
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 收


Take, Accept

shou¯ xiaˋ

收 shou¯
Collect, Gather, Draw Together, Receive, Accept, Allow, Care For

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 收下 (ou-ia)

Grouped by first phone

shou, lou, mou, zou

售價 shouˋ jiaˋ

Retail price

收下 shou¯ xiaˋ

Take, Accept

手下 shouˇ xiaˋ

Underlings, Subordinates, Agents, Men

shou, lou, mou, zou

樓下 louˊ xiaˋ


shou, lou, mou, zou

某家警察酒吧 mouˇ jia¯ jingˇ chaˊ jiuˇ ba¯

Some cop bar, A certain cop bar

shou, lou, mou, zou

走下 zouˇ xiaˋ

Walking down, Moving down, Heading down

走下去 zouˇ xiaˋ quˋ

Go down

走下騾子 zouˇ xiaˋ luoˊ ziˇ

Dismount from a mule, Get off the mule, Got off the mule, Dismount, Dismounted

Grouped in tone pairs

14, 24, 31, 34, 44

收下 shou¯ xiaˋ

Take, Accept

14, 24, 31, 34, 44

樓下 louˊ xiaˋ


14, 24, 31, 34, 44

某家警察酒吧 mouˇ jia¯ jingˇ chaˊ jiuˇ ba¯

Some cop bar, A certain cop bar

14, 24, 31, 34, 44

手下 shouˇ xiaˋ

Underlings, Subordinates, Agents, Men

走下 zouˇ xiaˋ

Walking down, Moving down, Heading down

走下去 zouˇ xiaˋ quˋ

Go down

走下騾子 zouˇ xiaˋ luoˊ ziˇ

Dismount from a mule, Get off the mule, Got off the mule, Dismount, Dismounted

14, 24, 31, 34, 44

售價 shouˋ jiaˋ

Retail price


𠄌-收 : > : > [收]-收下 : > [收]-收下 >

一-一 : > : > [下]-收下 : > [下]-收下 >

收下 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 收

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