
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 寡


Number, Amount

duo¯ guaˇ

寡 guaˇ
Scant, Meager, Little, Few, Rare, Lonely, Alone, Solitary, Widow

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 多寡 (wo-wa)

Grouped by first phone

duo, guo, huo, shuo, zuo

多寡 duo¯ guaˇ

Number, Amount

duo, guo, huo, shuo, zuo

國畫 guoˊ huaˋ

Traditional Chinese painting

過跨 guoˋ kuaˋ

Go over, Over, Over the

過跨海堤道 guoˋ kuaˋ haiˇ tiˊ daoˋ

Cross the causeway, Go over the causeway

duo, guo, huo, shuo, zuo

火花 huoˇ hua¯


duo, guo, huo, shuo, zuo

說話 shuo¯ huaˋ

Speak, Speak words

說話了 shuo¯ huaˋ le˙

Speaks, Talks

說話又直又衝 shuo¯ huaˋ youˋ zhiˊ youˋ chong¯

Straight talking and impulsive, Straight and impulsive talking, Straight talking, Straight talkers

說話的 shuo¯ huaˋ de˙


duo, guo, huo, shuo, zuo

做花園 zuoˋ hua¯ yuanˊ

Flower gardening, Gardening

Grouped in tone pairs

13, 14, 24, 31, 41, 44

多寡 duo¯ guaˇ

Number, Amount

13, 14, 24, 31, 41, 44

說話 shuo¯ huaˋ

Speak, Speak words

說話了 shuo¯ huaˋ le˙

Speaks, Talks

說話又直又衝 shuo¯ huaˋ youˋ zhiˊ youˋ chong¯

Straight talking and impulsive, Straight and impulsive talking, Straight talking, Straight talkers

說話的 shuo¯ huaˋ de˙


13, 14, 24, 31, 41, 44

國畫 guoˊ huaˋ

Traditional Chinese painting

13, 14, 24, 31, 41, 44

火花 huoˇ hua¯


13, 14, 24, 31, 41, 44

做花園 zuoˋ hua¯ yuanˊ

Flower gardening, Gardening

13, 14, 24, 31, 41, 44

過跨 guoˋ kuaˋ

Go over, Over, Over the

過跨海堤道 guoˋ kuaˋ haiˇ tiˊ daoˋ

Cross the causeway, Go over the causeway


丿-夕 : > : > [多]-多寡 : > [多]-多寡 >

丶-宀 : > : > [寡]-多寡 : > [寡]-多寡 >

多寡 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 寡

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