
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 底



diˇ yunˋ

底 diˇ, de˙
Bottom, Underside, Base, Background

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 底蘊 (yi-yun)

Grouped by first phone

di, ji, xi, yi

底蘊 diˇ yunˋ


di, ji, xi, yi

機群 ji¯ qunˊ

Fleet of airplanes

肌群 ji¯ qunˊ

Muscle Group, Muscle groups

機運 ji¯ yunˋ

Luck, Fate

di, ji, xi, yi

細菌 xiˋ jun¯


di, ji, xi, yi

衣裙 yi¯ qunˊ


一群 yiˋ qunˊ

A group, A bunch (of), A team (of)

一群婦女 yiˋ qunˊ fuˋ nuuˇ

A group of women

一群把風 yiˋ qunˊ baˇ feng¯

A team of lookouts

一群把風和誘餌 yiˋ qunˊ baˇ feng¯ hanˋ youˋ erˇ

A team of lookouts and decoys

一群瘋子 yiˋ qunˊ feng¯ ziˇ

Group of maniacs, Crazy people

一群移民 yiˋ qunˊ yiˊ minˊ

Group of migrants, Bunch of migrants

Grouped in tone pairs

34, 12, 14, 41, 42

底蘊 diˇ yunˋ


34, 12, 14, 41, 42

機群 ji¯ qunˊ

Fleet of airplanes

肌群 ji¯ qunˊ

Muscle Group, Muscle groups

衣裙 yi¯ qunˊ


34, 12, 14, 41, 42

機運 ji¯ yunˋ

Luck, Fate

34, 12, 14, 41, 42

細菌 xiˋ jun¯


34, 12, 14, 41, 42

一群 yiˋ qunˊ

A group, A bunch (of), A team (of)

一群婦女 yiˋ qunˊ fuˋ nuuˇ

A group of women

一群把風 yiˋ qunˊ baˇ feng¯

A team of lookouts

一群把風和誘餌 yiˋ qunˊ baˇ feng¯ hanˋ youˋ erˇ

A team of lookouts and decoys

一群瘋子 yiˋ qunˊ feng¯ ziˇ

Group of maniacs, Crazy people

一群移民 yiˋ qunˊ yiˊ minˊ

Group of migrants, Bunch of migrants


丶-广 : > : > [底]-底蘊 : > [底]-底蘊 >

人-艹 : > : > [蘊]-底蘊 : > [蘊]-底蘊 >

底蘊 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 底

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