
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 察


Attorney, Prosecutor, (Cats: Occupation-Profession next)

jianˇ chaˊ guan¯

察 chaˊ
Discern, Inquire, Examine, Observe, Investigate, Inspect, Look Into

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Phone , Tone


檢察 jianˇ chaˊ

Words that rhyme with 檢察官 (yan-a)

Grouped by first phone

jian, bian, dian, lian, mian, nian, pian, tian, xian, yan

監察 jian¯ chaˊ


監察制度 jian¯ chaˊ zhiˋ duˋ

Supervision system

檢察 jianˇ chaˊ


檢察官 jianˇ chaˊ guan¯

Attorney, Prosecutor

檢查 jianˇ chaˊ

Checks, Looks at

檢查信箱 jianˇ chaˊ xinˋ xiang¯

Check the mailbox, Checked the mailbox

檢查相機設定 jianˇ chaˊ xiang¯ ji¯ sheˋ dingˋ

Check camera settings

檢查衛教 jianˇ chaˊ weiˋ jiaoˋ

Health check education

檢查衛教單張 jianˇ chaˊ weiˋ jiaoˋ dan¯ zhang¯

Health check education leaflet

檢查過了 jianˇ chaˊ guoˋ le˙

Checked, Watching, Covered (as in observing or keeping an eye out)

減法 jianˇ faˇ


減壓 jianˇ ya¯

Stress reliever

減壓艙 jianˇ ya¯ cang¯


減壓閥 jianˇ ya¯ faˊ

Pressure release valve

奸詐 jian¯ zhaˋ


jian, bian, dian, lian, mian, nian, pian, tian, xian, yan

鞭打 bian¯ daˇ

Whip, Flog, Whipped, Flogged

鞭打他 bian¯ daˇ ta¯

Flog him, Whip him, Flogged him, Whipped him

變大 bianˋ daˋ

Became bigger, Increased

變大了 bianˋ daˋ le˙

Became bigger, Increased

變法 bianˋ faˇ

Political reform

編碼 bian¯ maˇ

Computer code, Programming code, Code, Computer program, Program

jian, bian, dian, lian, mian, nian, pian, tian, xian, yan

典雅 dianˇ yaˇ

Elegant, Refined

jian, bian, dian, lian, mian, nian, pian, tian, xian, yan

連大人 lianˊ daˋ renˊ

A succession of adults

連發一百 lianˊ fa¯ yiˋ baiˇ

Burst of one hundred rounds, Disperse a hundred rounds

連他自己 lianˊ ta¯ ziˋ jiˇ

Even himself

連他自己都感到驚訝 lianˊ ta¯ ziˋ jiˇ dou¯ ganˇ daoˋ jing¯ yaˋ

Even suprising himself

連它本身的重量都無法負荷 lianˊ ta¯ benˇ shen¯ de˙ zhongˋ liangˋ dou¯ wuˊ faˇ fuˋ heˊ

Couldn't even lift it's own weight

jian, bian, dian, lian, mian, nian, pian, tian, xian, yan

面紗 mianˋ sha¯


jian, bian, dian, lian, mian, nian, pian, tian, xian, yan

廿八日 nianˋ ba¯ riˋ

28th day of a month

黏答答的 nianˊ daˊ daˊ de˙


jian, bian, dian, lian, mian, nian, pian, tian, xian, yan

偏差 pian¯ cha¯

Error, Mistake, Deviation

jian, bian, dian, lian, mian, nian, pian, tian, xian, yan

天啊 tian¯ a¯

Good lord, Oh my god, Oh god

添咖啡 tian¯ ka¯ fei¯

More coffee

天哪 tian¯ naˇ

Heavens, Gosh, Christ, God

舔他 tianˇ ta¯

Licked him

舔他的血 tianˇ ta¯ de˙ xieˇ

Licked his blood

天涯 tian¯ yaˊ

At the very ends of the earth, Far away

填鴨 tianˊ ya¯

Stuff a duck, Cram

填鴨式教學法 tianˊ ya¯ shiˋ jiaoˋ xueˊ faˇ

Cram style teaching, Filling students with whatever information they may need in order to pass a test

jian, bian, dian, lian, mian, nian, pian, tian, xian, yan

先發置人的 xian¯ fa¯ zhiˋ renˊ de˙


憲法 xianˋ faˇ


現榨 xianˋ zhaˋ

Fresh squeezed, Squeezed

現榨果汁 xianˋ zhaˋ guoˇ zhi¯

Fresh Squeezed Juice, Freshly squeezed juice

jian, bian, dian, lian, mian, nian, pian, tian, xian, yan

鹽巴 yanˊ ba¯


研發 yanˊ fa¯

Develop, Developed, Developing, Research and develop, Researching and developing, Figure out, Figuring out, Come up with, Coming up with

研發了 yanˊ fa¯ le˙


眼壓 yanˇ ya¯

Intraocular pressure

Grouped in tone pairs

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 33, 41, 43, 44

檢察 jianˇ chaˊ


檢察官 jianˇ chaˊ guan¯

Attorney, Prosecutor

檢查 jianˇ chaˊ

Checks, Looks at

檢查信箱 jianˇ chaˊ xinˋ xiang¯

Check the mailbox, Checked the mailbox

檢查相機設定 jianˇ chaˊ xiang¯ ji¯ sheˋ dingˋ

Check camera settings

檢查衛教 jianˇ chaˊ weiˋ jiaoˋ

Health check education

檢查衛教單張 jianˇ chaˊ weiˋ jiaoˋ dan¯ zhang¯

Health check education leaflet

檢查過了 jianˇ chaˊ guoˋ le˙

Checked, Watching, Covered (as in observing or keeping an eye out)

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 33, 41, 43, 44

偏差 pian¯ cha¯

Error, Mistake, Deviation

天啊 tian¯ a¯

Good lord, Oh my god, Oh god

添咖啡 tian¯ ka¯ fei¯

More coffee

先發置人的 xian¯ fa¯ zhiˋ renˊ de˙


32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 33, 41, 43, 44

監察 jian¯ chaˊ


監察制度 jian¯ chaˊ zhiˋ duˋ

Supervision system

天涯 tian¯ yaˊ

At the very ends of the earth, Far away

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 33, 41, 43, 44

鞭打 bian¯ daˇ

Whip, Flog, Whipped, Flogged

鞭打他 bian¯ daˇ ta¯

Flog him, Whip him, Flogged him, Whipped him

編碼 bian¯ maˇ

Computer code, Programming code, Code, Computer program, Program

天哪 tian¯ naˇ

Heavens, Gosh, Christ, God

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 33, 41, 43, 44

奸詐 jian¯ zhaˋ


32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 33, 41, 43, 44

連發一百 lianˊ fa¯ yiˋ baiˇ

Burst of one hundred rounds, Disperse a hundred rounds

連他自己 lianˊ ta¯ ziˋ jiˇ

Even himself

連他自己都感到驚訝 lianˊ ta¯ ziˋ jiˇ dou¯ ganˇ daoˋ jing¯ yaˋ

Even suprising himself

連它本身的重量都無法負荷 lianˊ ta¯ benˇ shen¯ de˙ zhongˋ liangˋ dou¯ wuˊ faˇ fuˋ heˊ

Couldn't even lift it's own weight

填鴨 tianˊ ya¯

Stuff a duck, Cram

填鴨式教學法 tianˊ ya¯ shiˋ jiaoˋ xueˊ faˇ

Cram style teaching, Filling students with whatever information they may need in order to pass a test

鹽巴 yanˊ ba¯


研發 yanˊ fa¯

Develop, Developed, Developing, Research and develop, Researching and developing, Figure out, Figuring out, Come up with, Coming up with

研發了 yanˊ fa¯ le˙


32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 33, 41, 43, 44

黏答答的 nianˊ daˊ daˊ de˙


32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 33, 41, 43, 44

連大人 lianˊ daˋ renˊ

A succession of adults

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 33, 41, 43, 44

減壓 jianˇ ya¯

Stress reliever

減壓艙 jianˇ ya¯ cang¯


減壓閥 jianˇ ya¯ faˊ

Pressure release valve

舔他 tianˇ ta¯

Licked him

舔他的血 tianˇ ta¯ de˙ xieˇ

Licked his blood

眼壓 yanˇ ya¯

Intraocular pressure

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 33, 41, 43, 44

典雅 dianˇ yaˇ

Elegant, Refined

減法 jianˇ faˇ


32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 33, 41, 43, 44

面紗 mianˋ sha¯


廿八日 nianˋ ba¯ riˋ

28th day of a month

32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 33, 41, 43, 44

變法 bianˋ faˇ

Political reform

憲法 xianˋ faˇ


32, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 33, 41, 43, 44

變大 bianˋ daˋ

Became bigger, Increased

變大了 bianˋ daˋ le˙

Became bigger, Increased

現榨 xianˋ zhaˋ

Fresh squeezed, Squeezed

現榨果汁 xianˋ zhaˋ guoˇ zhi¯

Fresh Squeezed Juice, Freshly squeezed juice


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丶-宀 : > : > [察]-檢察 : > [察]-檢察官 >

丶-宀 : > : > [官]-察官 : > [官]-檢察官 >

檢察官 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 察

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