
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 得


Willing to part with, Willing to pay the price

sheˇ de˙

得 deˊ, deiˇ, de˙
Acquire, Obtain, Get, Succeed, Infix Used To Indicate Ability Or Success Or Acquisition (De5), (Dei3), Must, Should, Need, Adverbial

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 捨得 (e-e)

Grouped by first phone

she, che, de, e, ge, he, ke, le, re, se, te, zhe

捨得 sheˇ de˙

Willing to part with, Willing to pay the price

射得夠準了 sheˋ deˊ gouˋ zhunˇ le˙

Gave it (your) best shot, Shot was aimed accurately

設了 sheˋ le˙

Set, Set up

什麼 sheˊ me˙


什麼意思 sheˊ me˙ yiˋ si¯

What do you mean?

什麼時候 sheˊ me˙ shiˊ houˋ


什麼的 sheˊ me˙ de˙

And so on (etc.)

什麼聲音 sheˊ me˙ sheng¯ yin¯

What's that sound?

什麼職業 sheˊ me˙ zhiˊ yeˋ

What career, What occupation, What kind of career, What kind of occupation

什麼職業會比魔法更吸引他 sheˊ me˙ zhiˊ yeˋ huiˋ biˇ moˊ faˇ gengˋ xi¯ yinˇ ta¯

What kind of career could interest him more than magic?

什麼職業會比魔法更吸引她 sheˊ me˙ zhiˊ yeˋ huiˋ biˇ moˊ faˇ gengˋ xi¯ yinˇ ta¯

What kind of career could interest her more than magic?

什麼都 sheˊ me˙ dou¯

Anything, Everything

什麼都有 sheˊ me˙ dou¯ youˇ

Has everything

什麼都沒有了 sheˊ me˙ dou¯ meiˊ youˇ le˙

Lost everything, Doesn't have anything

什麼都沒有捉到 sheˊ me˙ dou¯ meiˊ youˇ zhuo¯ daoˋ

Didn't catch a thing, Didn't catch anything

什麼都看不到 sheˊ me˙ dou¯ kanˋ buˊ daoˋ

Can't see a thing

什麼都還沒種出來 sheˊ me˙ dou¯ haiˊ meiˊ zhongˋ chu¯ laiˊ

Nothing has been planted yet

什麼都長不出來 sheˊ me˙ dou¯ zhangˇ buˋ chu¯ laiˊ

Nothing can grow

甚麼 sheˊ me˙


甚麼事情 sheˊ me˙ shiˋ qingˊ

Something, Anything, What

she, che, de, e, ge, he, ke, le, re, se, te, zhe

徹徹底底 cheˋ cheˋ diˇ diˇ

Thoroughly, Through and through

she, che, de, e, ge, he, ke, le, re, se, te, zhe

得了麻疹 deˊ le˙ maˊ zhenˇ

Got measles, Caught measles

she, che, de, e, ge, he, ke, le, re, se, te, zhe

餓了 eˋ le˙

Was hungry, Become hungry, Got hungry

she, che, de, e, ge, he, ke, le, re, se, te, zhe

哥德 ge¯ deˊ


哥德式 ge¯ deˊ shiˋ

Gothic, Gothic style

咯咯笑 ge¯ ge¯ xiaoˋ

Chuckle, Chuckled

咯咯笑了 ge¯ ge¯ xiaoˋ le˙


哥哥們 ge¯ ge¯ men˙

Older brothers

哥哥 ge¯ ge˙

Older brother

格格不入 geˊ geˊ buˊ ruˋ

Totally incompatible with, Unsuited to, Doesn't fit

各個 geˋ ge˙


各個擊破 geˋ ge˙ jiˊ poˋ

Defeat one-by-one

個個 ge˙ ge˙

Each, All, Every one

個個都 ge˙ ge˙ dou¯

Each (person, City, Country, Thing, Question, Idea…), Every, All

隔閡 geˊ heˊ


隔了 geˊ le˙


各色 geˋ seˋ

Every Colour

隔著 geˊ zhe˙

Through, Across

she, che, de, e, ge, he, ke, le, re, se, te, zhe

喝得了 he¯ deˊ liaoˇ

Can drink, Can finish a drink

喝的太醉 he¯ de˙ taiˋ zuiˋ

Too drunk

合得來 heˊ deˊ laiˊ

Get along

合格 heˊ geˊ

Qualified, Up to standard, Passed

褐褐 heˊ heˊ


喝了一點湯 he¯ le˙ yiˋ dianˇ tang¯

Drink a little soup, Have a little soup

褐色 heˋ seˋ

Brown, Brown colored

喝著 he¯ zhe˙

Drinking, Sipping

喝著茶 he¯ zhe˙ chaˊ

Drinking tea, Sipping tea

何者 heˊ zheˇ

Which of, Which one

何者較長 heˊ zheˇ jiaoˋ changˊ

Which is longer

she, che, de, e, ge, he, ke, le, re, se, te, zhe

客車 keˋ che¯

Bus, Coach

顆的 ke¯ de˙


可歌可泣 keˇ ge¯ keˇ qiˋ


棵棵都 ke¯ ke¯ dou¯

Each (tree, Blade of grass), Every, All

顆顆都 ke¯ ke¯ dou¯

Each (round fruit, Tooth, Ball), Every, All

苛刻 ke¯ keˋ


可可亞 keˇ keˇ yaˋ


客客氣氣地 keˋ keˋ qiˋ qiˋ de˙


可樂 keˇ leˋ

Cola, Coke

可樂餅 keˇ leˋ bingˇ

Hashbrown, Potato Croquette

柯瑟納斯 ke¯ seˋ naˋ si¯

Cothurnus, Korsenas

苛責 ke¯ zeˊ

Rebuke, Censure, Excoriate, Severely criticize

刻著 keˋ zhe˙

Inscribed, Carved, Engraved

she, che, de, e, ge, he, ke, le, re, se, te, zhe

垃圾 leˋ seˋ

Garbage, Litter, Trash, Junk

垃圾桶 leˋ seˋ tongˇ

Garbage can, Trash can

she, che, de, e, ge, he, ke, le, re, se, te, zhe

惹得 reˇ deˊ

Provoke, Anger, Prompt

惹得眾人 reˇ deˊ zhongˋ renˊ

Prompting or provoking the crowd

she, che, de, e, ge, he, ke, le, re, se, te, zhe

色澤 seˋ zeˊ

Hue, Tinge, Tint

she, che, de, e, ge, he, ke, le, re, se, te, zhe

特克斯和凱科斯群島 teˋ keˋ si¯ hanˋ kaiˇ ke¯ si¯ qunˊ daoˇ

Turks And Caicos Islands (Uk)

特色 teˋ seˋ

Features, Unique features, Special features, Characteristics

she, che, de, e, ge, he, ke, le, re, se, te, zhe

這個 zheˋ ge˙

This, These, The

這個世界 zheˋ ge˙ shiˋ jieˋ

This world, The world

這個人 zheˋ ge˙ renˊ

This person

這個人怎麼沒有頭 zheˋ ge˙ renˊ zenˇ me˙ meiˊ youˇ touˊ

How is it that this person has no head

這個人答道 zheˋ ge˙ renˊ daˊ daoˋ

The man said

這個動作 zheˋ ge˙ dongˋ zuoˋ

This movement

這個原理 zheˋ ge˙ yuanˊ liˇ

This principle, These principles

這個問題 zheˋ ge˙ wenˋ tiˊ

This question, This problem

這個問題不知怎的 zheˋ ge˙ wenˋ tiˊ buˋ zhi¯ zenˇ de˙

This question somehow, Something about this question

這個問題的核心是 zheˋ ge˙ wenˋ tiˊ de˙ heˊ xin¯ shiˋ

The crux of the matter is

這個嘛 zheˋ ge˙ ma˙

Well, Here it is

這個多項式 zheˋ ge˙ duo¯ xiangˋ shiˋ

This polynomial

這個多項式各項分別為 zheˋ ge˙ duo¯ xiangˋ shiˋ geˋ xiangˋ fen¯ bieˊ weiˋ

The terms of this polynomial are

這個家 zheˋ ge˙ jia¯

This family

這個座位是空的 zheˋ ge˙ zuoˋ weiˋ shiˋ kong¯ de˙

This seat is free, This seat is not taken

這個建議 zheˋ ge˙ jianˋ yiˋ

This suggestion

這個念頭導致 zheˋ ge˙ nianˋ touˊ daoˇ zhiˋ

This thought led to

這個才 zheˋ ge˙ caiˊ

This talent

這個是哪一年的 zheˋ ge˙ shiˋ naˇ yiˋ nianˊ de˙

What year is this one?

這個樣 zheˋ ge˙ yangˋ

Like this

這個般田地 zheˋ ge˙ ban¯ tianˊ diˋ

This situation

這個話題 zheˋ ge˙ huaˋ tiˊ

This topic

這個連結 zheˋ ge˙ lianˊ jieˊ

This link, This connection

折合 zheˊ heˊ

Equivalent, Currency exchange result

這棵 zheˋ ke¯

This (tree or plant)

這顆西瓜 zheˋ ke¯ xi¯ gua¯

This watermelon

這可 zheˋ keˇ

This could, It would

這可不是什麼好事 zheˋ keˇ buˊ shiˋ shenˊ me˙ haoˇ shiˋ

This is not a good thing, This can't be good, That can't be good

這可做個好 zheˋ keˇ zuoˋ ge˙ haoˇ

This could be a good, This could act as a good

這可能性 zheˋ keˇ nengˊ xingˋ

This possibility

這麼 zheˋ me˙


這麼一份最美好的生日禮物 zheˋ me˙ yiˊ fenˋ zuiˋ meiˇ haoˇ de˙ sheng¯ riˋ liˇ wuˋ

This most wonderful birthday present

這麼一個位置 zheˋ me˙ yiˊ ge˙ weiˋ zhiˋ

Such a position

這麼久 zheˋ me˙ jiuˇ

For so long, For how long

這麼做 zheˋ me˙ zuoˋ

Doing this

這麼做是 zheˋ me˙ zuoˋ shiˋ

This was done

這麼回事了 zheˋ me˙ huiˊ shiˋ le˙

This is the case

這麼多 zheˋ me˙ duo¯

So much, So many, Such a large amount (of)

這麼多好東西 zheˋ me˙ duo¯ haoˇ dong¯ xi¯

So many nice things

這麼熱鬧 zheˋ me˙ reˋ naoˋ

Really busy, Really lively

這麼設計出 zheˋ me˙ sheˋ jiˋ chu¯

Designed this way

這麼設計出的系統 zheˋ me˙ sheˋ jiˋ chu¯ de˙ xiˋ tongˇ

Systems designed this way

這麼遠 zheˋ me˙ yuanˇ

This far, This distant, At this distance

這麼點 zheˋ me˙ dianˇ

This little, This (tiny) amount (of)

折射 zheˊ sheˋ


折射角 zheˊ sheˋ jiaoˇ

Angle of refraction

遮著 zhe¯ zhe˙

Cover, Provide shade

Grouped in tone pairs

35, 11, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 55

捨得 sheˇ de˙

Willing to part with, Willing to pay the price

35, 11, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 55

咯咯笑 ge¯ ge¯ xiaoˋ

Chuckle, Chuckled

咯咯笑了 ge¯ ge¯ xiaoˋ le˙


哥哥們 ge¯ ge¯ men˙

Older brothers

棵棵都 ke¯ ke¯ dou¯

Each (tree, Blade of grass), Every, All

顆顆都 ke¯ ke¯ dou¯

Each (round fruit, Tooth, Ball), Every, All

35, 11, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 55

哥德 ge¯ deˊ


哥德式 ge¯ deˊ shiˋ

Gothic, Gothic style

喝得了 he¯ deˊ liaoˇ

Can drink, Can finish a drink

苛責 ke¯ zeˊ

Rebuke, Censure, Excoriate, Severely criticize

35, 11, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 55

苛刻 ke¯ keˋ


柯瑟納斯 ke¯ seˋ naˋ si¯

Cothurnus, Korsenas

35, 11, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 55

哥哥 ge¯ ge˙

Older brother

喝的太醉 he¯ de˙ taiˋ zuiˋ

Too drunk

喝了一點湯 he¯ le˙ yiˋ dianˇ tang¯

Drink a little soup, Have a little soup

喝著 he¯ zhe˙

Drinking, Sipping

喝著茶 he¯ zhe˙ chaˊ

Drinking tea, Sipping tea

顆的 ke¯ de˙


遮著 zhe¯ zhe˙

Cover, Provide shade

35, 11, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 55

格格不入 geˊ geˊ buˊ ruˋ

Totally incompatible with, Unsuited to, Doesn't fit

隔閡 geˊ heˊ


合得來 heˊ deˊ laiˊ

Get along

合格 heˊ geˊ

Qualified, Up to standard, Passed

褐褐 heˊ heˊ


折合 zheˊ heˊ

Equivalent, Currency exchange result

35, 11, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 55

何者 heˊ zheˇ

Which of, Which one

何者較長 heˊ zheˇ jiaoˋ changˊ

Which is longer

35, 11, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 55

折射 zheˊ sheˋ


折射角 zheˊ sheˋ jiaoˇ

Angle of refraction

35, 11, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 55

得了麻疹 deˊ le˙ maˊ zhenˇ

Got measles, Caught measles

隔了 geˊ le˙


隔著 geˊ zhe˙

Through, Across

什麼 sheˊ me˙


什麼意思 sheˊ me˙ yiˋ si¯

What do you mean?

什麼時候 sheˊ me˙ shiˊ houˋ


什麼的 sheˊ me˙ de˙

And so on (etc.)

什麼聲音 sheˊ me˙ sheng¯ yin¯

What's that sound?

什麼職業 sheˊ me˙ zhiˊ yeˋ

What career, What occupation, What kind of career, What kind of occupation

什麼職業會比魔法更吸引他 sheˊ me˙ zhiˊ yeˋ huiˋ biˇ moˊ faˇ gengˋ xi¯ yinˇ ta¯

What kind of career could interest him more than magic?

什麼職業會比魔法更吸引她 sheˊ me˙ zhiˊ yeˋ huiˋ biˇ moˊ faˇ gengˋ xi¯ yinˇ ta¯

What kind of career could interest her more than magic?

什麼都 sheˊ me˙ dou¯

Anything, Everything

什麼都有 sheˊ me˙ dou¯ youˇ

Has everything

什麼都沒有了 sheˊ me˙ dou¯ meiˊ youˇ le˙

Lost everything, Doesn't have anything

什麼都沒有捉到 sheˊ me˙ dou¯ meiˊ youˇ zhuo¯ daoˋ

Didn't catch a thing, Didn't catch anything

什麼都看不到 sheˊ me˙ dou¯ kanˋ buˊ daoˋ

Can't see a thing

什麼都還沒種出來 sheˊ me˙ dou¯ haiˊ meiˊ zhongˋ chu¯ laiˊ

Nothing has been planted yet

什麼都長不出來 sheˊ me˙ dou¯ zhangˇ buˋ chu¯ laiˊ

Nothing can grow

甚麼 sheˊ me˙


甚麼事情 sheˊ me˙ shiˋ qingˊ

Something, Anything, What

35, 11, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 55

可歌可泣 keˇ ge¯ keˇ qiˋ


35, 11, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 55

惹得 reˇ deˊ

Provoke, Anger, Prompt

惹得眾人 reˇ deˊ zhongˋ renˊ

Prompting or provoking the crowd

35, 11, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 55

可可亞 keˇ keˇ yaˋ


35, 11, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 55

可樂 keˇ leˋ

Cola, Coke

可樂餅 keˇ leˋ bingˇ

Hashbrown, Potato Croquette

35, 11, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 55

客車 keˋ che¯

Bus, Coach

這棵 zheˋ ke¯

This (tree or plant)

這顆西瓜 zheˋ ke¯ xi¯ gua¯

This watermelon

35, 11, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 55

色澤 seˋ zeˊ

Hue, Tinge, Tint

射得夠準了 sheˋ deˊ gouˋ zhunˇ le˙

Gave it (your) best shot, Shot was aimed accurately

35, 11, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 55

這可 zheˋ keˇ

This could, It would

這可不是什麼好事 zheˋ keˇ buˊ shiˋ shenˊ me˙ haoˇ shiˋ

This is not a good thing, This can't be good, That can't be good

這可做個好 zheˋ keˇ zuoˋ ge˙ haoˇ

This could be a good, This could act as a good

這可能性 zheˋ keˇ nengˊ xingˋ

This possibility

35, 11, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 55

徹徹底底 cheˋ cheˋ diˇ diˇ

Thoroughly, Through and through

各色 geˋ seˋ

Every Colour

褐色 heˋ seˋ

Brown, Brown colored

客客氣氣地 keˋ keˋ qiˋ qiˋ de˙


垃圾 leˋ seˋ

Garbage, Litter, Trash, Junk

垃圾桶 leˋ seˋ tongˇ

Garbage can, Trash can

特克斯和凱科斯群島 teˋ keˋ si¯ hanˋ kaiˇ ke¯ si¯ qunˊ daoˇ

Turks And Caicos Islands (Uk)

特色 teˋ seˋ

Features, Unique features, Special features, Characteristics

35, 11, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 55

餓了 eˋ le˙

Was hungry, Become hungry, Got hungry

各個 geˋ ge˙


各個擊破 geˋ ge˙ jiˊ poˋ

Defeat one-by-one

刻著 keˋ zhe˙

Inscribed, Carved, Engraved

設了 sheˋ le˙

Set, Set up

這個 zheˋ ge˙

This, These, The

這個世界 zheˋ ge˙ shiˋ jieˋ

This world, The world

這個人 zheˋ ge˙ renˊ

This person

這個人怎麼沒有頭 zheˋ ge˙ renˊ zenˇ me˙ meiˊ youˇ touˊ

How is it that this person has no head

這個人答道 zheˋ ge˙ renˊ daˊ daoˋ

The man said

這個動作 zheˋ ge˙ dongˋ zuoˋ

This movement

這個原理 zheˋ ge˙ yuanˊ liˇ

This principle, These principles

這個問題 zheˋ ge˙ wenˋ tiˊ

This question, This problem

這個問題不知怎的 zheˋ ge˙ wenˋ tiˊ buˋ zhi¯ zenˇ de˙

This question somehow, Something about this question

這個問題的核心是 zheˋ ge˙ wenˋ tiˊ de˙ heˊ xin¯ shiˋ

The crux of the matter is

這個嘛 zheˋ ge˙ ma˙

Well, Here it is

這個多項式 zheˋ ge˙ duo¯ xiangˋ shiˋ

This polynomial

這個多項式各項分別為 zheˋ ge˙ duo¯ xiangˋ shiˋ geˋ xiangˋ fen¯ bieˊ weiˋ

The terms of this polynomial are

這個家 zheˋ ge˙ jia¯

This family

這個座位是空的 zheˋ ge˙ zuoˋ weiˋ shiˋ kong¯ de˙

This seat is free, This seat is not taken

這個建議 zheˋ ge˙ jianˋ yiˋ

This suggestion

這個念頭導致 zheˋ ge˙ nianˋ touˊ daoˇ zhiˋ

This thought led to

這個才 zheˋ ge˙ caiˊ

This talent

這個是哪一年的 zheˋ ge˙ shiˋ naˇ yiˋ nianˊ de˙

What year is this one?

這個樣 zheˋ ge˙ yangˋ

Like this

這個般田地 zheˋ ge˙ ban¯ tianˊ diˋ

This situation

這個話題 zheˋ ge˙ huaˋ tiˊ

This topic

這個連結 zheˋ ge˙ lianˊ jieˊ

This link, This connection

這麼 zheˋ me˙


這麼一份最美好的生日禮物 zheˋ me˙ yiˊ fenˋ zuiˋ meiˇ haoˇ de˙ sheng¯ riˋ liˇ wuˋ

This most wonderful birthday present

這麼一個位置 zheˋ me˙ yiˊ ge˙ weiˋ zhiˋ

Such a position

這麼久 zheˋ me˙ jiuˇ

For so long, For how long

這麼做 zheˋ me˙ zuoˋ

Doing this

這麼做是 zheˋ me˙ zuoˋ shiˋ

This was done

這麼回事了 zheˋ me˙ huiˊ shiˋ le˙

This is the case

這麼多 zheˋ me˙ duo¯

So much, So many, Such a large amount (of)

這麼多好東西 zheˋ me˙ duo¯ haoˇ dong¯ xi¯

So many nice things

這麼熱鬧 zheˋ me˙ reˋ naoˋ

Really busy, Really lively

這麼設計出 zheˋ me˙ sheˋ jiˋ chu¯

Designed this way

這麼設計出的系統 zheˋ me˙ sheˋ jiˋ chu¯ de˙ xiˋ tongˇ

Systems designed this way

這麼遠 zheˋ me˙ yuanˇ

This far, This distant, At this distance

這麼點 zheˋ me˙ dianˇ

This little, This (tiny) amount (of)

35, 11, 12, 14, 15, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 55

個個 ge˙ ge˙

Each, All, Every one

個個都 ge˙ ge˙ dou¯

Each (person, City, Country, Thing, Question, Idea…), Every, All


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捨得 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 得

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