
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 撞


Crash, Mangle, Mangled

zhuangˋ huaiˋ

撞 zhuangˋ
Collide, Crash, Bump Into, Up Against, Run Into, Meet By Accident, Knock Against

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 撞壞 (wang-wai)

Grouped by first phone

zhuang, chuang, shuang, wang

撞壞 zhuangˋ huaiˋ

Crash, Mangle, Mangled

zhuang, chuang, shuang, wang

窗外 chuang¯ waiˋ

Outside the window

窗外傳來 chuang¯ waiˋ chuanˊ laiˊ

A sound from outside the window

zhuang, chuang, shuang, wang

爽快 shuangˇ kuaiˋ

Straightforward, Comfortable, Pleasant, Refreshing, Honest, With alacrity, Quickly, Briskly

zhuang, chuang, shuang, wang

忘懷 wangˋ huaiˊ

Forget, Forgetful, Unmindful, Dismiss from one's mind, Deliberately forget

往外 wangˇ waiˋ

Outwards, Towards the outside

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 14, 34, 42

撞壞 zhuangˋ huaiˋ

Crash, Mangle, Mangled

44, 14, 34, 42

窗外 chuang¯ waiˋ

Outside the window

窗外傳來 chuang¯ waiˋ chuanˊ laiˊ

A sound from outside the window

44, 14, 34, 42

爽快 shuangˇ kuaiˋ

Straightforward, Comfortable, Pleasant, Refreshing, Honest, With alacrity, Quickly, Briskly

往外 wangˇ waiˋ

Outwards, Towards the outside

44, 14, 34, 42

忘懷 wangˋ huaiˊ

Forget, Forgetful, Unmindful, Dismiss from one's mind, Deliberately forget


十-扌 : > : > [撞]-撞壞 : > [撞]-撞壞 >

十-土 : > : > [壞]-撞壞 : > [壞]-撞壞 >

撞壞 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 撞

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