
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 器


Has a built in timer, Had a built in timer

youˇ neiˋ zaiˋ jiˋ shiˊ qiˋ

器 qiˋ
Device, Apparatus, Equipment, Tool, Instrument, Utensil, Manipulator

(hide char details)

Phone , Tone


內在 neiˋ zaiˋ

計時 jiˋ shiˊ

計時器 jiˋ shiˊ qiˋ

Words that rhyme with 有內在計時器 (you-ei)

Grouped by first phone

you, diu, jiu, liu, xiu

又累 youˋ leiˋ

Was tired

又累又髒 youˋ leiˋ youˋ zang¯

Tired and dirty

優美 you¯ meiˇ


有沒有 youˇ meiˊ youˇ

Do you or don't you have

有沒有什麼 youˇ meiˊ youˇ sheˊ me˙

Is there anything

有沒有什麼問題 youˇ meiˊ youˇ shenˊ me˙ wenˋ tiˊ

Are there any problems? is there a problem?

有沒有生銹 youˇ meiˊ youˇ sheng¯ xiuˋ

Still works or not, Gotten rusty or not

有沒有辦法 youˇ meiˊ youˇ banˋ faˇ

Was there some way

有內在計時器 youˇ neiˋ zaiˋ jiˋ shiˊ qiˋ

Has a built in timer, Had a built in timer

you, diu, jiu, liu, xiu

丟飛鏢 diu¯ fei¯ biao¯

Throw darts

丟給某人經辦 diu¯ geiˇ mouˇ renˊ jing¯ banˋ

Given to someone to handle, Dumped on someone's desk

you, diu, jiu, liu, xiu

就沒有 jiuˋ meiˊ youˇ

Then there won't be

you, diu, jiu, liu, xiu

六倍 liuˋ beiˋ

Six times

留給 liuˊ geiˇ

Leave for (someone to use)

留給別人 liuˊ geiˇ bieˊ renˊ

Left for someone else

流淚 liuˊ leiˋ


you, diu, jiu, liu, xiu

秀美 xiuˋ meiˇ


Grouped in tone pairs

34, 11, 13, 23, 24, 32, 42, 43, 44

有內在計時器 youˇ neiˋ zaiˋ jiˋ shiˊ qiˋ

Has a built in timer, Had a built in timer

34, 11, 13, 23, 24, 32, 42, 43, 44

丟飛鏢 diu¯ fei¯ biao¯

Throw darts

34, 11, 13, 23, 24, 32, 42, 43, 44

丟給某人經辦 diu¯ geiˇ mouˇ renˊ jing¯ banˋ

Given to someone to handle, Dumped on someone's desk

優美 you¯ meiˇ


34, 11, 13, 23, 24, 32, 42, 43, 44

留給 liuˊ geiˇ

Leave for (someone to use)

留給別人 liuˊ geiˇ bieˊ renˊ

Left for someone else

34, 11, 13, 23, 24, 32, 42, 43, 44

流淚 liuˊ leiˋ


34, 11, 13, 23, 24, 32, 42, 43, 44

有沒有 youˇ meiˊ youˇ

Do you or don't you have

有沒有什麼 youˇ meiˊ youˇ sheˊ me˙

Is there anything

有沒有什麼問題 youˇ meiˊ youˇ shenˊ me˙ wenˋ tiˊ

Are there any problems? is there a problem?

有沒有生銹 youˇ meiˊ youˇ sheng¯ xiuˋ

Still works or not, Gotten rusty or not

有沒有辦法 youˇ meiˊ youˇ banˋ faˇ

Was there some way

34, 11, 13, 23, 24, 32, 42, 43, 44

就沒有 jiuˋ meiˊ youˇ

Then there won't be

34, 11, 13, 23, 24, 32, 42, 43, 44

秀美 xiuˋ meiˇ


34, 11, 13, 23, 24, 32, 42, 43, 44

六倍 liuˋ beiˋ

Six times

又累 youˋ leiˋ

Was tired

又累又髒 youˋ leiˋ youˋ zang¯

Tired and dirty


十-𠂇 : > : > [有]-有內 : > [有]-有內在計時器 >

冂-冂 : > : > [內]-內在 : > [內]-有內在計時器 >

十-𠂇 : > : > [在]-內在 : > [在]-有內在計時器 >

丶-言 : > : > [計]-計時 : > [計]-有內在計時器 >

口-日 : > : > [時]-計時 : > [時]-有內在計時器 >

口-口 : > : > [器]-時器 : > [器]-有內在計時器 >

有內在計時器 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 器

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