
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 樂


Yue fu, Music bureau (Han dynasty), Music bureau poetry, Music bureau poems, (Cats: History next)

yueˋ fuˇ

樂 leˋ, yueˋ, yaoˋ
Happy, Joyful, Cheerful, Laughter, (Yue4), Music, Song, (Yao4), Love, Delight In, Fond Of

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 樂府 (yue-wu)

Grouped by first phone

yue, jue, que, xue

月初 yueˋ chu¯

The beginning of the month

閱讀 yueˋ duˊ


閱讀機 yueˋ duˊ ji¯


閱讀測驗 yueˋ duˊ ceˋ yanˋ

Reading test

閱讀的樂趣 yueˋ duˊ de˙ leˋ quˋ

Interest in reading, Liked to read, Enjoyed reading

閱讀課文時 yueˋ duˊ keˋ wenˊ shiˊ

While reading the text

樂府 yueˋ fuˇ

Yue fu, Music bureau (Han dynasty), Music bureau poetry, Music bureau poems

岳父 yueˋ fuˋ

Father in law

岳母 yueˋ muˇ

Mother-in-law, Wife's mother

悅目 yueˋ muˋ

Pleasant to look at

躍入水中 yueˋ ruˋ shuiˇ zhong¯

Jump into the water

約數 yue¯ shuˋ

Exact divisor, Factor, Estimated number

約束 yue¯ shuˋ

Bind, Restrain, Restrict, Restraint, Restriction

約束自己 yue¯ shuˋ ziˋ jiˇ

Restrict yourself, Restrict oneself

月租費 yueˋ zu¯ feiˋ

Monthly rental fee

yue, jue, que, xue

決不會 jueˊ buˊ huiˋ

Certainly won't

絕不在其中 jueˊ buˊ zaiˋ qiˊ zhong¯

Was not one of them, Was not included

絕不放棄 jueˊ buˊ fangˋ qiˋ

Relentless, Relentlessness

絕不會 jueˊ buˊ huiˋ


決不 jueˊ buˋ

Never, Not at all, Definitely not

絕不 jueˊ buˋ


覺悟 jueˊ wuˋ

Become conscious of, Become aware, Realize, Awaken to

角逐 jueˊ zhuˊ


攫住 jueˊ zhuˋ

Grasped, Seized, Snatched

yue, jue, que, xue

卻不料 queˋ buˊ liaoˋ

But unexpectedly

卻不十分相信 queˋ buˋ shiˊ fen¯ xiang¯ xinˋ

But didn't really believe it

雀路羅 queˋ luˋ luo¯


雀路羅市 queˋ luˋ luo¯ shiˋ

Janjira City

卻徒勞無功 queˋ tuˊ laoˊ wuˊ gong¯

In vain

卻無法 queˋ wuˊ faˇ

But can't, But unable to, But am unable, But I am unable to, But I can't, Still can't

yue, jue, que, xue

學步幼兒 xueˊ buˋ youˋ erˊ


學術 xueˊ shuˋ

Academic, Scholarship

學術性質 xueˊ shuˋ xingˋ zhiˊ

Academic in nature

學徒 xueˊ tuˊ


Grouped in tone pairs

43, 14, 22, 24, 41, 42, 44

樂府 yueˋ fuˇ

Yue fu, Music bureau (Han dynasty), Music bureau poetry, Music bureau poems

岳母 yueˋ muˇ

Mother-in-law, Wife's mother

43, 14, 22, 24, 41, 42, 44

約數 yue¯ shuˋ

Exact divisor, Factor, Estimated number

約束 yue¯ shuˋ

Bind, Restrain, Restrict, Restraint, Restriction

約束自己 yue¯ shuˋ ziˋ jiˇ

Restrict yourself, Restrict oneself

43, 14, 22, 24, 41, 42, 44

決不會 jueˊ buˊ huiˋ

Certainly won't

絕不在其中 jueˊ buˊ zaiˋ qiˊ zhong¯

Was not one of them, Was not included

絕不放棄 jueˊ buˊ fangˋ qiˋ

Relentless, Relentlessness

絕不會 jueˊ buˊ huiˋ


角逐 jueˊ zhuˊ


學徒 xueˊ tuˊ


43, 14, 22, 24, 41, 42, 44

決不 jueˊ buˋ

Never, Not at all, Definitely not

絕不 jueˊ buˋ


覺悟 jueˊ wuˋ

Become conscious of, Become aware, Realize, Awaken to

攫住 jueˊ zhuˋ

Grasped, Seized, Snatched

學步幼兒 xueˊ buˋ youˋ erˊ


學術 xueˊ shuˋ

Academic, Scholarship

學術性質 xueˊ shuˋ xingˋ zhiˊ

Academic in nature

43, 14, 22, 24, 41, 42, 44

月初 yueˋ chu¯

The beginning of the month

月租費 yueˋ zu¯ feiˋ

Monthly rental fee

43, 14, 22, 24, 41, 42, 44

卻不料 queˋ buˊ liaoˋ

But unexpectedly

卻徒勞無功 queˋ tuˊ laoˊ wuˊ gong¯

In vain

卻無法 queˋ wuˊ faˇ

But can't, But unable to, But am unable, But I am unable to, But I can't, Still can't

閱讀 yueˋ duˊ


閱讀機 yueˋ duˊ ji¯


閱讀測驗 yueˋ duˊ ceˋ yanˋ

Reading test

閱讀的樂趣 yueˋ duˊ de˙ leˋ quˋ

Interest in reading, Liked to read, Enjoyed reading

閱讀課文時 yueˋ duˊ keˋ wenˊ shiˊ

While reading the text

43, 14, 22, 24, 41, 42, 44

卻不十分相信 queˋ buˋ shiˊ fen¯ xiang¯ xinˋ

But didn't really believe it

雀路羅 queˋ luˋ luo¯


雀路羅市 queˋ luˋ luo¯ shiˋ

Janjira City

岳父 yueˋ fuˋ

Father in law

悅目 yueˋ muˋ

Pleasant to look at

躍入水中 yueˋ ruˋ shuiˇ zhong¯

Jump into the water


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