
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 把


Kept the receiver at their ear

baˇ huaˋ tongˇ jia¯ zaiˋ erˇ bian¯

把 baˇ, baˋ
Take, Handle, Hold, Grasp, Handful, Bundle, Around, About, Approximately, Sworn, Give, Guard, Watch over, Make (Not Manufacture), Regard As, Direct Object, MW For Objects That Have Handles Including Chairs, (ba4), Ahandle, Agrip

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Phone , Tone


話筒 huaˋ tongˇ

夾在 jia¯ zaiˋ

Words that rhyme with 把話筒夾在耳邊 (a-wa)

Grouped by first phone

ba, a, cha, la, sha, ta, ya

八卦 ba¯ guaˋ

Gossip, Eight trigrams of the Book of Changes

把話用這串聽起來很悅耳的字眼說出 baˇ huaˋ yongˋ zheˋ chuanˋ ting¯ qiˇ laiˊ henˇ yueˋ erˇ de˙ ziˋ yanˇ shuo¯ chu¯

Put it so eloquently, Put it in such fine-sounding terminology

把話筒夾在耳邊 baˇ huaˋ tongˇ jia¯ zaiˋ erˇ bian¯

Kept the receiver at their ear

ba, a, cha, la, sha, ta, ya

阿華 a¯ huaˊ


阿華田 a¯ huaˊ tianˊ


ba, a, cha, la, sha, ta, ya

插花 cha¯ hua¯

Flower arrangement

ba, a, cha, la, sha, ta, ya

拉瓦節 la¯ waˇ jieˊ


ba, a, cha, la, sha, ta, ya

傻瓜 shaˇ gua¯

Simpleton, Fool

ba, a, cha, la, sha, ta, ya

他花了八十年才成功 ta¯ hua¯ le˙ ba¯ shiˊ nianˊ caiˊ chengˊ gong¯

It took him eighty years to do it, It took him eighty years to succeed

她花了八十年才成功 ta¯ hua¯ le˙ ba¯ shiˊ nianˊ caiˊ chengˊ gong¯

It took her eighty years to do it, It took her eighty years to accomplish

ba, a, cha, la, sha, ta, ya

牙刷 yaˊ shua¯


Grouped in tone pairs

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 31

把話用這串聽起來很悅耳的字眼說出 baˇ huaˋ yongˋ zheˋ chuanˋ ting¯ qiˇ laiˊ henˇ yueˋ erˇ de˙ ziˋ yanˇ shuo¯ chu¯

Put it so eloquently, Put it in such fine-sounding terminology

把話筒夾在耳邊 baˇ huaˋ tongˇ jia¯ zaiˋ erˇ bian¯

Kept the receiver at their ear

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 31

插花 cha¯ hua¯

Flower arrangement

他花了八十年才成功 ta¯ hua¯ le˙ ba¯ shiˊ nianˊ caiˊ chengˊ gong¯

It took him eighty years to do it, It took him eighty years to succeed

她花了八十年才成功 ta¯ hua¯ le˙ ba¯ shiˊ nianˊ caiˊ chengˊ gong¯

It took her eighty years to do it, It took her eighty years to accomplish

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 31

阿華 a¯ huaˊ


阿華田 a¯ huaˊ tianˊ


34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 31

拉瓦節 la¯ waˇ jieˊ


34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 31

八卦 ba¯ guaˋ

Gossip, Eight trigrams of the Book of Changes

34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 31

牙刷 yaˊ shua¯


34, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 31

傻瓜 shaˇ gua¯

Simpleton, Fool

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