
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 驗


Lab rules, Laboratory rules

shiˊ yanˋ shiˋ shouˇ zeˊ

驗 yanˋ
Test, Check, Verify, Examine, Experience

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Phone , Tone


實驗 shiˊ yanˋ

實驗室 shiˊ yanˋ shiˋ

守則 shouˇ zeˊ

Words that rhyme with 實驗室守則 (i-yan)

Grouped by first phone

shi, chi, ci, ri, si, zhi, zi

事變 shiˋ bianˋ


十點 shiˊ dianˇ

Ten O'Clock

十點半 shiˊ dianˇ banˋ

Ten thirty

試點 shiˋ dianˇ

Trial, Test run

時間 shiˊ jian¯


時間一長 shiˊ jian¯ yiˋ changˊ

Over time

時間來不及 shiˊ jian¯ laiˊ buˋ jiˊ

Not enough time

時間到了 shiˊ jian¯ daoˋ le˙

It's time

時間剛好 shiˊ jian¯ gang¯ haoˇ

Perfect timing

時間很快就過去了 shiˊ jian¯ henˇ kuaiˋ jiuˋ guoˋ quˋ le˙

Time passed quickly

時間很晚了 shiˊ jian¯ henˇ wanˇ le˙

It's very late, It's gotten very late, It's already very late

時間最多 shiˊ jian¯ zuiˋ duo¯

Have lots of time, Time to spare

時間浪費 shiˊ jian¯ langˋ feiˋ

Waste time

時間的腳步 shiˊ jian¯ de˙ jiaoˇ buˋ

Passage of time

時間穿越 shiˊ jian¯ chuan¯ yueˋ

Time travel

時間逆轉 shiˊ jian¯ niˋ zhuanˇ

Reverse chronology

時間都排好了 shiˊ jian¯ dou¯ paiˊ haoˇ le˙

Completely booked

時間長度 shiˊ jian¯ changˊ duˋ

Period of time, Length of time, Interval

時間順序 shiˊ jian¯ shunˋ xuˋ


時間順序排列 shiˊ jian¯ shunˋ xuˋ paiˊ lieˋ

Ordered chronologically, Arranged in chronological order, Sequenced chronologically

實踐 shiˊ jianˋ


時間表 shiˊ jianˋ biaoˇ


世間 shiˋ jian¯

On this planet, On this world

事件 shiˋ jianˋ

Event, Events, Incident, Incidents

事件大屠殺 shiˋ jianˋ daˋ tuˊ sha¯

Pogrom, Systematic large scale murder

事件發生 shiˋ jianˋ fa¯ sheng¯

Event, Events, Incident

事件發生前 shiˋ jianˋ fa¯ sheng¯ qianˊ

Prior to the event, Before the incident

事件發生後 shiˋ jianˋ fa¯ sheng¯ houˋ

After the event, After the event occurred

是件好事 shiˋ jianˋ haoˇ shiˋ

Is a good thing, Was a good thing

失戀 shi¯ lianˋ

Jilted, To lose in love, Dumped, Ditched

石蓮 shiˊ lianˊ

Rock lotus

失眠 shi¯ mianˊ


失眠了 shi¯ mianˊ le˙

Can't sleep, Have insomnia

市面 shiˋ mianˋ

Market place, Business in general

十年 shiˊ nianˊ

10 years

十年前 shiˊ nianˊ qianˊ

10 years before

十年前是你逮捕他的 shiˊ nianˊ qianˊ shiˋ niˇ daiˋ buˇ ta¯ de˙

You arrested him ten years ago

史前 shiˇ qianˊ

Prehistoric, Pre history

史前時代 shiˇ qianˊ shiˊ daiˋ

Prehistoric period, Prehistoric era

事前 shiˋ qianˊ

Before hand, In advance

實現 shiˊ xianˋ

Come true, Realize, Become actual, Actualize

事先 shiˋ xian¯

Prior, In advance

事先知道 shiˋ xian¯ zhi¯ daoˋ

Knowledge in advance, Know beforehand

事先警告我 shiˋ xian¯ jingˇ gaoˋ woˇ

Warn me first

是陷阱 shiˋ xianˋ jingˇ

It is a trap, It was a trap

視線 shiˋ xianˋ

Sight, View, Vision

視線移開 shiˋ xianˋ yiˊ kai¯

Look away from

視線範圍 shiˋ xianˋ fanˋ weiˊ

Line of sight

食鹽 shiˊ yanˊ


實驗 shiˊ yanˋ


實驗前先 shiˊ yanˋ qianˊ xian¯

Before experimenting, Prior to experimenting, Before the experiment, Prior to the experiment

實驗器皿 shiˊ yanˋ qiˋ minˇ

Labware, Lab equipment, Lab apparatus, Lab apparatuses

實驗大樓 shiˊ yanˋ daˋ louˊ

Lab building, Test building

實驗室 shiˊ yanˋ shiˋ


實驗室守則 shiˊ yanˋ shiˋ shouˇ zeˊ

Lab rules, Laboratory rules

實驗室白袍 shiˊ yanˋ shiˋ baiˊ paoˊ

White lab coat

實驗時間到 shiˊ yanˋ shiˊ jian¯ daoˋ

Time for an experiment, It was time for an experiment

實驗的結果 shiˊ yanˋ de˙ jieˊ guoˇ

Test results

實驗結果 shiˊ yanˋ jieˊ guoˇ

Test results

實驗衣 shiˊ yanˋ yi¯

Lab coat

試驗 shiˋ yanˋ


shi, chi, ci, ri, si, zhi, zi

吃點 chi¯ dianˇ


吃點心 chi¯ dianˇ xin¯

Nibble on snacks, Eat finger foods, Eat dessert

吃點東西 chi¯ dianˇ dong¯ xi¯

Something to eat, Eat something

吃健康點 chi¯ jianˋ kang¯ dianˇ

Eat healthy

持劍的人 chiˊ jianˋ de˙ renˊ

Person holding the sword, Swordsman, Swordsmen, Sword wielder, Men who wield swords

持劍的人甚至早晚 chiˊ jianˋ de˙ renˊ shenˋ zhiˋ zaoˇ wanˇ

Sooner or later, even the person holding the sword

shi, chi, ci, ri, si, zhi, zi

詞典 ciˊ dianˇ


辭典 ciˊ dianˇ


此前 ciˇ qianˊ


shi, chi, ci, ri, si, zhi, zi

日漸稀疏 riˋ jianˋ xi¯ shu¯

Thinning, Becoming more sparse

日前 riˋ qianˊ

A few days ago, Recently

shi, chi, ci, ri, si, zhi, zi

四點 siˋ dianˇ

Four o'clock

四面 siˋ mianˋ

Four sided, Four sides

四面八方 siˋ mianˋ ba¯ fang¯

All around, All directions

四面晶 siˋ mianˋ jing¯

Tetrahedral, Four sided

四面有柱子撐住 siˋ mianˋ youˇ zhuˋ ziˇ cheng¯ zhuˋ

Supporting columns on four sides

思念 si¯ nianˋ

To miss someone

四年前 siˋ nianˊ qianˊ

Four years previously

四年級 siˋ nianˊ jiˊ

Fourth grade

四年級的 siˋ nianˊ jiˊ de˙

Fourth grade

四篇短文 siˋ pian¯ duanˇ wenˊ

Four essays

思前想後 si¯ qianˊ xiangˇ houˋ

Think before and after

死前 siˇ qianˊ

Before dying

shi, chi, ci, ri, si, zhi, zi

之變 zhi¯ bianˋ

Become, Changed to

支點 zhi¯ dianˇ

Pivot, Fulcrum, Support point

指點 zhiˇ dianˇ

Give pointers, Teach, Advise, Instruct, Point out, Pointed out

之間 zhi¯ jian¯

Between, Among

之間彎曲 zhi¯ jian¯ wan¯ qu¯

Curved between, Wound between, Winded between

指尖 zhiˇ jian¯

Finger tip, Finger tips

只建 zhiˇ jianˋ

Only built

只建了 zhiˇ jianˋ le˙

Only built

只見 zhiˇ jianˋ

See only

只見處處黑影晃動 zhiˇ jianˋ chuˋ chuˋ hei¯ yingˇ huangˇ dongˋ

Looking around, everything was covered in shadows

紙片 zhiˇ pianˋ

Scrap of paper, Piece of paper

之前 zhi¯ qianˊ

Before, Previously, From before

之前來過的那個地方 zhi¯ qianˊ laiˊ guoˋ de˙ naˋ ge˙ diˋ fang¯

The same place as last time

值錢 zhiˊ qianˊ

Costly, Valuable

值錢了 zhiˊ qianˊ le˙

Valuable, Worth a fortune

支線 zhi¯ xianˋ

Branch line

直線 zhiˊ xianˋ

Straight line

直言 zhiˊ yanˊ

Speak bluntly

shi, chi, ci, ri, si, zhi, zi

字典 ziˋ dianˇ


自言自語 ziˋ yanˊ ziˋ yuˇ

Talk to oneself

字眼 ziˋ yanˇ

Word, Character

Grouped in tone pairs

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

持劍的人 chiˊ jianˋ de˙ renˊ

Person holding the sword, Swordsman, Swordsmen, Sword wielder, Men who wield swords

持劍的人甚至早晚 chiˊ jianˋ de˙ renˊ shenˋ zhiˋ zaoˇ wanˇ

Sooner or later, even the person holding the sword

實踐 shiˊ jianˋ


時間表 shiˊ jianˋ biaoˇ


實現 shiˊ xianˋ

Come true, Realize, Become actual, Actualize

實驗 shiˊ yanˋ


實驗前先 shiˊ yanˋ qianˊ xian¯

Before experimenting, Prior to experimenting, Before the experiment, Prior to the experiment

實驗器皿 shiˊ yanˋ qiˋ minˇ

Labware, Lab equipment, Lab apparatus, Lab apparatuses

實驗大樓 shiˊ yanˋ daˋ louˊ

Lab building, Test building

實驗室 shiˊ yanˋ shiˋ


實驗室守則 shiˊ yanˋ shiˋ shouˇ zeˊ

Lab rules, Laboratory rules

實驗室白袍 shiˊ yanˋ shiˋ baiˊ paoˊ

White lab coat

實驗時間到 shiˊ yanˋ shiˊ jian¯ daoˋ

Time for an experiment, It was time for an experiment

實驗的結果 shiˊ yanˋ de˙ jieˊ guoˇ

Test results

實驗結果 shiˊ yanˋ jieˊ guoˇ

Test results

實驗衣 shiˊ yanˋ yi¯

Lab coat

直線 zhiˊ xianˋ

Straight line

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

之間 zhi¯ jian¯

Between, Among

之間彎曲 zhi¯ jian¯ wan¯ qu¯

Curved between, Wound between, Winded between

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

失眠 shi¯ mianˊ


失眠了 shi¯ mianˊ le˙

Can't sleep, Have insomnia

思前想後 si¯ qianˊ xiangˇ houˋ

Think before and after

之前 zhi¯ qianˊ

Before, Previously, From before

之前來過的那個地方 zhi¯ qianˊ laiˊ guoˋ de˙ naˋ ge˙ diˋ fang¯

The same place as last time

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

吃點 chi¯ dianˇ


吃點心 chi¯ dianˇ xin¯

Nibble on snacks, Eat finger foods, Eat dessert

吃點東西 chi¯ dianˇ dong¯ xi¯

Something to eat, Eat something

支點 zhi¯ dianˇ

Pivot, Fulcrum, Support point

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

吃健康點 chi¯ jianˋ kang¯ dianˇ

Eat healthy

失戀 shi¯ lianˋ

Jilted, To lose in love, Dumped, Ditched

思念 si¯ nianˋ

To miss someone

之變 zhi¯ bianˋ

Become, Changed to

支線 zhi¯ xianˋ

Branch line

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

時間 shiˊ jian¯


時間一長 shiˊ jian¯ yiˋ changˊ

Over time

時間來不及 shiˊ jian¯ laiˊ buˋ jiˊ

Not enough time

時間到了 shiˊ jian¯ daoˋ le˙

It's time

時間剛好 shiˊ jian¯ gang¯ haoˇ

Perfect timing

時間很快就過去了 shiˊ jian¯ henˇ kuaiˋ jiuˋ guoˋ quˋ le˙

Time passed quickly

時間很晚了 shiˊ jian¯ henˇ wanˇ le˙

It's very late, It's gotten very late, It's already very late

時間最多 shiˊ jian¯ zuiˋ duo¯

Have lots of time, Time to spare

時間浪費 shiˊ jian¯ langˋ feiˋ

Waste time

時間的腳步 shiˊ jian¯ de˙ jiaoˇ buˋ

Passage of time

時間穿越 shiˊ jian¯ chuan¯ yueˋ

Time travel

時間逆轉 shiˊ jian¯ niˋ zhuanˇ

Reverse chronology

時間都排好了 shiˊ jian¯ dou¯ paiˊ haoˇ le˙

Completely booked

時間長度 shiˊ jian¯ changˊ duˋ

Period of time, Length of time, Interval

時間順序 shiˊ jian¯ shunˋ xuˋ


時間順序排列 shiˊ jian¯ shunˋ xuˋ paiˊ lieˋ

Ordered chronologically, Arranged in chronological order, Sequenced chronologically

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

石蓮 shiˊ lianˊ

Rock lotus

十年 shiˊ nianˊ

10 years

十年前 shiˊ nianˊ qianˊ

10 years before

十年前是你逮捕他的 shiˊ nianˊ qianˊ shiˋ niˇ daiˋ buˇ ta¯ de˙

You arrested him ten years ago

食鹽 shiˊ yanˊ


值錢 zhiˊ qianˊ

Costly, Valuable

值錢了 zhiˊ qianˊ le˙

Valuable, Worth a fortune

直言 zhiˊ yanˊ

Speak bluntly

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

詞典 ciˊ dianˇ


辭典 ciˊ dianˇ


十點 shiˊ dianˇ

Ten O'Clock

十點半 shiˊ dianˇ banˋ

Ten thirty

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

指尖 zhiˇ jian¯

Finger tip, Finger tips

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

此前 ciˇ qianˊ


史前 shiˇ qianˊ

Prehistoric, Pre history

史前時代 shiˇ qianˊ shiˊ daiˋ

Prehistoric period, Prehistoric era

死前 siˇ qianˊ

Before dying

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

指點 zhiˇ dianˇ

Give pointers, Teach, Advise, Instruct, Point out, Pointed out

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

只建 zhiˇ jianˋ

Only built

只建了 zhiˇ jianˋ le˙

Only built

只見 zhiˇ jianˋ

See only

只見處處黑影晃動 zhiˇ jianˋ chuˋ chuˋ hei¯ yingˇ huangˇ dongˋ

Looking around, everything was covered in shadows

紙片 zhiˇ pianˋ

Scrap of paper, Piece of paper

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

世間 shiˋ jian¯

On this planet, On this world

事先 shiˋ xian¯

Prior, In advance

事先知道 shiˋ xian¯ zhi¯ daoˋ

Knowledge in advance, Know beforehand

事先警告我 shiˋ xian¯ jingˇ gaoˋ woˇ

Warn me first

四篇短文 siˋ pian¯ duanˇ wenˊ

Four essays

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

日前 riˋ qianˊ

A few days ago, Recently

事前 shiˋ qianˊ

Before hand, In advance

四年前 siˋ nianˊ qianˊ

Four years previously

四年級 siˋ nianˊ jiˊ

Fourth grade

四年級的 siˋ nianˊ jiˊ de˙

Fourth grade

自言自語 ziˋ yanˊ ziˋ yuˇ

Talk to oneself

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

試點 shiˋ dianˇ

Trial, Test run

四點 siˋ dianˇ

Four o'clock

字典 ziˋ dianˇ


字眼 ziˋ yanˇ

Word, Character

24, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

日漸稀疏 riˋ jianˋ xi¯ shu¯

Thinning, Becoming more sparse

事變 shiˋ bianˋ


事件 shiˋ jianˋ

Event, Events, Incident, Incidents

事件大屠殺 shiˋ jianˋ daˋ tuˊ sha¯

Pogrom, Systematic large scale murder

事件發生 shiˋ jianˋ fa¯ sheng¯

Event, Events, Incident

事件發生前 shiˋ jianˋ fa¯ sheng¯ qianˊ

Prior to the event, Before the incident

事件發生後 shiˋ jianˋ fa¯ sheng¯ houˋ

After the event, After the event occurred

是件好事 shiˋ jianˋ haoˇ shiˋ

Is a good thing, Was a good thing

市面 shiˋ mianˋ

Market place, Business in general

是陷阱 shiˋ xianˋ jingˇ

It is a trap, It was a trap

視線 shiˋ xianˋ

Sight, View, Vision

視線移開 shiˋ xianˋ yiˊ kai¯

Look away from

視線範圍 shiˋ xianˋ fanˋ weiˊ

Line of sight

試驗 shiˋ yanˋ


四面 siˋ mianˋ

Four sided, Four sides

四面八方 siˋ mianˋ ba¯ fang¯

All around, All directions

四面晶 siˋ mianˋ jing¯

Tetrahedral, Four sided

四面有柱子撐住 siˋ mianˋ youˇ zhuˋ ziˇ cheng¯ zhuˋ

Supporting columns on four sides


丶-宀 : > : > [實]-實驗 : > [實]-實驗室守則 >

厂-馬 : > : > [驗]-實驗 : > [驗]-實驗室守則 >

丶-宀 : > : > [室]-室守 : > [室]-實驗室守則 >

丶-宀 : > : > [守]-守則 : > [守]-實驗室守則 >

口-貝 : > : > [則]-守則 : > [則]-實驗室守則 >

實驗室守則 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 驗

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