
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 群


Fleet of airplanes

ji¯ qunˊ

群 qunˊ
Team, Group, Multitude, Crowd, Flock, Grouping, (羣), MW For Crowds Or Groups

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 機群 (yi-yun)

Grouped by first phone

ji, di, xi, yi

機群 ji¯ qunˊ

Fleet of airplanes

肌群 ji¯ qunˊ

Muscle Group, Muscle groups

機運 ji¯ yunˋ

Luck, Fate

ji, di, xi, yi

底蘊 diˇ yunˋ


ji, di, xi, yi

細菌 xiˋ jun¯


ji, di, xi, yi

衣裙 yi¯ qunˊ


一群 yiˋ qunˊ

A group, A bunch (of), A team (of)

一群婦女 yiˋ qunˊ fuˋ nuuˇ

A group of women

一群把風 yiˋ qunˊ baˇ feng¯

A team of lookouts

一群把風和誘餌 yiˋ qunˊ baˇ feng¯ hanˋ youˋ erˇ

A team of lookouts and decoys

一群瘋子 yiˋ qunˊ feng¯ ziˇ

Group of maniacs, Crazy people

一群移民 yiˋ qunˊ yiˊ minˊ

Group of migrants, Bunch of migrants

Grouped in tone pairs

12, 14, 34, 41, 42

機群 ji¯ qunˊ

Fleet of airplanes

肌群 ji¯ qunˊ

Muscle Group, Muscle groups

衣裙 yi¯ qunˊ


12, 14, 34, 41, 42

機運 ji¯ yunˋ

Luck, Fate

12, 14, 34, 41, 42

底蘊 diˇ yunˋ


12, 14, 34, 41, 42

細菌 xiˋ jun¯


12, 14, 34, 41, 42

一群 yiˋ qunˊ

A group, A bunch (of), A team (of)

一群婦女 yiˋ qunˊ fuˋ nuuˇ

A group of women

一群把風 yiˋ qunˊ baˇ feng¯

A team of lookouts

一群把風和誘餌 yiˋ qunˊ baˇ feng¯ hanˋ youˋ erˇ

A team of lookouts and decoys

一群瘋子 yiˋ qunˊ feng¯ ziˇ

Group of maniacs, Crazy people

一群移民 yiˋ qunˊ yiˊ minˊ

Group of migrants, Bunch of migrants


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機群 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 群

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