
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 大


Large chunks, Large pieces

daˋ kuaiˋ

大 daˋ, daiˋ
Big, Huge, Great, Large, Important, Adult, Senior, (Dai4), Doctor, High Official

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 大塊 (a-wai)

Grouped by first phone

da, fa, na

大塊 daˋ kuaiˋ

Large chunks, Large pieces

da, fa, na

法外 faˇ waiˋ

Extra judicial, Extra legal, Outside the law, Taking advantage of gaps in the legal system

da, fa, na

那塊 naˋ kuaiˋ

That portion, That part

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 34

大塊 daˋ kuaiˋ

Large chunks, Large pieces

那塊 naˋ kuaiˋ

That portion, That part

44, 34

法外 faˇ waiˋ

Extra judicial, Extra legal, Outside the law, Taking advantage of gaps in the legal system


十-大 : > : > [大]-大塊 : > [大]-大塊 >

十-土 : > : > [塊]-大塊 : > [塊]-大塊 >

大塊 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 大

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