
Definition, Pronunciation with char definition links


haoˇ xiangˋ jianˇ zhiˊ buˋ ganˇ xiang¯ xinˋ touˊ faˇ beiˋ jianˇ deˊ naˋ me˙ chouˇ

As if not believing how bad the haircut was

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好像 As if, Be like, Seem like, Seem, Seem to, Seem to be, Likely

haoˇ xiangˋ

簡直 Simply, Just as

jianˇ zhiˊ

不敢 Not willing, Unwilling, Won't dare, Dare not

buˋ ganˇ

相信 Believe, Believing, Believed, Have faith in, Had faith in

xiang¯ xinˋ

不敢相信 Don't believe it, Won't believe it, Couldn't believe

buˋ ganˇ xiang¯ xinˋ

頭髮 Hair

touˊ faˇ

那麼 So then, That

naˋ me˙

那麼醜 That bad, That ugly

naˋ me˙ chouˇ

頭髮被剪得那麼醜 Such a bad haircut, Hair had been cut so badly

touˊ faˇ beiˋ jianˇ deˊ naˋ me˙ chouˇ


𠄌-女 : > : > [好]-好像 : >

丿-亻 : > : > [像]-好像 : >

丿-竹 : > : > [簡]-簡直 : >

十-十 : > : > [直]-簡直 : >

一-一 : > : > [不]-不敢 : >

一-工 : > : > [敢]-不敢 : >

十-木 : > : > [相]-相信 : >

丿-亻 : > : > [信]-相信 : >

一-一 : > : > [頭]-頭髮 : >

厂-镸 : > : > [髮]-頭髮 : >

丶-衤 : > : > [被]-被剪 : >

人-丷 : > : > [剪]-剪得 : >

丿-彳 : > : > [得]-得那 : >

𠃌-𠃌 : > : > [那]-那麼 : >

丶-广 : > : > [麼]-那麼 : >

一-西 : > : > [醜]-麼醜 : >


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