
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 覺


Small enough to not be seen or felt

xiaoˇ daoˋ kanˋ buˊ jianˋ yeˇ ganˇ jueˊ buˊ daoˋ

覺 jueˊ, jiaoˋ
Perceive, Feel, Conscious, Aware, (Jiao4), Sleep, Nap

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Phone , Tone


不見 buˊ jianˋ

看不見 kanˋ buˊ jianˋ

感覺 ganˇ jueˊ

不到 buˊ daoˋ

Words that rhyme with 小到看不見也感覺不到 (yao-ao)

Grouped by first phone

xiao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, miao, niao, tiao, yao

小島 xiaoˇ daoˇ

Small island

小到看不見 xiaoˇ daoˋ kanˋ buˊ jianˋ

Too small to see

小到看不見也感覺不到 xiaoˇ daoˋ kanˋ buˊ jianˋ yeˇ ganˇ jueˊ buˊ daoˋ

Small enough to not be seen or felt

小道 xiaoˇ daoˋ

Path, Lane

笑道 xiaoˋ daoˋ

Laugh, Smile

消耗 xiao¯ haoˋ

Consume, Consumed

消耗得很快 xiao¯ haoˋ deˊ henˇ kuaiˋ

Wore out quickly

小老鼠 xiaoˇ laoˇ shuˇ

Mouse, Little mouse

效勞 xiaoˋ laoˊ

Render service, Render a service, Work for

小貓 xiaoˇ mao¯


小泡泡 xiaoˇ paoˋ paoˋ

Tiny bubbles

小少爺 xiaoˇ shaoˇ yeˊ

Young lord, Little master

小照片 xiaoˇ zhaoˋ pianˋ

Tiny photograph, Tiny picture

xiao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, miao, niao, tiao, yao

飆到 biao¯ daoˋ

Speed up to, Accelerate up to

表號 biaoˇ haoˋ

Table number

xiao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, miao, niao, tiao, yao

掉到 diaoˋ daoˋ

Drop, Drop down, Drop down to

掉到地上 diaoˋ daoˋ diˋ shangˋ

Drop down to the ground, Dropped down, Dropped

掉到河裡去 diaoˋ daoˋ heˊ liˇ quˋ

Fall into the river, Fell into the river

調到 diaoˋ daoˋ

Switch, Switched, Change to, Changed to

xiao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, miao, niao, tiao, yao

驕傲 jiao¯ aoˋ

Pride, Disdain, Haughtiness, Proud, Disdainful, Haughty

交到 jiao¯ daoˋ

Placing, Putting

教導 jiaoˋ daoˇ

Guide, Teach, Instruct, Guidance, Instruction

叫道 jiaoˋ daoˋ

Exclaim, Exclaims, Exclaiming, Exclaimed

較高 jiaoˋ gao¯

Comparatively higher

叫好 jiaoˋ haoˇ

Cheer, Applaud

焦躁 jiao¯ zaoˋ

Worried, Anxious, Restless

焦躁不安 jiao¯ zaoˋ buˋ an¯

Fidgeted, Fidgety, Flustered, Feel flustered

焦躁的 jiao¯ zaoˋ de˙

Anxious, Irritable, Jumpy

xiao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, miao, niao, tiao, yao

料到 liaoˋ daoˋ


xiao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, miao, niao, tiao, yao

瞄到 miaoˊ daoˋ

Looked at, Aimed at

xiao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, miao, niao, tiao, yao

鳥巢 niaoˇ chaoˊ

The bird's nest

xiao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, miao, niao, tiao, yao

跳槽 tiaoˋ caoˊ


跳到 tiaoˋ daoˋ

Jump, Jumped, Jump to, Jump into, Leap, Leaped

跳到一家屋頂邊緣 tiaoˋ daoˋ yiˋ jia¯ wu¯ dingˇ bian¯ yuanˊ

Jump to the edge of the roof, Jumped to the edge of the roof, Jumped to the edge of a roof

挑高 tiao¯ gao¯

High, Raise, Raises, Raising, Raised, Lift, Lifts, Lifting, Lifted

挑高一道眉毛 tiao¯ gao¯ yiˊ daoˋ meiˊ maoˊ

Raise an eyebrow, Raising an eyebrow, Raised an eyebrow

挑高了 tiao¯ gao¯ le˙

Elevated, Lifted, Raised

挑高了一道眉 tiao¯ gao¯ le˙ yiˊ daoˋ meiˊ

Raised an eyebrow

跳高 tiaoˋ gao¯

High jump

跳蚤圈 tiaoˋ zaoˇ quan¯

Flea circus

xiao, biao, diao, jiao, liao, miao, niao, tiao, yao

腰包 yao¯ bao¯

Purse, Handbag, Wallet

要到明天才會離開 yaoˋ daoˋ mingˊ tian¯ caiˊ huiˋ liˊ kai¯

Won't leave until tomorrow

要好 yaoˋ haoˇ

Close (friends), On good terms with, Be in love with, Desire to excel

要好好保護 yaoˋ haoˇ haoˇ baoˇ huˋ

Should take good care of, Need to take good care of

要好好聽 yaoˋ haoˇ haoˇ ting¯

Listen carefully

要遭殃了 yaoˋ zao¯ yang¯ le˙

Was screwed

Grouped in tone pairs

34, 11, 14, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

表號 biaoˇ haoˋ

Table number

小到看不見 xiaoˇ daoˋ kanˋ buˊ jianˋ

Too small to see

小到看不見也感覺不到 xiaoˇ daoˋ kanˋ buˊ jianˋ yeˇ ganˇ jueˊ buˊ daoˋ

Small enough to not be seen or felt

小道 xiaoˇ daoˋ

Path, Lane

小泡泡 xiaoˇ paoˋ paoˋ

Tiny bubbles

小照片 xiaoˇ zhaoˋ pianˋ

Tiny photograph, Tiny picture

34, 11, 14, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

挑高 tiao¯ gao¯

High, Raise, Raises, Raising, Raised, Lift, Lifts, Lifting, Lifted

挑高一道眉毛 tiao¯ gao¯ yiˊ daoˋ meiˊ maoˊ

Raise an eyebrow, Raising an eyebrow, Raised an eyebrow

挑高了 tiao¯ gao¯ le˙

Elevated, Lifted, Raised

挑高了一道眉 tiao¯ gao¯ le˙ yiˊ daoˋ meiˊ

Raised an eyebrow

腰包 yao¯ bao¯

Purse, Handbag, Wallet

34, 11, 14, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

飆到 biao¯ daoˋ

Speed up to, Accelerate up to

驕傲 jiao¯ aoˋ

Pride, Disdain, Haughtiness, Proud, Disdainful, Haughty

交到 jiao¯ daoˋ

Placing, Putting

焦躁 jiao¯ zaoˋ

Worried, Anxious, Restless

焦躁不安 jiao¯ zaoˋ buˋ an¯

Fidgeted, Fidgety, Flustered, Feel flustered

焦躁的 jiao¯ zaoˋ de˙

Anxious, Irritable, Jumpy

消耗 xiao¯ haoˋ

Consume, Consumed

消耗得很快 xiao¯ haoˋ deˊ henˇ kuaiˋ

Wore out quickly

34, 11, 14, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

瞄到 miaoˊ daoˋ

Looked at, Aimed at

34, 11, 14, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

小貓 xiaoˇ mao¯


34, 11, 14, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

鳥巢 niaoˇ chaoˊ

The bird's nest

34, 11, 14, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

小島 xiaoˇ daoˇ

Small island

小老鼠 xiaoˇ laoˇ shuˇ

Mouse, Little mouse

小少爺 xiaoˇ shaoˇ yeˊ

Young lord, Little master

34, 11, 14, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

較高 jiaoˋ gao¯

Comparatively higher

跳高 tiaoˋ gao¯

High jump

要遭殃了 yaoˋ zao¯ yang¯ le˙

Was screwed

34, 11, 14, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

跳槽 tiaoˋ caoˊ


效勞 xiaoˋ laoˊ

Render service, Render a service, Work for

34, 11, 14, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

教導 jiaoˋ daoˇ

Guide, Teach, Instruct, Guidance, Instruction

叫好 jiaoˋ haoˇ

Cheer, Applaud

跳蚤圈 tiaoˋ zaoˇ quan¯

Flea circus

要好 yaoˋ haoˇ

Close (friends), On good terms with, Be in love with, Desire to excel

要好好保護 yaoˋ haoˇ haoˇ baoˇ huˋ

Should take good care of, Need to take good care of

要好好聽 yaoˋ haoˇ haoˇ ting¯

Listen carefully

34, 11, 14, 24, 31, 32, 33, 41, 42, 43, 44

掉到 diaoˋ daoˋ

Drop, Drop down, Drop down to

掉到地上 diaoˋ daoˋ diˋ shangˋ

Drop down to the ground, Dropped down, Dropped

掉到河裡去 diaoˋ daoˋ heˊ liˇ quˋ

Fall into the river, Fell into the river

調到 diaoˋ daoˋ

Switch, Switched, Change to, Changed to

叫道 jiaoˋ daoˋ

Exclaim, Exclaims, Exclaiming, Exclaimed

料到 liaoˋ daoˋ


跳到 tiaoˋ daoˋ

Jump, Jumped, Jump to, Jump into, Leap, Leaped

跳到一家屋頂邊緣 tiaoˋ daoˋ yiˋ jia¯ wu¯ dingˇ bian¯ yuanˊ

Jump to the edge of the roof, Jumped to the edge of the roof, Jumped to the edge of a roof

笑道 xiaoˋ daoˋ

Laugh, Smile

要到明天才會離開 yaoˋ daoˋ mingˊ tian¯ caiˊ huiˋ liˊ kai¯

Won't leave until tomorrow

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