
Definition, Pronunciation with char definition links


ta¯ buˋ xu¯ yaoˋ renˊ bang¯ ta¯ daˇ liˇ chuangˊ dan¯

She didn't need turn-down service (at a hotel), She didn't need anyone making her bed for her

Click any character below for its definition.

Words and Phrases included in:

需要 Need, Need to, Needing, Requiring

xu¯ yaoˋ

不需要 Don't need, Doesn't need, Didn't need

buˋ xu¯ yaoˋ

床單 Bed sheets

chuangˊ dan¯

打理床單 Make the bed, Arrange bed sheets

daˇ liˇ chuangˊ dan¯


𠄌-女 : > : > [她]-她打 : >

一-一 : > : > [不]-不需 : >

一-雨 : > : > [需]-需要 : >

一-覀 : > : > [要]-需要 : >

人-人 : > : > [人]-人幫 : >

十-土 : > : > [幫]-幫她 : >

𠄌-女 : > : > [她]-她打 : >

十-扌 : > : > [打]-打理 : >

一-王 : > : > [理]-理床 : >

丶-广 : > : > [床]-床單 : >

口-口 : > : > [單]-床單 : >


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