
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 月



yueˋ seˋ

月 yueˋ
Moon, Month, Monthly, Calendar, Female, Menses, Platform, Station Platform

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 月色 (yue-e)

Grouped by first phone

yue, jue, que, xue

約了誰呢 yue¯ le˙ sheiˊ ne˙

Who do you have a date with, Who's your date with

約瑟夫 yue¯ seˋ fu¯


月色 yueˋ seˋ


yue, jue, que, xue

決策 jueˊ ceˋ

Make policy

覺得 jueˊ de˙

Feel, Feels, Felt, Think, Thinks, Thought, Conscious of, Realize, Sense, Consider, Seem, Suppose

覺得不安 jueˊ de˙ buˋ an¯

Feel uneasy, Feel unsettled, Sense of disquiet

覺得口渴 jueˊ de˙ kouˇ keˇ

Feel thirsty, Feel a thirst

覺得好像光著身子 jueˊ de˙ haoˇ xiangˋ guang¯ zhe˙ shen¯ ziˇ

Felt naked

覺得寂寞 jueˊ de˙ jiˊ moˋ

Feel lonely

覺得很奇怪 jueˊ de˙ henˇ qiˊ guaiˋ

Felt that it was very strange, Felt that it was odd

覺得很清涼 jueˊ de˙ henˇ qing¯ liangˊ

Feel cool, Feel comfortably cool

覺得羞辱 jueˊ de˙ xiu¯ ruˋ

Feel ashamed

覺得自在的 jueˊ de˙ ziˋ zaiˋ de˙

Feel comfortable, Feet at ease

覺得舒服一點 jueˊ de˙ shu¯ fuˊ yiˋ dianˇ

Feel a little better

覺得這可能是 jueˊ de˙ zheˋ keˇ nengˊ shiˋ

Dialed from memory

覺熱 jueˊ reˋ

Feel hot

角色 jueˊ seˋ

Role, Character

抉擇 jueˊ zeˊ

Choose, Make a choice, Select

yue, jue, que, xue

確的 queˋ de˙


缺了 que¯ le˙

Missing, Deficient

yue, jue, que, xue

學得很好 xueˊ deˊ henˇ haoˇ

Learned well

學得更廣 xueˊ deˊ gengˋ guangˇ

Learn more

學得會 xueˊ deˊ huiˋ

Successfully learn, Successfully learned

學科 xueˊ ke¯

Subject, Discipline

學者 xueˊ zheˇ


學者們 xueˊ zheˇ men˙


學著 xueˊ zhe˙


Grouped in tone pairs

44, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 45

月色 yueˋ seˋ


44, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 45

約瑟夫 yue¯ seˋ fu¯


44, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 45

缺了 que¯ le˙

Missing, Deficient

約了誰呢 yue¯ le˙ sheiˊ ne˙

Who do you have a date with, Who's your date with

44, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 45

學科 xueˊ ke¯

Subject, Discipline

44, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 45

抉擇 jueˊ zeˊ

Choose, Make a choice, Select

學得很好 xueˊ deˊ henˇ haoˇ

Learned well

學得更廣 xueˊ deˊ gengˋ guangˇ

Learn more

學得會 xueˊ deˊ huiˋ

Successfully learn, Successfully learned

44, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 45

學者 xueˊ zheˇ


學者們 xueˊ zheˇ men˙


44, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 45

決策 jueˊ ceˋ

Make policy

覺熱 jueˊ reˋ

Feel hot

角色 jueˊ seˋ

Role, Character

44, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 45

覺得 jueˊ de˙

Feel, Feels, Felt, Think, Thinks, Thought, Conscious of, Realize, Sense, Consider, Seem, Suppose

覺得不安 jueˊ de˙ buˋ an¯

Feel uneasy, Feel unsettled, Sense of disquiet

覺得口渴 jueˊ de˙ kouˇ keˇ

Feel thirsty, Feel a thirst

覺得好像光著身子 jueˊ de˙ haoˇ xiangˋ guang¯ zhe˙ shen¯ ziˇ

Felt naked

覺得寂寞 jueˊ de˙ jiˊ moˋ

Feel lonely

覺得很奇怪 jueˊ de˙ henˇ qiˊ guaiˋ

Felt that it was very strange, Felt that it was odd

覺得很清涼 jueˊ de˙ henˇ qing¯ liangˊ

Feel cool, Feel comfortably cool

覺得羞辱 jueˊ de˙ xiu¯ ruˋ

Feel ashamed

覺得自在的 jueˊ de˙ ziˋ zaiˋ de˙

Feel comfortable, Feet at ease

覺得舒服一點 jueˊ de˙ shu¯ fuˊ yiˋ dianˇ

Feel a little better

覺得這可能是 jueˊ de˙ zheˋ keˇ nengˊ shiˋ

Dialed from memory

學著 xueˊ zhe˙


44, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 45

確的 queˋ de˙



冂-月 : > : > [月]-月色 : > [月]-月色 >

丿-⺈ : > : > [色]-月色 : > [色]-月色 >

月色 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 月

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