
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 最


Just recently

zuiˋ jinˋ caiˊ gang¯

最 zuiˋ
Most, Extreme

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Phone , Tone


最近 zuiˋ jinˋ

才剛 caiˊ gang¯

Words that rhyme with 最近才剛 (wei-yin)

Grouped by first phone

zui, chui, dui, gui, hui, kui, sui, tui, wei

最近 zuiˋ jinˋ

Recent, Recently, Most recent, Nearest, Closest

最近很忙 zuiˋ jinˋ henˇ mangˊ

Recently been busy

最近才剛 zuiˋ jinˋ caiˊ gang¯

Just recently

最近的 zuiˋ jinˋ de˙

Nearest, Closest, Most recent

最近的主體 zuiˋ jinˋ de˙ zhuˇ tiˇ

Closest object, Closest subject

最近的五筆交易 zuiˋ jinˋ de˙ wuˇ biˇ jiao¯ yiˋ

Last five transactions

最近重獲自由 zuiˋ jinˋ chongˊ huoˋ ziˋ youˊ

Recently liberated

最新 zuiˋ xin¯

Latest, Newest

最新的 zuiˋ xin¯ de˙

Newest, Latest

最信任的將領 zuiˋ xinˋ renˋ de˙ jiangˋ lingˇ

Most trusted general, Most trusted generals

zui, chui, dui, gui, hui, kui, sui, tui, wei

吹進 chui¯ jinˋ

Blow into, Blew into, Blowing into

吹進他的眼裡 chui¯ jinˋ ta¯ de˙ yanˇ liˇ

Blew into his eye, Blowing into his eye, Blow into his eye

zui, chui, dui, gui, hui, kui, sui, tui, wei

對勁 duiˋ jinˋ

All right, Okay

zui, chui, dui, gui, hui, kui, sui, tui, wei

貴賓 guiˋ bin¯


zui, chui, dui, gui, hui, kui, sui, tui, wei

灰燼 hui¯ jinˋ


灰燼般 hui¯ jinˋ ban¯

Ash-like, Full of ashes

灰燼般的雲 hui¯ jinˋ ban¯ de˙ yunˊ

Cloud of ashes, Ash-like cloud

灰心 hui¯ xin¯

Give up

回信 huiˊ xinˋ

Write back, Reply, Respond, Write a response

zui, chui, dui, gui, hui, kui, sui, tui, wei

愧心 kuiˋ xin¯

Feel shame

zui, chui, dui, gui, hui, kui, sui, tui, wei

隨心所欲 suiˊ xin¯ suoˇ yuˋ

At will, Do as one's heart dictates

遂心 suiˋ xin¯


zui, chui, dui, gui, hui, kui, sui, tui, wei

推進 tui¯ jinˋ

Propel, Propulsion

推進力 tui¯ jinˋ liˋ

Thrust, Propulsion, Propulsive force

推進器 tui¯ jinˋ qiˋ

Propulsion, Propulsion device, Propulsion devices

zui, chui, dui, gui, hui, kui, sui, tui, wei

圍巾 weiˊ jin¯


違禁 weiˊ jin¯

Defy a prohibition, Break the rules with regard to prohibited items

魏晉南北朝 weiˋ jinˋ nanˊ beiˇ chaoˊ

Wei and Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties

威信 wei¯ xinˋ


微信 weiˊ xinˋ


為信奉 weiˋ xinˋ fengˋ

For adherents

微吟 wei¯ yinˊ

Soft words, Murmured chanting, Ones own words

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 11, 12, 14, 21, 24, 41

對勁 duiˋ jinˋ

All right, Okay

魏晉南北朝 weiˋ jinˋ nanˊ beiˇ chaoˊ

Wei and Jin Southern and Northern Dynasties

為信奉 weiˋ xinˋ fengˋ

For adherents

最近 zuiˋ jinˋ

Recent, Recently, Most recent, Nearest, Closest

最近很忙 zuiˋ jinˋ henˇ mangˊ

Recently been busy

最近才剛 zuiˋ jinˋ caiˊ gang¯

Just recently

最近的 zuiˋ jinˋ de˙

Nearest, Closest, Most recent

最近的主體 zuiˋ jinˋ de˙ zhuˇ tiˇ

Closest object, Closest subject

最近的五筆交易 zuiˋ jinˋ de˙ wuˇ biˇ jiao¯ yiˋ

Last five transactions

最近重獲自由 zuiˋ jinˋ chongˊ huoˋ ziˋ youˊ

Recently liberated

最信任的將領 zuiˋ xinˋ renˋ de˙ jiangˋ lingˇ

Most trusted general, Most trusted generals

44, 11, 12, 14, 21, 24, 41

灰心 hui¯ xin¯

Give up

44, 11, 12, 14, 21, 24, 41

微吟 wei¯ yinˊ

Soft words, Murmured chanting, Ones own words

44, 11, 12, 14, 21, 24, 41

吹進 chui¯ jinˋ

Blow into, Blew into, Blowing into

吹進他的眼裡 chui¯ jinˋ ta¯ de˙ yanˇ liˇ

Blew into his eye, Blowing into his eye, Blow into his eye

灰燼 hui¯ jinˋ


灰燼般 hui¯ jinˋ ban¯

Ash-like, Full of ashes

灰燼般的雲 hui¯ jinˋ ban¯ de˙ yunˊ

Cloud of ashes, Ash-like cloud

推進 tui¯ jinˋ

Propel, Propulsion

推進力 tui¯ jinˋ liˋ

Thrust, Propulsion, Propulsive force

推進器 tui¯ jinˋ qiˋ

Propulsion, Propulsion device, Propulsion devices

威信 wei¯ xinˋ


44, 11, 12, 14, 21, 24, 41

隨心所欲 suiˊ xin¯ suoˇ yuˋ

At will, Do as one's heart dictates

圍巾 weiˊ jin¯


違禁 weiˊ jin¯

Defy a prohibition, Break the rules with regard to prohibited items

44, 11, 12, 14, 21, 24, 41

回信 huiˊ xinˋ

Write back, Reply, Respond, Write a response

微信 weiˊ xinˋ


44, 11, 12, 14, 21, 24, 41

貴賓 guiˋ bin¯


愧心 kuiˋ xin¯

Feel shame

遂心 suiˋ xin¯


最新 zuiˋ xin¯

Latest, Newest

最新的 zuiˋ xin¯ de˙

Newest, Latest


口-日 : > : > [最]-最近 : > [最]-最近才剛 >

丶-辶 : > : > [近]-最近 : > [近]-最近才剛 >

十-巿 : > : > [才]-才剛 : > [才]-最近才剛 >

冂-冂 : > : > [剛]-才剛 : > [剛]-最近才剛 >

最近才剛 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 最

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