
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 緊


Been too nervous, Too nervous

taiˋ guoˋ jinˇ zhang¯

緊 jinˇ
Tight, Taut, Tense, Nervous, Secure, Firm, Fast, Urgent, Critical, Pressing, Emergency

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Phone , Tone


緊張 jinˇ zhang¯

Words that rhyme with 太過緊張 (ai-wo)

Grouped by first phone

tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, mai, nai, pai, zai

太多 taiˋ duo¯

Too much

泰國 taiˋ guoˊ


泰國啤酒 taiˋ guoˊ piˊ jiuˇ

Thailand Beer

泰國果肉鮮椰子汁 taiˋ guoˊ guoˇ rouˋ xian¯ ye¯ zi˙ zhi¯

Fresh Thailand Coconut Juice With Fruit Pulp

太過注定 taiˋ guoˋ zhuˋ dingˋ

So much a given, So greatly predestined

太過緊張 taiˋ guoˋ jinˇ zhang¯

Been too nervous, Too nervous

太過緊張什麼都沒注意 taiˋ guoˋ jinˇ zhang¯ shenˊ me˙ dou¯ meiˊ zhuˋ yiˋ

Too nervous to notice anything

tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, mai, nai, pai, zai

愛多管閒事 aiˋ duo¯ guanˇ xianˊ shiˋ

Nosy, Meddlesome

愛國 aiˋ guoˊ

Patriotism, Patriotic, Love for country

愛國心 aiˋ guoˊ xin¯

Love for one's country

矮桌 aiˇ zhuo¯

Low table

tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, mai, nai, pai, zai

百貨 baiˇ huoˋ

Department store, General merchandise

百貨公司 baiˇ huoˋ gong¯ si¯

Department store

百貨商店 baiˇ huoˋ shang¯ dianˋ

Department Store

擺脫 baiˇ tuo¯

Remove, Get rid of

擺脫他 baiˇ tuo¯ ta¯

Get rid of him

擺脫她 baiˇ tuo¯ ta¯

Get rid of her

拜託 baiˋ tuo¯


tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, mai, nai, pai, zai

猜錯 cai¯ cuoˋ

Guess wrong

採果子 caiˇ guoˇ zi˙

Pick fruit

踩過 caiˇ guoˋ

Tread on, Treading on

財貨 caiˊ huoˋ

Goods, Property, Merchandise

tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, mai, nai, pai, zai

待過 daiˋ guoˋ

Stayed, Waited

帶我們到 daiˋ woˇ men˙ daoˋ

Took us to

帶我去 daiˋ woˇ quˋ

Take me to

帶我去見 daiˋ woˇ quˋ jianˋ

Take me to see

tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, mai, nai, pai, zai

概括 gaiˋ kuoˋ

Summarize, Sum up

該說 gai¯ shuo¯

Need to say

該說的話 gai¯ shuo¯ de˙ huaˋ

Things that should be said

該說的都說完了 gai¯ shuo¯ de˙ dou¯ shuo¯ wanˊ le˙

That's all there is to say

該做 gai¯ zuoˋ


改作 gaiˇ zuoˋ


tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, mai, nai, pai, zai

還多 haiˊ duo¯

Even more, Even more than

還多出 haiˊ duo¯ chu¯

Still had more than

還活著 haiˊ huoˊ zhe˙

Still alive, Still living

tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, mai, nai, pai, zai

開多快 kai¯ duo¯ kuaiˋ

Pick up a lot of speed

開闊 kai¯ kuoˋ

Wide, Open

開鎖 kai¯ suoˇ


開拓 kai¯ tuoˋ

Open up

tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, mai, nai, pai, zai

來過 laiˊ guoˋ

Just left, Was just here, Had been before

來說 laiˊ shuo¯

It's said, It can be said, For (the)

來說明 laiˊ shuo¯ mingˊ

To illustrate

萊索托 laiˊ suoˇ tuo¯


來我家 laiˊ woˇ jia¯

Come to my home, Come to my house, Come to my place

來做 laiˊ zuoˋ

To make

tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, mai, nai, pai, zai

買過 maiˇ guoˋ


脈絡 maiˋ luoˋ


tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, mai, nai, pai, zai

奈洛蒂 naiˋ luoˋ diˋ


tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, mai, nai, pai, zai

排桌子 paiˊ zhuo¯ zi˙

Arranged tables, Set up tables

牌桌 paiˊ zhuo¯

Card table

tai, ai, bai, cai, dai, gai, hai, kai, lai, mai, nai, pai, zai

再多一點 zaiˋ duo¯ yiˋ dianˇ

A little more

再多拿一點 zaiˋ duo¯ naˊ yiˋ dianˇ

Take a little extra

再多留一會兒 zaiˋ duo¯ liuˊ yiˊ huiˋ er˙

Stay a minute, Stay a while longer

再過 zaiˋ guoˋ

Just over

再過一個月 zaiˋ guoˋ yiˋ ge˙ yueˋ

Just over a month

在過去三個月 zaiˋ guoˋ quˋ san¯ ge˙ yueˋ

Over the last three months, For the last three months

在過去幾十年內 zaiˋ guoˋ quˋ jiˇ shiˊ nianˊ neiˋ

Within the past few decades

在過去幾十年內發展出來 zaiˋ guoˋ quˋ jiˇ shiˊ nianˊ neiˋ fa¯ zhanˇ chu¯ laiˊ

Been developed within the last few decades

災禍 zai¯ huoˋ

Casualties caused by a disaster, Disaster, Calamity, Catastrophe

在火堆裡 zaiˋ huoˇ dui¯ liˇ

In the fire

在火星 zaiˋ huoˇ xing¯

On Mars

在洛杉磯的車陣中 zaiˋ luoˋ sha¯ ji¯ de˙ che¯ zhenˋ zhong¯

In Los Angeles traffic

在落地以前 zaiˋ luoˋ diˋ yiˇ qianˊ

Before landing, Before falling

再說 zaiˋ shuo¯

Repeat, Say again, Moreover, Besides, What's more, Then we'll talk

再說一次 zaiˋ shuo¯ yi¯ ciˋ

Say once more, Say again

在我位置的人 zaiˋ woˇ weiˋ zhiˋ de˙ renˊ

A man in my position

在我們之間 zaiˋ woˇ men˙ zhi¯ jian¯

Among us, With us

在我喝下第一杯咖啡以前 zaiˋ woˇ he¯ xiaˋ diˋ yi¯ bei¯ ka¯ fei¯ yiˇ qianˊ

Before my first cup of coffee, Before I've had my first cup of coffee

在我擺脫她之前 zaiˋ woˇ baiˇ tuo¯ ta¯ zhi¯ qianˊ

Before I got rid of her

在我正式報告裡 zaiˋ woˇ zhengˋ shiˋ baoˋ gaoˋ liˇ

In my official report

在我的掌控之中 zaiˋ woˇ de˙ zhangˇ kongˋ zhi¯ zhong¯

Under my control

在我看來 zaiˋ woˇ kanˋ laiˊ

In my opinion

在我看來是很合理的回應 zaiˋ woˇ kanˋ laiˊ shiˋ henˇ heˊ liˇ de˙ huiˊ ying¯

In my opinion it was a very reasonable response, It was a very reasonable response in my opinion

在我窗前 zaiˋ woˇ chuang¯ qianˊ

At my window, In front of my window

在我身旁 zaiˋ woˇ shen¯ pangˊ

Beside me

在我身邊 zaiˋ woˇ shen¯ bian¯

At my side, Right beside me

在我還很年輕的時候 zaiˋ woˇ haiˊ henˇ nianˊ qing¯ de˙ shiˊ houˋ

When I was still young, When I was young

在桌子下 zaiˋ zhuo¯ zi˙ xiaˋ

Underneath the table, Below the table

在左 zaiˋ zuoˇ

On the left

在左半邊 zaiˋ zuoˇ banˋ bian¯

On the left side

在左半邊擺了縫紉機 zaiˋ zuoˇ banˋ bian¯ baiˇ le˙ fengˊ renˋ ji¯

On the left was a sewing machine

在左右 zaiˋ zuoˇ youˋ

Both left and right, On the left and the right, From the left and the right

在左右舷 zaiˋ zuoˇ youˋ xianˊ

To port and starboard

在左右舷處 zaiˋ zuoˇ youˋ xianˊ chuˇ

To port and starboard

在左邊 zaiˋ zuoˇ bian¯

On the left side, On the left

在做他們當時做的事 zaiˋ zuoˋ ta¯ men˙ dang¯ shiˊ zuoˋ de˙ shiˋ

Am doing the same thing they did, Am now doing what they did (back) then

在座 zaiˋ zuoˋ

Be present, In attendance

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

待過 daiˋ guoˋ

Stayed, Waited

概括 gaiˋ kuoˋ

Summarize, Sum up

脈絡 maiˋ luoˋ


奈洛蒂 naiˋ luoˋ diˋ


太過注定 taiˋ guoˋ zhuˋ dingˋ

So much a given, So greatly predestined

太過緊張 taiˋ guoˋ jinˇ zhang¯

Been too nervous, Too nervous

太過緊張什麼都沒注意 taiˋ guoˋ jinˇ zhang¯ shenˊ me˙ dou¯ meiˊ zhuˋ yiˋ

Too nervous to notice anything

再過 zaiˋ guoˋ

Just over

再過一個月 zaiˋ guoˋ yiˋ ge˙ yueˋ

Just over a month

在過去三個月 zaiˋ guoˋ quˋ san¯ ge˙ yueˋ

Over the last three months, For the last three months

在過去幾十年內 zaiˋ guoˋ quˋ jiˇ shiˊ nianˊ neiˋ

Within the past few decades

在過去幾十年內發展出來 zaiˋ guoˋ quˋ jiˇ shiˊ nianˊ neiˋ fa¯ zhanˇ chu¯ laiˊ

Been developed within the last few decades

在洛杉磯的車陣中 zaiˋ luoˋ sha¯ ji¯ de˙ che¯ zhenˋ zhong¯

In Los Angeles traffic

在落地以前 zaiˋ luoˋ diˋ yiˇ qianˊ

Before landing, Before falling

在做他們當時做的事 zaiˋ zuoˋ ta¯ men˙ dang¯ shiˊ zuoˋ de˙ shiˋ

Am doing the same thing they did, Am now doing what they did (back) then

在座 zaiˋ zuoˋ

Be present, In attendance

44, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

該說 gai¯ shuo¯

Need to say

該說的話 gai¯ shuo¯ de˙ huaˋ

Things that should be said

該說的都說完了 gai¯ shuo¯ de˙ dou¯ shuo¯ wanˊ le˙

That's all there is to say

開多快 kai¯ duo¯ kuaiˋ

Pick up a lot of speed

44, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

開鎖 kai¯ suoˇ


44, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

猜錯 cai¯ cuoˋ

Guess wrong

該做 gai¯ zuoˋ


開闊 kai¯ kuoˋ

Wide, Open

開拓 kai¯ tuoˋ

Open up

災禍 zai¯ huoˋ

Casualties caused by a disaster, Disaster, Calamity, Catastrophe

44, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

還多 haiˊ duo¯

Even more, Even more than

還多出 haiˊ duo¯ chu¯

Still had more than

來說 laiˊ shuo¯

It's said, It can be said, For (the)

來說明 laiˊ shuo¯ mingˊ

To illustrate

排桌子 paiˊ zhuo¯ zi˙

Arranged tables, Set up tables

牌桌 paiˊ zhuo¯

Card table

44, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

還活著 haiˊ huoˊ zhe˙

Still alive, Still living

44, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

萊索托 laiˊ suoˇ tuo¯


來我家 laiˊ woˇ jia¯

Come to my home, Come to my house, Come to my place

44, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

財貨 caiˊ huoˋ

Goods, Property, Merchandise

來過 laiˊ guoˋ

Just left, Was just here, Had been before

來做 laiˊ zuoˋ

To make

44, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

矮桌 aiˇ zhuo¯

Low table

擺脫 baiˇ tuo¯

Remove, Get rid of

擺脫他 baiˇ tuo¯ ta¯

Get rid of him

擺脫她 baiˇ tuo¯ ta¯

Get rid of her

44, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

採果子 caiˇ guoˇ zi˙

Pick fruit

44, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

百貨 baiˇ huoˋ

Department store, General merchandise

百貨公司 baiˇ huoˋ gong¯ si¯

Department store

百貨商店 baiˇ huoˋ shang¯ dianˋ

Department Store

踩過 caiˇ guoˋ

Tread on, Treading on

改作 gaiˇ zuoˋ


買過 maiˇ guoˋ


44, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

愛多管閒事 aiˋ duo¯ guanˇ xianˊ shiˋ

Nosy, Meddlesome

拜託 baiˋ tuo¯


太多 taiˋ duo¯

Too much

再多一點 zaiˋ duo¯ yiˋ dianˇ

A little more

再多拿一點 zaiˋ duo¯ naˊ yiˋ dianˇ

Take a little extra

再多留一會兒 zaiˋ duo¯ liuˊ yiˊ huiˋ er˙

Stay a minute, Stay a while longer

再說 zaiˋ shuo¯

Repeat, Say again, Moreover, Besides, What's more, Then we'll talk

再說一次 zaiˋ shuo¯ yi¯ ciˋ

Say once more, Say again

在桌子下 zaiˋ zhuo¯ zi˙ xiaˋ

Underneath the table, Below the table

44, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

愛國 aiˋ guoˊ

Patriotism, Patriotic, Love for country

愛國心 aiˋ guoˊ xin¯

Love for one's country

泰國 taiˋ guoˊ


泰國啤酒 taiˋ guoˊ piˊ jiuˇ

Thailand Beer

泰國果肉鮮椰子汁 taiˋ guoˊ guoˇ rouˋ xian¯ ye¯ zi˙ zhi¯

Fresh Thailand Coconut Juice With Fruit Pulp

44, 11, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 31, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43

帶我們到 daiˋ woˇ men˙ daoˋ

Took us to

帶我去 daiˋ woˇ quˋ

Take me to

帶我去見 daiˋ woˇ quˋ jianˋ

Take me to see

在火堆裡 zaiˋ huoˇ dui¯ liˇ

In the fire

在火星 zaiˋ huoˇ xing¯

On Mars

在我位置的人 zaiˋ woˇ weiˋ zhiˋ de˙ renˊ

A man in my position

在我們之間 zaiˋ woˇ men˙ zhi¯ jian¯

Among us, With us

在我喝下第一杯咖啡以前 zaiˋ woˇ he¯ xiaˋ diˋ yi¯ bei¯ ka¯ fei¯ yiˇ qianˊ

Before my first cup of coffee, Before I've had my first cup of coffee

在我擺脫她之前 zaiˋ woˇ baiˇ tuo¯ ta¯ zhi¯ qianˊ

Before I got rid of her

在我正式報告裡 zaiˋ woˇ zhengˋ shiˋ baoˋ gaoˋ liˇ

In my official report

在我的掌控之中 zaiˋ woˇ de˙ zhangˇ kongˋ zhi¯ zhong¯

Under my control

在我看來 zaiˋ woˇ kanˋ laiˊ

In my opinion

在我看來是很合理的回應 zaiˋ woˇ kanˋ laiˊ shiˋ henˇ heˊ liˇ de˙ huiˊ ying¯

In my opinion it was a very reasonable response, It was a very reasonable response in my opinion

在我窗前 zaiˋ woˇ chuang¯ qianˊ

At my window, In front of my window

在我身旁 zaiˋ woˇ shen¯ pangˊ

Beside me

在我身邊 zaiˋ woˇ shen¯ bian¯

At my side, Right beside me

在我還很年輕的時候 zaiˋ woˇ haiˊ henˇ nianˊ qing¯ de˙ shiˊ houˋ

When I was still young, When I was young

在左 zaiˋ zuoˇ

On the left

在左半邊 zaiˋ zuoˇ banˋ bian¯

On the left side

在左半邊擺了縫紉機 zaiˋ zuoˇ banˋ bian¯ baiˇ le˙ fengˊ renˋ ji¯

On the left was a sewing machine

在左右 zaiˋ zuoˇ youˋ

Both left and right, On the left and the right, From the left and the right

在左右舷 zaiˋ zuoˇ youˋ xianˊ

To port and starboard

在左右舷處 zaiˋ zuoˇ youˋ xianˊ chuˇ

To port and starboard

在左邊 zaiˋ zuoˇ bian¯

On the left side, On the left


十-大 : > : > [太]-太過 : > [太]-太過緊張 >

丶-辶 : > : > [過]-過緊 : > [過]-太過緊張 >

厂-臣 : > : > [緊]-緊張 : > [緊]-太過緊張 >

𠃌-弓 : > : > [張]-緊張 : > [張]-太過緊張 >

太過緊張 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 緊

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