
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 的


Common, Commonly used

changˊ yongˋ de˙

的 de˙, diˋ, diˊ
Have, Has, At That, (Di4), Clear, Distinct, Target, Goal, (Di2), Accurate, Exact, Proper, (De5), Adjectifier, Possessive

(hide char details)

Phone , Tone


常用 changˊ yongˋ

Words that rhyme with 常用的 (ang-yong)

Grouped by first phone

chang, cang, shang

常用 changˊ yongˋ

Commonly used

常用的 changˊ yongˋ de˙

Common, Commonly used

chang, cang, shang

蒼穹 cang¯ qiong¯

Sky, Firmament

chang, cang, shang

上胸位置 shangˋ xiong¯ weiˋ zhiˋ

Upper Chest Region

上湧 shangˋ yongˇ


Grouped in tone pairs

24, 11, 41, 43

常用 changˊ yongˋ

Commonly used

常用的 changˊ yongˋ de˙

Common, Commonly used

24, 11, 41, 43

蒼穹 cang¯ qiong¯

Sky, Firmament

24, 11, 41, 43

上胸位置 shangˋ xiong¯ weiˋ zhiˋ

Upper Chest Region

24, 11, 41, 43

上湧 shangˋ yongˇ



人-⺌ : > : > [常]-常用 : > [常]-常用的 >

冂-⺆ : > : > [用]-常用 : > [用]-常用的 >

丶-白 : > : > [的]-用的 : > [的]-常用的 >

常用的 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 的

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