Index for words including 方


Put In Place, Place, Region, Direction, Side, Square, Aspect, Power

Word Links for words containing 方 (sorted via character pairs)

方 fang¯
Put In Place, Place, Region, Direction, Side, Square, Aspect, Power

Words containing

(Use links to see word pronunciation)


方圓 Radius

方圓數郡中 Within a radius of several counties


方肌 Trapezius

方肌 Quadratus Femoris


方股 Quadratus Femoris


方位 Points of the compass, Four cardinal directions, Direction, Azimuth, Bearing

方位 Omnidirectional

距離和方位 Range and bearing, Range and azimuth, Distance and bearing, Distance and azimuth


方便 Convenient

方便 Inconvenient, Difficult

方便 Even more convenient

方便 Super convenient

方便 Instant noodles

方便多了 Much more convenient, So much more convenient


方程 Equation

愛因斯坦方程 Einstein's Equation

方程 Equation(s)

二元方程 Equation with two variables


方向 Direction

不同方向 Different directions

另一方向 In the other direction

拐錯方向 Turned in the wrong direction, Turned the wrong way

行進方向 Head towards, Heading towards, Direction of travel

往不同方向 In different directions

朝另一方向 In the other direction, Facing the other direction

順時針方向 Clockwise direction

立刻改變方向 Immediately change direction, Immediately changed direction

方向 Directional, Directed

方向 Steering wheel

往教室的方向 Walking towards the classroom, Walking in the direction of the classroom

方向移動 Moving towards, Moving in the direction of

朝他方向瞄準 Aimed at him


四四方方 Square, Very square, Square shape


方言 Dialect


方設 Find ways


史蒂方諾 Stefano


方案 Scheme, Program, Plan

各種方案 Every option, Every conceivable option, All options, A variety of options


方式 Means, Method, Manner, Mode

做事方式 Way of doing things

捕魚方式 Method for catching fish, Fishing technique

生活方式 Lifestyle

繳費方式 Payment method

聯絡方式 Communication method, Method of communication

行動方式 Course of action, Means of taking action

製造方式 Method of producing, Method of production, Method of manufacture

計算方式 Calculation method, Calculation

做事的方式 Ways of doing things, Methods for doing things

唯一的方式 The only way, The only means of

替換的方式 No way of changing or replacing or substituting

正確的方式 Correct way, Right way

治療的方式 Treatment protocol

講話的方式 Manner of speaking

以不同的方式 Differently, Using different methods

最主要的方式 Main means

特別捕魚方式 Special method for catching fish

不是用這種方式 Not like this, Not this way

處理的人與方式 How to deal with people, How we deal with people

計量時間的方式 Method of measuring time

但不是用這種方式 But not like this, But not this way

一種獨特的做事方式 A unique way of doing something, The only possible way of doing something

以血緣或婚姻的方式 Through bloodline (relations) 血緣 or marriage 婚姻

國家維繫政權的方式 Ways in which the state maintained political power

我們政府的運作方式 How our government works

方式如下 Method is as follows

方式及其影響 Steps and influences, Measures and influences

他的方式來辦事 His way, His way of dealing with things

其計算方式如下表 Its calculation method is as follows


方血 Blood letting (space suit emergency mode from The Martian)


方法 Method, Means, Protocol, Technique, Way

方法 New method

方法 Have a method for

使用方法 How to use

很多方法 Many methods, Many techniques

找到方法 Find a way, Find some way

耕作方法 Methods of cultivation

解決方法 Solution method, Solution

做事的方法 Way of doing things

得很有方法 Methodically

有很多方法 There are many methods

用什麼方法 How to use, In what way, Somehow

檔案編號方法 File Numbering Methods

內建的解決方法 Built in solution

有個內建的解決方法 Had a solution built in, Had a built in solution

有保持事物平衡的方法 A way of keeping things in balance

這世界自有保持事物平衡的方法 The world has a way of keeping things in balance

方法 Judge Fang

介紹他是方法 Introduced him as Judge Fang

以某種方法確定 Was somehow certain

以某種方法確定無疑 Was somehow certain, Was somehow sure, Was certain without a doubt

想不出任何方法搞出 Can't figure out a way, Can't come up with a plan for

找到好的學習方法就會學好 If you find the a good study method then you can learn well

用各種方法去旅 Use all kinds of methods to travel, Travel in various ways

會用各種方法去旅 Can use all kinds of methods to travel, Can travel in varies ways


方針 Principle, Course of action


將馬桶圈方下 Put the toilet seat down

馬桶圈卻是方下 The toilet seat was down


方可 Only then, Before can


方正 Irreproachable, Beyond reproach, Impeccable, Faultless


方形 Square, A square

方形 Rectangle, Rectangular

大正方形 Large square, The large square

小正方形 Small square

小長方形 Smaller rectangles, Smaller rectangle

三個長方形 Three rectangles

兩個正方形 Two squares

四個長方形 Four rectangles

四個小長方形 Four small rectangles, Four smaller rectangles

方形面積 Area of the square, The area of the square

方形面積為 The rectangle's area is, The area of the rectangle is, The area of a rectangle is

方形面積不變 The area of the square is still the same, The area of the square hasn't changed

方形的面積與邊長的關係 The relationship between a square's area and side length

為正方形面積與邊長的關係表 Shows the relationship between the area of a square and its side length

方形土地 Rectangle of land, Rectangular piece of land

這塊正方形土地 This square of land, This parcel of land

一塊正方形的土地 A square patch of land, A parcel of land

有一塊正方形的土地 There is a square patch of land, There is a parcel of land

方形的寬 Rectangle's width, Width of the rectangle, Width of a rectangle

方形的長 Rectangle's length, Length of a rectangle, Length of the rectangle, Rectangle's long side


方百 Do everything possible


方面 Aspect, Sphere, Field, Realm, Direction, Quarter, District, Topic, Subject, On one hand, On the other hand, In this respect, In that respect

方面 One side, On the one hand, but on the other hand…

方面 Unilateral

方面 Multifaceted, Many-sided

方面 In some way, In some ways, Certain aspects, In some aspect, In some aspects

其他方面 In other aspects, In respect to other things

另一方面 On the other hand, In other matters

在某方面 In a way, In some ways

從另方面 From another point of view, In another way

在某些方面 In some respects, In some ways, From a certain point of view

不過從另方面 But from another point of view, But in another way

事情安排這方面 This aspect of the arrangement, That aspect of the arrangement

方面 Every aspect

在各方面 In all sorts of ways

方面的事 The talk, The birds and the bees

談過那方面的事 Talked about a particular subject, Had the talk, Talked about the birds and the bees

方面的話題 The subject of the birds and the bees

在各方面都很有用 Useful in all sorts of ways

在某些方面長大了許多 In some respects you are a lot older now

在某方面來說也確是如此 In a way it is true, In a way it is, In a way it was


方真 True, Real

相信某件事並不會讓它方真 Believing something doesn't make it true


方根 Root


方格 Square or box, Grid, Checker board pattern

四個方格 Four squares


四方 Square, Every direction, All sides, The four directions

四方 Square, Very square, Square shape


男方 Bridegroom's family


軍方 Military


比方 For example

比方 For example


女方 On the woman's part, With respect to the woman's role


反方 Opposite, Against

反方 Opposite direction, Opposite directions

反方向轉動 Rotate in opposite directions, Rotating in opposite directions


雙方 Both sides

他們雙方握手 They shook hands

他們雙方握手後 After they shook hands


偏方 Folk remedies


後方 Behind, From behind

後方 Approaching from behind

後方來車 Vehicles approaching from behind

下車時請注意後方來車 Pay attention to vehicles approaching from the rear when getting off of the bus


立方 Cube, Cubic

立方 Cube root

立方 Cubic meter

立方 Cubic

立方 Cube, Cubic

八的立方 The cubed root of eight

立方公尺 Cubic meter, Cubic meters

立方公里 Cubic kilometer

立方體體積 Cubic volume

立方體的體積 Cubic volume

八的立方根是多少 What is the cubed root of eight?

共好幾立方公里的水 Several cubic kilometers of water in all


官方 Official, Officially

官方單位 Authority, Authorities

不受官方鼓勵 Officially discouraged

官方程序的一部份 Part of an official procedure, Part of some official procedure


次方 Power, Exponent

次方 Power is, Powers are, Exponent is, Exponents are

次方 Second power root, Square root


遠方 Distance, Off in the distance

流向遠方 Flow off into the distance

遠方傳來 From afar, From a distance, Far off

遠方的山 Distant mountains, The mountains in the distance

遠方的青山 Green hills in the distance, Distant green hills

望著遠方的青山 Looking at the green hills in the distance


祕方 Secret recipe


八方 Eight directions, All directions, All around

四面八方 All around, All directions

耳聽八方 Vigilant, Alert

噴出四射八方 Spray out in all directions

從四面八方朝島的地點集合 From all directions converged on the island, Converged on the island from all directions, Converging on the island from all around


對方 Other side, Opposition, Other party

聯繫上對方 Get in touch with each other

打電話給對方 Call each other

不肯向對方道歉 Not willing to apologize to the other party


前方 Front, Ahead

對著前方 Facing forward, Pointing straight ahead

前方等著他 Ahead of him, Awaiting him

在你鼻子前方幾吋 A few inches in front of your nose

在你鼻子前方幾吋的一點 A point a few inches in front of your nose


藥方 Prescription


警方 Police


下方 Below

在交流道下方 Below the interchange

站在他的窗戶正下方 Standing directly beneath his window, Stood directly beneath his window

站在她的窗戶正下方 Standing directly beneath her window, Stood directly beneath her window

下方邊綠 Bottom fringe, Bottom edge

選擇下方影片檔 Select the video file below

下方地面上是什麼 What is on the ground below?, What is below us?

下方的氣流 Downdraft


平方 Square

百萬的平方 One million squared, One trillion, A trillion, Trillion

哪一數的平方 The square of which number

平方 Square number

平方 Square root

平方 Square meter

平方 Positive square root

平方 Negative square root

完全平方 Perfect square, A number expressible as the product of an integet by itself, A number expressible as the second exponent of an integer

平方公分 Square centimetres, Cm^2

平方公尺 Square meters, Square meter

平方差公式 Squared Difference Formula

平方公尺 Per square meter

和的平方公式 Perfect Square Formula

差的平方公式 Difference Squared Formula

和或差的平方公式 Sum or difference squared formula

利用和或差的平方公式 Using the sum squared or difference squared formula

平方公尺種 Plants per square meter

平方根與近似值 Square root and approximate value

平方公式因式分解 Perfect square factorization

平方根與畢氏定理 Square roots and the Pythagorean Theorem

利用和的平方公式求值 Evaluating using the Perfect Square Formula


二方 Twelve way, Twelve ways


西方 West

周位居商的西方 Zhou 周 was located to the west of Shang

西方世界 The west, Western


配方 Formulae, Prescriptions, Dispense prescriptions


上方 Above, Over, At the top of

上方 Directly above or over

保持在上方 Stayed aloft, Kept station overhead

位於重心上方 Located above the center of gravity

在前腳掌上方 Over the forefoot, Over the forefeet, Above the forefoot, Above the forefeet

在雙水槽正上方 Located above the double sink

浴缸上方的窗戶 The window over the tub


處方 Prescribe


北方 North

在中國北方 Northern China

這裡東北方五十哩處 50 miles northeast of here


南方 South, The South

南方 South East

西南方 South-West (direction)

沿著大彎道轉向南方 Followed the big bend to the south, Following the big bend, turned south

它位於洛杉磯市精華區東南方 It was located south east of the best part of Los Angeles, It would be to the south and east of the best part of Los Angeles

南方 To the south, South of

南方的小島 An island to the south


地方 Place, Local, District

地方 At the usual place

地方 This place

地方 That place

任何地方 Anywhere, Any place

在老地方 At the usual place

找個地方 Find somewhere

放錯地方 Misplaced

某個地方 A particular place

上班的地方 Place of work

不遠的地方 Close by, Nearby

到達某地方 Arrived at a (particular) place

固定的地方 Fixed location

居住的地方 Place of residence

很遠的地方 Far away place, Far away

生長的地方 Spend my life

選定的地方 Selected location

在露天的地方 In the open air

我們住的地方 The place that we live, Where we live

找到住的地方 Found a place to live

是絕佳的地方 Was perfect, Was a perfect place to be, A perfect location

望向別的地方 Looked away, Looked elsewhere

生活過的地方 Place someone lived or spent most of their life

值得留影的地方 Photo worthy

停留在某個地方 Stay somewhere, Pick a place to stay

我們去別的地方 We're going someplace else, We're going somewhere different, We're going to a different place

有那麼一個地方 There is such a place, There was such a place

本該是手的地方 Where a hand should be, Where hands should be

可以注意到的地方 Could keep an eye on

在比路面高的地方 At a place high above street level, High above street level

有值得一顧的地方 Something to be said for, Worthy of visiting

陽光照不到的地方 Where the sun doesn't shine

之前來過的那個地方 The same place as last time

溢出到地板上的地方 Overflowed onto the floor

探住了陽光照不到的地方 Poking where the shone doesn't shine, Someplace where the sun doesn't shine, Exploring places where the sun does not shine

還是有些更差的掙錢地方 There are worst places to make some money

原子可以被放在選定的地方 Atoms can be placed in selected or predetermined locations

看不出那裡有什麼值得留影的地方 Could not see anything there that was photo worthy

地方 Magistrate

地方長官 Magistrate

地方首長 District governor

地方小報 Local newspaper, Local rag

台灣只有很少數地方的氣候適合種植小麥 There are only a few places in Taiwan where the climate is suitable for growing wheat

地方官報案 Report to the magistrate, Report it to the magistrate

沒向地方官報案 Didn't report to the magistrate, Didn't report it to the magistrate

在某個地方定下來 Settle down somewhere

我們找個地方私下說 Let's find somewhere to talk in private

從更高的地方摔出去過 Have fallen from higher places, Been thrown from higher places

你又不是沒有從更高的地方摔出去過 It's not like you haven't been thrown from higher, You've been thrown from higher

妳又不是沒有從更高的地方摔出去過 It's not like you haven't been thrown from higher, You've been thrown from higher


填方 Fill in


大方 Generous, Open hearted

落落大方 Unaffected, Natural, At ease

大方 Generously


東方 East, Eastern


領導有方 Leadership, Leadership skills, Strong leadership

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