baˇ, baˋ
Take, Handle, Hold, Grasp, Handful, Bundle, Around, About, Approximately, Sworn, Give, Guard, Watch over, Make (Not Manufacture), Regard As, Direct Object, MW For Objects That Have Handles Including Chairs, (ba4), Ahandle, Agrip
Word Links for words containing 把 (sorted via character pairs)
把臀部向前推 Push the hips forward, Pushes the hips forward, Push our hips forward
把臀部往左推 Push the hips to the left, Pushes the hips to the left, Push our hips to the left
把臀部向一側推 Push the hips to one side, Pushes the hips to one side, Push our hips to one side
把臀部推向一邊 Push the hips to one side
把臀部直直向後推 Push the hips straight back, Pushes the hips back, Push our hips straight back
把門打開 Opened the door
把門關上 Close the door, Closes the door, Closed the door
把門關好 Shut the door, Closed the door
用力把門關上 Slammed the door shut
把風 Person posted as a lookout for criminal acts, Lookout
一群把風 A team of lookouts
把風的工作 Job as a lookout
他想找個把風的工作 He sought a job as a lookout, He looked for work as a lookout
一群把風和誘餌 A team of lookouts and decoys
把她推開 Push her away, Pushes her away, Pushing her away, Pushed her away
把她招募到 Recruited her into
把她到一旁說 Took her to one side, Took her aside
就把她帶來給我 Bring her to me
把妳調 Reassign you
把妳切成一塊一塊 Cut you into pieces
等我把妳整治完了 When I'm done with you
是什麼風把妳吹到我的地盤上來 What brings you to my neck of the woods
把所有的錢花在 Spend all of their money on
把所有的髒東西 Take all of the dirt
我們該把所有幫手都召集起來 We need all the help we can get
把所有的髒東西轉到 Transfer all of the dirt
幾乎能把所有的髒東西轉到 Could transfer almost all of the dirt to, Could transfer most of the dirt to
把製造商的保證看得很認真 Take the manufacturer's guarantee seriously
從未把製造商的保證看得很認真 Had never taken the manufacturer's promise seriously
把他帶上 Carry him onto, Take him onto
把他們好好帶大 Bring them up well, Bring them up properly
把他推開 Push him away, Pushes him away, Pushing him away, Pushed him away
把他放倒 Laid him down
把他誘到 Lure him to, Lured him, Lure him into, Lured him into
把他帶出去 Took him out
把他招募到 Recruited him into
玩全把他忘了 Forgot about him, Did not think about him
就把他帶來給我 Bring him to me
想要把他們找回來 Wanted them to return, Wanted their return
把他的頭向後輕打 Tap his head back
把他一邊眼皮往後拉起 Peeled back one of his eyelids
那些想要把他們找回來的 Those who wanted them to return, The people who wanted their return
把他們大部分的法力放進一件物品 Place most of their magic into an object
把你升任 Promote you, Promoting you
把你升任到 Promote you to, Promoting you to
把你視為朋友 Treat you as a friend, Regard you as a friend
把你媽給嚇壞了 Giving your mum a scare, Scaring your mum
等我把你整治完了 When I'm done with you
跟他把你打傷一點關係都沒有 It has nothing to do with him hurting you
是什麼風把你吹到我的地盤上來 What brings you to my neck of the woods
所以跟他把你打傷一點關係都沒有囉 So it has nothing to do with him hurting you?
把你踢出門 Kick you out the door
把你從監獄裡救了出來 Freed you from prison, Got you out of jail
我很佩服他把你從監獄裡救了出來 I appreciate him for getting you out of prison, I appreciate that he got you out of jail
把你搜刮一空 Empty your pockets, Pick your pockets
把你切成一塊一塊 Cut you into pieces
把重量轉換 Shift weight, Shifting weight
把重量轉換到 Shift weight to, Shifting weight to
把重量轉移到 Shift weight to
把重量均勻分佈 Evenly distribute the weight, Evenly distribute your weight, Center the weight, Center your weight
把重量均勻分佈在 Evenly distribute the weight over, Evenly distribute your weight over, Center the weight on, Center your weight over
把重量轉換到單腳 Shift weight to one foot
把重量轉移到另一隻腳 Shift weight to the other foot
把重量轉換到單腳時 While shifting weight to one foot, As weight is shifted to one foot
把重量轉移到單腳上 Shift weight to one foot, Shifting weight to one foot, Shifted weight to one foot
把重量轉移到另一隻腳時 While shifting weight to the other foot, As weight is shifted to the other foot
把手 Handle, Handles, Hold hands, Take hands, Place hands
車把手 Handle bars
推車把手 Shopping cart push bar
把手杖 Taking the walking-stick
把手伸進 Reach hand, Reaching hands into
把手拿開 Take hands off, Take hand off, Takes hand off, Taking hand off, Took hand off
把手杖尖 Taking the tip of the walking stick
把手臂往後舉 Reach the arms back
把我擋 Block me
把我叫醒 Wake me, Woke me
把我扯入 Drag me into
把我拉回到 Pull me back
不要把我們帶走 Don't take us away
把我踢進陰溝裡 Kick me into a ditch, Threw me into the gutter
把我從高塔上丟下去 Throw me from a tower, Threw me from a tower
佛於是把我化作一棵樹 Buddha then turned me into a tree
你把我的鼻子打斷了啦 You broke my nose
把我自己絆倒 Trip myself up
說不定會把我自己絆倒 I could trip, I could have tripped
你把我的鼻子打斷了 You broke my nose
好把我的鼻子打斷了 You broke my nose
把衣領從領帶圈裡拉出來 Pull the collar out from the loop of the tie, Pulling the collar out from the loop of the tie, Pulled the collar out from the loop of the tie
把話筒夾在耳邊 Kept the receiver at their ear
把話用這串聽起來很悅耳的字眼說出 Put it so eloquently, Put it in such fine-sounding terminology
把窗打開 Open the window, Opens the window, Opening the window, Opened the window
他把窗打開 He opened the window
她把窗打開 She opened the window
把成果呈現給他的上司 Present the results to his boss, Presenting the results to his boss, Presented the results to his boss
把自己拉上去 Pulled himself up, Pulled herself up, Pulled themselves up, Pull yourself up
把自己舉上去 Pull yourself up, Pulled herself up, Pulled himself up, Pulled themselves up
把自己當成他們 Be like them, Become them, Be them
設身處地把自己當成他們 Put yourself in their position
把自己鎖在浴室 Locked themselves in the bathroom
把染病的人完全隔離 Put infected person in complete quarantine, Put any infected people in complete quarantine
把劍擋到一邊 Block the sword to one side, Blocks the sword to one side, Blocked the sword to one side
把茶當一回事了 Take tea seriously
太把茶當一回事了 Take tea too seriously
他們太把茶當一回事了 They were too serious about the tea, They took the tea too seriously, They were making too big deal out of the tea
把一切綁到一起 Tied them all together
把一筆款項轉到 Transfer funds, Transfer a sum of money
我把一束炸藥丟到他身上 I dropped a bunch of dynamite on him, I threw a bundle of dynamite on him
把一切綁到一起形成網路 Tied them together to form a network, Tied them all together to form a network
可以分別把三階段理解為 The three phases can be understood as
你可以分別把三階段理解為 You can think of these three phases as
把頭低下 Get your head down, Get down, Duck
把頭盔脫了 Took off helmet
把頭塞進毯子下 Stuck their head under the blanket
把夾子推到他面前 Push the binder in front of him, Pushes the binder in front of him, Pushed the binder towards him
把事情搞砸了 Screwed things up, Made a cock-up of the whole thing
把事情處理好 Take care of a matter, Deal well with a matter
把事情的邏輯再想一遍 Run through the logic of matter one more time
把殺人變成了藝術 Turn murder into a kind of art, Turn killing into a kind of art, Turning killing into a form of art
把左臂甩過牆頭 Flung his left arm across the wall, Flung her left arm across the wall, Flung their left arm across the wall, Fling your left arm across the wall
他把左臂甩過牆頭 He swung his left arm over the wall
一把 Handful, Bunch
一把傘 An umbrella
一把手 Number one
撐一把傘 Use an umbrella
一把扯下 Pulled off
一把種子 A handful of seeds
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