
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 接


Shuttle bus

jie¯ boˊ che¯

接 jie¯
Connect, Accept, Welcome, Receive, Meet, Come In Contact With, Splice, Join

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Phone , Tone


接駁 jie¯ boˊ

Words that rhyme with 接駁車 (ye-o)

Grouped by first phone

jie, xie

接駁 jie¯ boˊ

Ferry, Shuttle

接駁小艇 jie¯ boˊ xiaoˇ tingˇ

Shuttle craft, Mars Ascent Vehicle (MAV)

接駁車 jie¯ boˊ che¯

Shuttle bus

結膜炎 jieˊ moˊ yanˊ


芥末 jieˋ moˋ

Wasabi, Mustard

jie, xie

斜坡 xieˊ po¯

Slope, Incline

Grouped in tone pairs

12, 21, 22, 44

接駁 jie¯ boˊ

Ferry, Shuttle

接駁小艇 jie¯ boˊ xiaoˇ tingˇ

Shuttle craft, Mars Ascent Vehicle (MAV)

接駁車 jie¯ boˊ che¯

Shuttle bus

12, 21, 22, 44

斜坡 xieˊ po¯

Slope, Incline

12, 21, 22, 44

結膜炎 jieˊ moˊ yanˊ


12, 21, 22, 44

芥末 jieˋ moˋ

Wasabi, Mustard


十-扌 : > : > [接]-接駁 : > [接]-接駁車 >

厂-馬 : > : > [駁]-接駁 : > [駁]-接駁車 >

十-車 : > : > [車]-駁車 : > [車]-接駁車 >

接駁車 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 接

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