan)

Grouped by first phone

si, chi, ci, shi, zhi, zi

四萬 siˋ wanˋ

Forty thousand

si, chi, ci, shi, zhi, zi

吃完 chi¯ wanˊ

After eating, Finished eating

si, chi, ci, shi, zhi, zi

刺穿 ciˋ chuan¯

Pierce, Pierced, Stab, Stabbed

磁磚 ciˊ zhuan¯

Porcelain tile

si, chi, ci, shi, zhi, zi

失傳 shi¯ chuanˊ


時段 shiˊ duanˋ

Period of time

士官 shiˋ guan¯

Sergeant, Non-commissioned officer

試管 shiˋ guanˇ

Test tube

試管口 shiˋ guanˇ kouˇ

Mouth of the test tube

試管口不可對著人體 shiˋ guanˇ kouˇ buˋ keˇ duiˋ zhe˙ renˊ tiˇ

The mouth of the test tube should be kept facing away from all persons

試管夾 shiˋ guanˇ jia¯

Test tube clamp

使喚 shiˇ huanˋ

Run errands for, Tell others what to do

十萬 shiˊ wanˋ

One hundred thousand, 100 000

十萬個 shiˊ wanˋ ge˙

One-hundred thousand

十萬個原子 shiˊ wanˋ ge˙ yuanˊ ziˇ

One hundred thousand atoms

十萬瓦 shiˊ wanˋ waˇ

One hundred thousand watts

十萬瓦的電力 shiˊ wanˋ waˇ de˙ dianˋ liˋ

One hundred thousand watts of power

十萬畝 shiˊ wanˋ muˇ

Hundred thousand acres

si, chi, ci, shi, zhi, zi

紙船 zhiˇ chuanˊ

Paper boat

直觀 zhiˊ guan¯


只關心其中一個 zhiˇ guan¯ xin¯ qiˊ zhong¯ yiˊ ge˙

Only cared about one of them, Was only concerned about one of them

指關節 zhiˇ guan¯ jieˊ

Knuckles, Finger joints

趾關節 zhiˇ guan¯ jieˊ

Toe Joint

只管 zhiˇ guanˇ

Merely, Just, By all means

至關重要 zhiˋ guan¯ zhongˋ yaoˋ

Essential, Vital, Extremely important

si, chi, ci, shi, zhi, zi

自傳 ziˋ chuanˊ

Introduction, Self introduction

自轉 ziˋ zhuanˇ

Rotation, Revolve on it's own axis

自轉週期 ziˋ zhuanˇ zhou¯ qiˊ

Period of rotation

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 12, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

四萬 siˋ wanˋ

Forty thousand

44, 12, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

吃完 chi¯ wanˊ

After eating, Finished eating

失傳 shi¯ chuanˊ


44, 12, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

磁磚 ciˊ zhuan¯

Porcelain tile

直觀 zhiˊ guan¯


44, 12, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

時段 shiˊ duanˋ

Period of time

十萬 shiˊ wanˋ

One hundred thousand, 100 000

十萬個 shiˊ wanˋ ge˙

One-hundred thousand

十萬個原子 shiˊ wanˋ ge˙ yuanˊ ziˇ

One hundred thousand atoms

十萬瓦 shiˊ wanˋ waˇ

One hundred thousand watts

十萬瓦的電力 shiˊ wanˋ waˇ de˙ dianˋ liˋ

One hundred thousand watts of power

十萬畝 shiˊ wanˋ muˇ

Hundred thousand acres

44, 12, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

只關心其中一個 zhiˇ guan¯ xin¯ qiˊ zhong¯ yiˊ ge˙

Only cared about one of them, Was only concerned about one of them

指關節 zhiˇ guan¯ jieˊ

Knuckles, Finger joints

趾關節 zhiˇ guan¯ jieˊ

Toe Joint

44, 12, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

紙船 zhiˇ chuanˊ

Paper boat

44, 12, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

只管 zhiˇ guanˇ

Merely, Just, By all means

44, 12, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

使喚 shiˇ huanˋ

Run errands for, Tell others what to do

44, 12, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

刺穿 ciˋ chuan¯

Pierce, Pierced, Stab, Stabbed

士官 shiˋ guan¯

Sergeant, Non-commissioned officer

至關重要 zhiˋ guan¯ zhongˋ yaoˋ

Essential, Vital, Extremely important

44, 12, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

自傳 ziˋ chuanˊ

Introduction, Self introduction

44, 12, 21, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

試管 shiˋ guanˇ

Test tube

試管口 shiˋ guanˇ kouˇ

Mouth of the test tube

試管口不可對著人體 shiˋ guanˇ kouˇ buˋ keˇ duiˋ zhe˙ renˊ tiˇ

The mouth of the test tube should be kept facing away from all persons

試管夾 shiˋ guanˇ jia¯

Test tube clamp

自轉 ziˋ zhuanˇ

Rotation, Revolve on it's own axis

自轉週期 ziˋ zhuanˇ zhou¯ qiˊ

Period of rotation


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四萬 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 四

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