
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 都


I still have to go to school, I have to go to school anyway

woˇ dou¯ yaoˋ quˋ shangˋ xueˊ

都 dou¯, du¯
All, Each And Every, Both, Entirely, Even, Already, (Du1), City, Town, Metropolis

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Phone , Tone


要去 yaoˋ quˋ

上學 shangˋ xueˊ

去上學 quˋ shangˋ xueˊ

Words that rhyme with 我都要去上學 (wo-ou)

Grouped by first phone

wo, cuo, duo, guo, huo, luo, ruo, suo, tuo, zhuo, zuo

我都要去上學 woˇ dou¯ yaoˋ quˋ shangˋ xueˊ

I still have to go to school, I have to go to school anyway

我收到了 woˇ shou¯ daoˋ le˙

I received, I have received

我收到了令人不安的消息 woˇ shou¯ daoˋ le˙ lingˋ renˊ buˋ an¯ de˙ xiao¯ xiˊ

I've received disturbing news, I have received some unsettling news

握手 woˋ shouˇ

Hand shake, Shake hands

wo, cuo, duo, guo, huo, luo, ruo, suo, tuo, zhuo, zuo

措手不及 cuoˋ shouˇ buˋ jiˊ

Caught unawares, Caught unprepared, Taken by surprise

wo, cuo, duo, guo, huo, luo, ruo, suo, tuo, zhuo, zuo

多愁善感 duo¯ chouˊ shanˋ ganˇ


舵手 duoˋ shouˇ


奪走 duoˊ zouˇ

Take away

奪走了 duoˊ zouˇ le˙

Took away

wo, cuo, duo, guo, huo, luo, ruo, suo, tuo, zhuo, zuo

過後 guoˋ houˋ

After, Afterwards, Later

過後不久 guoˋ houˋ buˋ jiuˇ

Not long after

果肉 guoˇ rouˋ

Fruit pulp

過熟 guoˋ shouˊ

Overripe, Overcooked

過頭 guoˋ touˊ

Overhead, Exceed, Overdo, Overshoot

過頭頂 guoˋ touˊ dingˇ

Overhead, Past the top of the head, Past the the head

wo, cuo, duo, guo, huo, luo, ruo, suo, tuo, zhuo, zuo

火候 huoˇ houˋ


活口 huoˊ kouˇ

Live, Living, Alive

禍首 huoˋ shouˇ

Culprit, Cause

wo, cuo, duo, guo, huo, luo, ruo, suo, tuo, zhuo, zuo

落後 luoˋ houˋ

Lag, Fall behind

wo, cuo, duo, guo, huo, luo, ruo, suo, tuo, zhuo, zuo

弱肉強食 ruoˋ rouˋ qiangˊ shiˊ

Strongest eats the weakest, Predator(y)

wo, cuo, duo, guo, huo, luo, ruo, suo, tuo, zhuo, zuo

縮頭 suo¯ touˊ

Cringe, Slouch, Cower

縮頭縮腦 suo¯ touˊ suo¯ naoˇ

Cower from fear, Cringe or slouch in fear

縮頭藏尾 suo¯ touˊ cangˊ weiˇ

Act subserviently

wo, cuo, duo, guo, huo, luo, ruo, suo, tuo, zhuo, zuo

脫口成章 tuo¯ kouˇ chengˊ zhang¯

Speak beautifully

脫口而出 tuo¯ kouˇ erˊ chu¯

Blurted out

脫手 tuo¯ shouˇ

Sell out, Dispose of, Make hands bare

wo, cuo, duo, guo, huo, luo, ruo, suo, tuo, zhuo, zuo

著手 zhuoˊ shouˇ

Commence, Get on with, Start, Begin

wo, cuo, duo, guo, huo, luo, ruo, suo, tuo, zhuo, zuo

作厚些 zuoˋ houˋ xie¯

Make a little thicker, Thicken a little

左手 zuoˇ shouˇ

Left hand

做手工 zuoˋ shouˇ gong¯

Do it by hand, Does it by hand, Doing it by hand, Did it by hand, Doing it manually,

做手工組合 zuoˋ shouˇ gong¯ zuˇ heˊ

Manually assembling, Assemble by hand, Assembling by hand, Assembled by hand

Grouped in tone pairs

31, 12, 13, 23, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

我都要去上學 woˇ dou¯ yaoˋ quˋ shangˋ xueˊ

I still have to go to school, I have to go to school anyway

我收到了 woˇ shou¯ daoˋ le˙

I received, I have received

我收到了令人不安的消息 woˇ shou¯ daoˋ le˙ lingˋ renˊ buˋ an¯ de˙ xiao¯ xiˊ

I've received disturbing news, I have received some unsettling news

31, 12, 13, 23, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

多愁善感 duo¯ chouˊ shanˋ ganˇ


縮頭 suo¯ touˊ

Cringe, Slouch, Cower

縮頭縮腦 suo¯ touˊ suo¯ naoˇ

Cower from fear, Cringe or slouch in fear

縮頭藏尾 suo¯ touˊ cangˊ weiˇ

Act subserviently

31, 12, 13, 23, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

脫口成章 tuo¯ kouˇ chengˊ zhang¯

Speak beautifully

脫口而出 tuo¯ kouˇ erˊ chu¯

Blurted out

脫手 tuo¯ shouˇ

Sell out, Dispose of, Make hands bare

31, 12, 13, 23, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

奪走 duoˊ zouˇ

Take away

奪走了 duoˊ zouˇ le˙

Took away

活口 huoˊ kouˇ

Live, Living, Alive

著手 zhuoˊ shouˇ

Commence, Get on with, Start, Begin

31, 12, 13, 23, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

左手 zuoˇ shouˇ

Left hand

31, 12, 13, 23, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

果肉 guoˇ rouˋ

Fruit pulp

火候 huoˇ houˋ


31, 12, 13, 23, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

過熟 guoˋ shouˊ

Overripe, Overcooked

過頭 guoˋ touˊ

Overhead, Exceed, Overdo, Overshoot

過頭頂 guoˋ touˊ dingˇ

Overhead, Past the top of the head, Past the the head

31, 12, 13, 23, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

措手不及 cuoˋ shouˇ buˋ jiˊ

Caught unawares, Caught unprepared, Taken by surprise

舵手 duoˋ shouˇ


禍首 huoˋ shouˇ

Culprit, Cause

握手 woˋ shouˇ

Hand shake, Shake hands

做手工 zuoˋ shouˇ gong¯

Do it by hand, Does it by hand, Doing it by hand, Did it by hand, Doing it manually,

做手工組合 zuoˋ shouˇ gong¯ zuˇ heˊ

Manually assembling, Assemble by hand, Assembling by hand, Assembled by hand

31, 12, 13, 23, 33, 34, 42, 43, 44

過後 guoˋ houˋ

After, Afterwards, Later

過後不久 guoˋ houˋ buˋ jiuˇ

Not long after

落後 luoˋ houˋ

Lag, Fall behind

弱肉強食 ruoˋ rouˋ qiangˊ shiˊ

Strongest eats the weakest, Predator(y)

作厚些 zuoˋ houˋ xie¯

Make a little thicker, Thicken a little


丿-千 : > : > [我]-我都 : > [我]-我都要去上學 >

十-十 : > : > [都]-都要 : > [都]-我都要去上學 >

一-覀 : > : > [要]-要去 : > [要]-我都要去上學 >

十-土 : > : > [去]-要去 : > [去]-我都要去上學 >

丨-卜 : > : > [上]-上學 : > [上]-我都要去上學 >

厂-臼 : > : > [學]-上學 : > [學]-我都要去上學 >

我都要去上學 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 都

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