
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 圓



yuanˊ shiˊ

圓 yuanˊ
Round, Circular, Circle, Complete, Satisfying

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 圓石 (yuan-i)

Grouped by first phone

yuan, juan, quan, xuan

遠日點 yuanˇ riˋ dianˇ

Aphelion, Point in orbit most distant from the sun

圓石 yuanˊ shiˊ


圓石子 yuanˊ shiˊ zi˙


圓石路上 yuanˊ shiˊ luˋ shangˋ


原始 yuanˊ shiˇ

Original, Source, Origin, Primitive, Primaeval

原始人 yuanˊ shiˇ renˊ


原始衝 yuanˊ shiˇ chong¯

Original, Initial, Primal

原始衝動 yuanˊ shiˇ chong¯ dongˋ

Primal impulses

遠視 yuanˇ shiˋ

Farsighted, Hypermetropia

遠視眼鏡 yuanˇ shiˋ yanˇ jingˋ

Eye-glasses for farsightedness

遠識 yuanˇ shiˋ

Wise, Farsighted, Forward looking, Prescient, Perceptive

院士 yuanˋ shiˋ


原汁 yuanˊ zhi¯


原汁原味 yuanˊ zhi¯ yuanˊ weiˋ


原子的質量 yuanˊ ziˇ de˙ zhiˊ liangˋ

Atomic mass, The mass of an atom, An atom's mass

原子與分子 yuanˊ ziˇ yuˇ fen¯ ziˇ

Atoms and molecules

原子質量比 yuanˊ ziˇ zhiˊ liangˋ biˇ

Atomic mass ratio

原子量 yuanˊ ziˇ liangˋ

Atomic weight

原子量訂法 yuanˊ ziˇ liangˋ dingˋ faˇ

Atomic weighing method

原子 yuanˊ zi˙


原子可以被放在選定的地方 yuanˊ zi˙ keˇ yiˇ beiˋ fangˋ zaiˋ xuanˇ dingˋ de˙ diˋ fang¯

Atoms can be placed in selected or predetermined locations

原子吐息 yuanˊ zi˙ tuˇ xiˊ

Atomic breath

原子吐息將 yuanˊ zi˙ tuˋ xiˊ jiang¯

Atomic breath

原子筆 yuanˊ zi˙ biˇ

Ballpoint pen

院子 yuanˋ zi˙


yuan, juan, quan, xuan

捲尺 juanˇ chiˇ

Tape measure

卷子 juanˋ ziˇ

Test paper, Examination paper

yuan, juan, quan, xuan

全詩 quanˊ shi¯

The whole poem

全詩共三節 quanˊ shi¯ gongˋ san¯ jieˊ

The poem has three stanzas

全世界 quanˊ shiˋ jieˋ

Whole world

圈智慧鑲邊 quan¯ zhiˋ huiˋ xiang¯ bian¯

Smart band

全脂 quanˊ zhi¯

Full fat

全脂牛奶 quanˊ zhi¯ niuˊ naiˇ

Whole Milk

全職 quanˊ zhiˊ

Full time

圈子 quan¯ zi˙


全自動 quanˊ ziˋ dongˋ

Full Automatic, Fully Automatic, Full Auto

全自動拍攝 quanˊ ziˋ dongˋ pai¯ sheˋ

Fully automatic picture taking (shooting)

全自動拍攝技巧 quanˊ ziˋ dongˋ pai¯ sheˋ jiˋ qiaoˇ

Full Auto picture taking (shooting) techniques

全自動模式 quanˊ ziˋ dongˋ moˊ shiˋ

Full Auto mode

全自動模式下 quanˊ ziˋ dongˋ moˊ shiˋ xiaˋ

Full auto mode, Fully automatic mode

yuan, juan, quan, xuan

宣示 xuan¯ shiˋ

Declare, Declaration

宣誓 xuan¯ shiˋ

Vow, Took a vow

宣誓加入 xuan¯ shiˋ jia¯ ruˋ

Took an oath, Take the oath, Take the oath to join, Taken the oath to join

Grouped in tone pairs

22, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 25, 33, 34, 43, 44, 45

全職 quanˊ zhiˊ

Full time

圓石 yuanˊ shiˊ


圓石子 yuanˊ shiˊ zi˙


圓石路上 yuanˊ shiˊ luˋ shangˋ


22, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 25, 33, 34, 43, 44, 45

圈智慧鑲邊 quan¯ zhiˋ huiˋ xiang¯ bian¯

Smart band

宣示 xuan¯ shiˋ

Declare, Declaration

宣誓 xuan¯ shiˋ

Vow, Took a vow

宣誓加入 xuan¯ shiˋ jia¯ ruˋ

Took an oath, Take the oath, Take the oath to join, Taken the oath to join

22, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 25, 33, 34, 43, 44, 45

圈子 quan¯ zi˙


22, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 25, 33, 34, 43, 44, 45

全詩 quanˊ shi¯

The whole poem

全詩共三節 quanˊ shi¯ gongˋ san¯ jieˊ

The poem has three stanzas

全脂 quanˊ zhi¯

Full fat

全脂牛奶 quanˊ zhi¯ niuˊ naiˇ

Whole Milk

原汁 yuanˊ zhi¯


原汁原味 yuanˊ zhi¯ yuanˊ weiˋ


22, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 25, 33, 34, 43, 44, 45

原始 yuanˊ shiˇ

Original, Source, Origin, Primitive, Primaeval

原始人 yuanˊ shiˇ renˊ


原始衝 yuanˊ shiˇ chong¯

Original, Initial, Primal

原始衝動 yuanˊ shiˇ chong¯ dongˋ

Primal impulses

原子的質量 yuanˊ ziˇ de˙ zhiˊ liangˋ

Atomic mass, The mass of an atom, An atom's mass

原子與分子 yuanˊ ziˇ yuˇ fen¯ ziˇ

Atoms and molecules

原子質量比 yuanˊ ziˇ zhiˊ liangˋ biˇ

Atomic mass ratio

原子量 yuanˊ ziˇ liangˋ

Atomic weight

原子量訂法 yuanˊ ziˇ liangˋ dingˋ faˇ

Atomic weighing method

22, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 25, 33, 34, 43, 44, 45

全世界 quanˊ shiˋ jieˋ

Whole world

全自動 quanˊ ziˋ dongˋ

Full Automatic, Fully Automatic, Full Auto

全自動拍攝 quanˊ ziˋ dongˋ pai¯ sheˋ

Fully automatic picture taking (shooting)

全自動拍攝技巧 quanˊ ziˋ dongˋ pai¯ sheˋ jiˋ qiaoˇ

Full Auto picture taking (shooting) techniques

全自動模式 quanˊ ziˋ dongˋ moˊ shiˋ

Full Auto mode

全自動模式下 quanˊ ziˋ dongˋ moˊ shiˋ xiaˋ

Full auto mode, Fully automatic mode

22, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 25, 33, 34, 43, 44, 45

原子 yuanˊ zi˙


原子可以被放在選定的地方 yuanˊ zi˙ keˇ yiˇ beiˋ fangˋ zaiˋ xuanˇ dingˋ de˙ diˋ fang¯

Atoms can be placed in selected or predetermined locations

原子吐息 yuanˊ zi˙ tuˇ xiˊ

Atomic breath

原子吐息將 yuanˊ zi˙ tuˋ xiˊ jiang¯

Atomic breath

原子筆 yuanˊ zi˙ biˇ

Ballpoint pen

22, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 25, 33, 34, 43, 44, 45

捲尺 juanˇ chiˇ

Tape measure

22, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 25, 33, 34, 43, 44, 45

遠日點 yuanˇ riˋ dianˇ

Aphelion, Point in orbit most distant from the sun

遠視 yuanˇ shiˋ

Farsighted, Hypermetropia

遠視眼鏡 yuanˇ shiˋ yanˇ jingˋ

Eye-glasses for farsightedness

遠識 yuanˇ shiˋ

Wise, Farsighted, Forward looking, Prescient, Perceptive

22, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 25, 33, 34, 43, 44, 45

卷子 juanˋ ziˇ

Test paper, Examination paper

22, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 25, 33, 34, 43, 44, 45

院士 yuanˋ shiˋ


22, 14, 15, 21, 23, 24, 25, 33, 34, 43, 44, 45

院子 yuanˋ zi˙



口-囗 : > : > [圓]-圓石 : > [圓]-圓石 >

一-石 : > : > [石]-圓石 : > [石]-圓石 >

圓石 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 圓

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