
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 新


New invention, New device, Invention, Device

xin¯ fa¯ mingˊ

新 xin¯
New, Start, Fresh, Modern, News, Media, Chemical Term

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Phone , Tone


發明 fa¯ mingˊ

Words that rhyme with 新發明 (yin-a)

Grouped by first phone

xin, jin, lin, min, yin

新發明 xin¯ fa¯ mingˊ

New invention, New device, Invention, Device

新喀裡多尼亞 xin¯ ka¯ liˇ duo¯ niˊ yaˋ

New Caledonia (France)

新帕爾茨 xin¯ paˋ erˇ ciˊ

New Paltz

新亞特蘭堤斯 xin¯ yaˋ teˋ lanˊ tiˊ si¯

New Atlantis

xin, jin, lin, min, yin

津巴布韋 jin¯ ba¯ buˋ weiˊ


金髮 jin¯ faˇ

Blonde, Golden colored hair

金髮小妹妹 jin¯ faˇ xiaoˇ meiˋ mei˙


金髮白人女孩 jin¯ faˇ baiˊ renˊ nuuˇ haiˊ

Blonde white girl

金髮女孩 jin¯ faˋ nuuˇ haiˊ


進發 jinˋ fa¯

Embark, March (into, Towards, Off into), Move off

金卡德 jin¯ kaˇ deˊ


緊壓 jinˇ ya¯

Press down, Hold down, Squeeze

xin, jin, lin, min, yin

淋巴 linˊ ba¯

Lymph, Lymphatic

xin, jin, lin, min, yin

民法 minˊ faˇ

Civil law

xin, jin, lin, min, yin

飲茶 yinˇ chaˊ

Sip tea, Sips tea, Sipping tea, Sipped tea

引發 yinˇ fa¯

Initiating, Causing, Setting off

引發他的衝動 yinˇ fa¯ ta¯ de˙ chong¯ dongˋ

Set him off, Drove his impulse, Initiating his impulse

Grouped in tone pairs

11, 13, 14, 21, 23, 31, 32, 41

津巴布韋 jin¯ ba¯ buˋ weiˊ


新發明 xin¯ fa¯ mingˊ

New invention, New device, Invention, Device

新喀裡多尼亞 xin¯ ka¯ liˇ duo¯ niˊ yaˋ

New Caledonia (France)

11, 13, 14, 21, 23, 31, 32, 41

金髮 jin¯ faˇ

Blonde, Golden colored hair

金髮小妹妹 jin¯ faˇ xiaoˇ meiˋ mei˙


金髮白人女孩 jin¯ faˇ baiˊ renˊ nuuˇ haiˊ

Blonde white girl

金卡德 jin¯ kaˇ deˊ


11, 13, 14, 21, 23, 31, 32, 41

金髮女孩 jin¯ faˋ nuuˇ haiˊ


新帕爾茨 xin¯ paˋ erˇ ciˊ

New Paltz

新亞特蘭堤斯 xin¯ yaˋ teˋ lanˊ tiˊ si¯

New Atlantis

11, 13, 14, 21, 23, 31, 32, 41

淋巴 linˊ ba¯

Lymph, Lymphatic

11, 13, 14, 21, 23, 31, 32, 41

民法 minˊ faˇ

Civil law

11, 13, 14, 21, 23, 31, 32, 41

緊壓 jinˇ ya¯

Press down, Hold down, Squeeze

引發 yinˇ fa¯

Initiating, Causing, Setting off

引發他的衝動 yinˇ fa¯ ta¯ de˙ chong¯ dongˋ

Set him off, Drove his impulse, Initiating his impulse

11, 13, 14, 21, 23, 31, 32, 41

飲茶 yinˇ chaˊ

Sip tea, Sips tea, Sipping tea, Sipped tea

11, 13, 14, 21, 23, 31, 32, 41

進發 jinˋ fa¯

Embark, March (into, Towards, Off into), Move off


丶-立 : > : > [新]-新發 : > [新]-新發明 >

𠃌-癶 : > : > [發]-發明 : > [發]-新發明 >

口-日 : > : > [明]-發明 : > [明]-新發明 >

新發明 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 新

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