
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 用


It used one hundred thousand watts of power

ta¯ yongˋ daoˋ shiˊ wanˋ waˇ de˙ dianˋ liˋ

用 yongˋ
Use, Employ, Operate, Apply, Exert, Try, Sample

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Phone , Tone


用到 yongˋ daoˋ

它用到 ta¯ yongˋ daoˋ

十萬 shiˊ wanˋ

萬瓦 wanˋ waˇ

十萬瓦 shiˊ wanˋ waˇ

電力 dianˋ liˋ

Words that rhyme with 它用到十萬瓦的電力 (a-yong)

Grouped by first phone

ta, da

他擁有的一樣東西 ta¯ yong¯ youˇ de˙ yiˊ yangˋ dong¯ xi¯

Something that was owned by him

他用力一推 ta¯ yongˋ liˋ yiˋ tui¯

He pushed hard, She pushed

他用手杖遙戳 ta¯ yongˋ shouˇ zhangˋ yaoˊ chuo¯

He jabbed his cane, He poked his cane, He used his walking-stick to poke at

他用手背揉眼睛時 ta¯ yongˋ shouˇ beiˋ rouˊ yanˇ jing¯ shiˊ

While rubbing his eye with the back of his hand, As he rubbed his eye with the back of his hand

她用力一推 ta¯ yongˋ liˋ yiˋ tui¯

She pushed hard, She pushed

它用到 ta¯ yongˋ daoˋ

It used

它用到十萬瓦的電力 ta¯ yongˋ daoˋ shiˊ wanˋ waˇ de˙ dianˋ liˋ

It used one hundred thousand watts of power

ta, da

大胸 daˋ xiong¯

Big chest, Big pectorals, Muscular chest

大胸肌使力 daˋ xiong¯ ji¯ shiˇ liˋ

Using The Strength Of The Pectoralis Major

大熊貓 daˋ xiongˊ mao¯

Giant panda

Grouped in tone pairs

14, 11, 41, 42

他用力一推 ta¯ yongˋ liˋ yiˋ tui¯

He pushed hard, She pushed

他用手杖遙戳 ta¯ yongˋ shouˇ zhangˋ yaoˊ chuo¯

He jabbed his cane, He poked his cane, He used his walking-stick to poke at

他用手背揉眼睛時 ta¯ yongˋ shouˇ beiˋ rouˊ yanˇ jing¯ shiˊ

While rubbing his eye with the back of his hand, As he rubbed his eye with the back of his hand

她用力一推 ta¯ yongˋ liˋ yiˋ tui¯

She pushed hard, She pushed

它用到 ta¯ yongˋ daoˋ

It used

它用到十萬瓦的電力 ta¯ yongˋ daoˋ shiˊ wanˋ waˇ de˙ dianˋ liˋ

It used one hundred thousand watts of power

14, 11, 41, 42

他擁有的一樣東西 ta¯ yong¯ youˇ de˙ yiˊ yangˋ dong¯ xi¯

Something that was owned by him

14, 11, 41, 42

大胸 daˋ xiong¯

Big chest, Big pectorals, Muscular chest

大胸肌使力 daˋ xiong¯ ji¯ shiˇ liˋ

Using The Strength Of The Pectoralis Major

14, 11, 41, 42

大熊貓 daˋ xiongˊ mao¯

Giant panda

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