Index for words including 驗


Test, Check, Verify, Examine, Experience

Word Links for words containing 驗 (sorted via character pairs)

驗 yanˋ
Test, Check, Verify, Examine, Experience

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


驗屍 Autopsy

被貼在驗屍報告裡 Stuck inside an autopsy report

驗屍報告 Autopsy report

一份驗屍報告 An autopsy report

那是一份驗屍報告 It was an autopsy report


驗收 Check


驗證 Verification, Certification


體驗 Experience

親身體驗 Personal experience, Firsthand experience

像這樣親身體驗 This type of personal experience, Experiencing it like this, This kind of first-hand experience


經驗 Experience, Experiences, Experiencing, Experienced

經驗 Experienced

以往的經驗 Past experience

超越的經驗 Transcendance

經驗 Experienced, Had experienced

經驗 Experiencing, Experienced

經驗老到 Seasoned, Experienced, Practiced

經驗教會他 Experience had taught him

我從我自己的經驗就知道了 I know from my own experience


化驗 Assay


試驗 Test

並且試驗 And test


實驗 Test

實驗 To experiment, Perform an experiment

操作實驗 Performing experiments, Carrying out experiments, Carry out experiments, Carries out experiments, Carried out experiments

實驗 Lab

實驗 Lab coat

三張實驗 3 test benches

操作實驗 When performing experiments, While performing experiments, When performing an experiment, While performing an experiment

噴氣推進實驗 Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL)

固體物理實驗 Solid state physics lab

實驗前先 Before experimenting, Prior to experimenting, Before the experiment, Prior to the experiment

實驗器皿 Labware, Lab equipment, Lab apparatus, Lab apparatuses

實驗大樓 Lab building, Test building

實驗室守則 Lab rules, Laboratory rules

實驗室白袍 White lab coat

實驗時間到 Time for an experiment, It was time for an experiment

以利實驗進行 Facilitate experiments

進入實驗室後 After entering the laboratory, After entering a laboratory

預習實驗內容 Preview the content of the experiment

實驗結果 Test results

實驗的結果 Test results

實驗的步驟 The steps in a particular experiment, Steps in an experiment

進行某實驗的步驟 Steps to perform in a particular experiment, The steps performed in an experiment


應驗 Come true


測驗 Test

聽寫測驗 Listening and writing test

閱讀測驗 Reading test

上國語聽寫測驗 Took a Mandarin Listening and Writing Test

那是測驗 Is that a test, Was that a test


勘驗 Investigate, Examine


貴驗 Experiment, Experiments, Test, Tests, Experience, Experiences, Trial, Trials


考驗 Test, Trial, Try

禁得起時間考驗 Time-honored

通過了什麼考驗 Had been tested


檢驗 Examine, Check, Inspect

檢驗 Examined, Examination

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