
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 警


Call the police

kuaiˋ jiaoˋ jingˇ chaˊ

警 jingˇ
Police, Watch, Warn, Alarm, Alert

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Phone , Tone


警察 jingˇ chaˊ

Words that rhyme with 快叫警察 (wai-yao)

Grouped by first phone

kuai, guai, huai, shuai, wai

快叫警察 kuaiˋ jiaoˋ jingˇ chaˊ

Call the police

快要 kuaiˋ yaoˋ

Soon ready, Almost ready

快要枯死的 kuaiˋ yaoˋ ku¯ siˇ de˙


快要死了 kuaiˋ yaoˋ siˇ le˙

Is dying, Will soon be dead

kuai, guai, huai, shuai, wai

乖巧 guai¯ qiaoˇ

Smart, Clever

kuai, guai, huai, shuai, wai

懷錶 huaiˊ biaoˇ

Pocket watch

壞掉 huaiˋ diaoˋ

Broken, Wrecked, Ruined

壞掉了 huaiˋ diaoˋ le˙

Broken, Not working

壞掉的 huaiˋ diaoˋ de˙

Broken, Wrecked, Ruined

壞掉的水管 huaiˋ diaoˋ de˙ shuiˇ guanˇ

Broken water pipe

壞消息 huaiˋ xiao¯ xiˊ

Bad news, Bad news is that

kuai, guai, huai, shuai, wai

甩掉 shuaiˇ diaoˋ

Discard, Get rid of

甩掉了 shuaiˇ diaoˋ le˙

Discarded, Got rid of

摔跤 shuai¯ jiao¯


摔角 shuai¯ jiaoˇ

Wrestle, Wrestling

kuai, guai, huai, shuai, wai

外表 waiˋ biaoˇ

Appearance, Exterior, Casing, External surface

外交 waiˋ jiao¯

Foreign affairs, Foreign relations, Diplomacy, Diplomatic

外交官 waiˋ jiao¯ guan¯


外銷 waiˋ xiao¯

Export, For export

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 11, 13, 23, 34, 41, 43

壞掉 huaiˋ diaoˋ

Broken, Wrecked, Ruined

壞掉了 huaiˋ diaoˋ le˙

Broken, Not working

壞掉的 huaiˋ diaoˋ de˙

Broken, Wrecked, Ruined

壞掉的水管 huaiˋ diaoˋ de˙ shuiˇ guanˇ

Broken water pipe

快叫警察 kuaiˋ jiaoˋ jingˇ chaˊ

Call the police

快要 kuaiˋ yaoˋ

Soon ready, Almost ready

快要枯死的 kuaiˋ yaoˋ ku¯ siˇ de˙


快要死了 kuaiˋ yaoˋ siˇ le˙

Is dying, Will soon be dead

44, 11, 13, 23, 34, 41, 43

摔跤 shuai¯ jiao¯


44, 11, 13, 23, 34, 41, 43

乖巧 guai¯ qiaoˇ

Smart, Clever

摔角 shuai¯ jiaoˇ

Wrestle, Wrestling

44, 11, 13, 23, 34, 41, 43

懷錶 huaiˊ biaoˇ

Pocket watch

44, 11, 13, 23, 34, 41, 43

甩掉 shuaiˇ diaoˋ

Discard, Get rid of

甩掉了 shuaiˇ diaoˋ le˙

Discarded, Got rid of

44, 11, 13, 23, 34, 41, 43

壞消息 huaiˋ xiao¯ xiˊ

Bad news, Bad news is that

外交 waiˋ jiao¯

Foreign affairs, Foreign relations, Diplomacy, Diplomatic

外交官 waiˋ jiao¯ guan¯


外銷 waiˋ xiao¯

Export, For export

44, 11, 13, 23, 34, 41, 43

外表 waiˋ biaoˇ

Appearance, Exterior, Casing, External surface


丶-忄 : > : > [快]-快叫 : > [快]-快叫警察 >

口-口 : > : > [叫]-叫警 : > [叫]-快叫警察 >

人-艹 : > : > [警]-警察 : > [警]-快叫警察 >

丶-宀 : > : > [察]-警察 : > [察]-快叫警察 >

快叫警察 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 警

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