
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 未



weiˋ yongˋ wanˊ

未 weiˋ
Not Yet, Did Not, From 1Pm To 3Pm, Goat

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 未用完 (wei-yong)

Grouped by first phone

wei, hui, shui

未用完 weiˋ yongˋ wanˊ


wei, hui, shui

會用各種方法去旅 huiˋ yongˋ geˋ zhongˇ fang¯ faˇ quˋ luuˇ

Can use all kinds of methods to travel, Can travel in varies ways

wei, hui, shui

水湧進 shuiˇ yongˇ jinˋ

Water rushed in

Grouped in tone pairs

44, 33

會用各種方法去旅 huiˋ yongˋ geˋ zhongˇ fang¯ faˇ quˋ luuˇ

Can use all kinds of methods to travel, Can travel in varies ways

未用完 weiˋ yongˋ wanˊ


44, 33

水湧進 shuiˇ yongˇ jinˋ

Water rushed in


十-夫 : > : > [未]-未用 : > [未]-未用完 >

冂-⺆ : > : > [用]-用完 : > [用]-未用完 >

丶-宀 : > : > [完]-用完 : > [完]-未用完 >

未用完 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 未

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