Discern, Inquire, Examine, Observe, Investigate, Inspect, Look Into
Word Links for words containing 察 (sorted via character pairs)
察覺 Aware, Become aware, Realized
隱約察覺 Vaguely aware
察覺到 Feel, Sense, Detect, Notice
察覺異狀 Noticed something was wrong, Noticed an abnormality, Noticed abnormalities
察覺到空氣漸層的變化 Sensing a change in air gradient
體察實情 Directly experience, Directly experienced
體察實情的本領 Ability to understand the real situation, Ability to see the truth
觀察 Look at, Observe, See, Seeing, Watch, Watches, Observe, Observes
仔細觀察 Carefully watch, Observe attentively
以供觀察 For observation
默默觀察 Quietly watched, Silently observed, Watched, Observed
仔細的觀察 Carefully observe
後續的觀察 Follow-up observation
觀察了 Observed, Looked at, Watched
觀察到 Observed
在觀察他 Watching him
會觀察到 Will observe
收集到的氣體要做後續的觀察時 When collected gas is to be observed later
觀察插圖 Observe what is happening in the picture
觀察了許久 Looked for some time, Looked for a long time, Took a long look
觀察後的結論 An observation, A conclusion derived from an observation
觀察試管內的狀況 Observe conditions inside the test tube
警察 Police officer
快叫警察 Call the police
秘密警察 Secret police
警察局 Police station
警察廳 Police department
警察巡官 Police Inspector
位警察巡官 A Police Inspector
你是位警察巡官 You are a police inspector
警察酒吧 Cop bar, Bar for coppers, Police bar
某家警察酒吧 Some cop bar, A certain cop bar
習焉不察 So used to something to call it into question
習而不察 So accustomed one can something without a second glance, Well versed
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