
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 方


Turned in the wrong direction, Turned the wrong way

guaiˇ cuoˋ fang¯ xiangˋ

方 fang¯
Put In Place, Place, Region, Direction, Side, Square, Aspect, Power

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Phone , Tone


方向 fang¯ xiangˋ

Words that rhyme with 拐錯方向 (wai-wo)

Grouped by first phone

guai, kuai, shuai, wai

拐錯方向 guaiˇ cuoˋ fang¯ xiangˋ

Turned in the wrong direction, Turned the wrong way

guai, kuai, shuai, wai

快活 kuaiˋ huoˊ

Happy, Merry

guai, kuai, shuai, wai

帥多 shuaiˋ duo¯

More handsome

帥多了 shuaiˋ duo¯ le˙

More handsome

甩過來 shuaiˇ guoˋ laiˊ

Flung around, Whipped around, Swung around

摔落 shuai¯ luoˋ

Drops down, Smashes into

衰弱 shuai¯ ruoˋ


guai, kuai, shuai, wai

外國 waiˋ guoˊ


外國人 waiˋ guoˊ renˊ


Grouped in tone pairs

34, 14, 41, 42

拐錯方向 guaiˇ cuoˋ fang¯ xiangˋ

Turned in the wrong direction, Turned the wrong way

甩過來 shuaiˇ guoˋ laiˊ

Flung around, Whipped around, Swung around

34, 14, 41, 42

摔落 shuai¯ luoˋ

Drops down, Smashes into

衰弱 shuai¯ ruoˋ


34, 14, 41, 42

帥多 shuaiˋ duo¯

More handsome

帥多了 shuaiˋ duo¯ le˙

More handsome

34, 14, 41, 42

快活 kuaiˋ huoˊ

Happy, Merry

外國 waiˋ guoˊ


外國人 waiˋ guoˊ renˊ



十-扌 : > : > [拐]-拐錯 : > [拐]-拐錯方向 >

人-金 : > : > [錯]-錯方 : > [錯]-拐錯方向 >

丶-亠 : > : > [方]-方向 : > [方]-拐錯方向 >

丶-丶 : > : > [向]-方向 : > [向]-拐錯方向 >

拐錯方向 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 方

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