
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 樂


Musical composition, Music

yueˋ quˇ

樂 leˋ, yueˋ, yaoˋ
Happy, Joyful, Cheerful, Laughter, (Yue4), Music, Song, (Yao4), Love, Delight In, Fond Of

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 樂曲 (yue-yu)

Grouped by first phone

yue, lue, xue

樂曲 yueˋ quˇ

Musical composition, Music

約與肩同寬 yue¯ yuˇ jian¯ tongˊ kuan¯

About shoulder width (apart)

悅豫 yueˋ yuˋ

Happy and comfortable, Pleased, Delighted

yue, lue, xue

略語 lueˋ yuˇ


yue, lue, xue

學語言就得不怕說錯 xueˊ yuˇ yanˊ jiuˋ deˊ buˊ paˋ shuo¯ cuoˋ

Don't be afraid to make mistakes when learning a language

鱈魚 xueˇ yuˊ


Grouped in tone pairs

43, 13, 23, 32, 44

略語 lueˋ yuˇ


樂曲 yueˋ quˇ

Musical composition, Music

43, 13, 23, 32, 44

約與肩同寬 yue¯ yuˇ jian¯ tongˊ kuan¯

About shoulder width (apart)

43, 13, 23, 32, 44

學語言就得不怕說錯 xueˊ yuˇ yanˊ jiuˋ deˊ buˊ paˋ shuo¯ cuoˋ

Don't be afraid to make mistakes when learning a language

43, 13, 23, 32, 44

鱈魚 xueˇ yuˊ


43, 13, 23, 32, 44

悅豫 yueˋ yuˋ

Happy and comfortable, Pleased, Delighted


𠄌-幺 : > : > [樂]-樂曲 : > [樂]-樂曲 >

人-曲 : > : > [曲]-樂曲 : > [曲]-樂曲 >

樂曲 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 樂

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