
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 彆



bieˋ niuˇ

彆 bieˋ

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 彆扭 (ye-you)

Grouped by first phone

bie, jie, lie, tie, xie, ye

彆扭 bieˋ niuˇ


bie, jie, lie, tie, xie, ye

解救 jieˇ jiuˋ


戒酒 jieˋ jiuˇ

Abstain from drinking alcohol, Sober

戒酒計畫 jieˋ jiuˇ jiˋ huaˋ

Alcoholics anonymous, AA

接球 jie¯ qiuˊ

Catch the ball, Catching the ball

解憂 jieˇ you¯

Alleviate sorrow

藉由 jieˋ youˊ

By, Via

bie, jie, lie, tie, xie, ye

烈酒 lieˋ jiuˇ

Strong drink, Strong alcoholic beverage

bie, jie, lie, tie, xie, ye

鐵銹 tieˇ xiuˋ


貼郵票 tie¯ youˊ piaoˋ

Postage stamp

bie, jie, lie, tie, xie, ye

血流 xieˇ liuˊ

Bleeding, Flow of blood, Blood flow

血球 xieˇ qiuˊ

Corpuscle, Blood corpuscle

血球大小 xieˇ qiuˊ daˋ xiaoˇ

Corpuscle sized

bie, jie, lie, tie, xie, ye

也就是說 yeˇ jiuˋ shiˋ shuo¯

That is to say, Another way of saying

野牛 yeˇ niuˊ


野牛群 yeˇ niuˊ qunˊ

Bison herd, Herds of bison

也有 yeˇ youˇ

Also has, Also

也有點 yeˇ youˇ dianˇ

Also have a little (bit)

Grouped in tone pairs

43, 12, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42

彆扭 bieˋ niuˇ


戒酒 jieˋ jiuˇ

Abstain from drinking alcohol, Sober

戒酒計畫 jieˋ jiuˇ jiˋ huaˋ

Alcoholics anonymous, AA

烈酒 lieˋ jiuˇ

Strong drink, Strong alcoholic beverage

43, 12, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42

接球 jie¯ qiuˊ

Catch the ball, Catching the ball

貼郵票 tie¯ youˊ piaoˋ

Postage stamp

43, 12, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42

解憂 jieˇ you¯

Alleviate sorrow

43, 12, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42

血流 xieˇ liuˊ

Bleeding, Flow of blood, Blood flow

血球 xieˇ qiuˊ

Corpuscle, Blood corpuscle

血球大小 xieˇ qiuˊ daˋ xiaoˇ

Corpuscle sized

野牛 yeˇ niuˊ


野牛群 yeˇ niuˊ qunˊ

Bison herd, Herds of bison

43, 12, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42

也有 yeˇ youˇ

Also has, Also

也有點 yeˇ youˇ dianˇ

Also have a little (bit)

43, 12, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42

解救 jieˇ jiuˋ


鐵銹 tieˇ xiuˋ


也就是說 yeˇ jiuˋ shiˋ shuo¯

That is to say, Another way of saying

43, 12, 31, 32, 33, 34, 42

藉由 jieˋ youˊ

By, Via


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十-扌 : > : > [扭]-彆扭 : > [扭]-彆扭 >

彆扭 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 彆

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