
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 櫻


Cherries, Cherry

ying¯ taoˊ

櫻 ying¯
Cherry, Cherry Blossoms

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 櫻桃 (ying-ao)

Grouped by first phone

ying, bing, ding, jing, ling, ming, qing, ting, xing

櫻桃 ying¯ taoˊ

Cherries, Cherry

櫻桃木 ying¯ taoˊ muˋ

Cherry wood

櫻桃木櫃 ying¯ taoˊ muˋ guiˋ

Cherry wood cabinet

櫻桃果醬 ying¯ taoˊ guoˇ jiangˋ

Cherry jam

營造 yingˊ zaoˋ

Build, Construct

映照 yingˋ zhaoˋ

Shine, Reflect, Reflection

ying, bing, ding, jing, ling, ming, qing, ting, xing

冰島 bing¯ daoˇ


ying, bing, ding, jing, ling, ming, qing, ting, xing

頂好帽 dingˇ haoˇ maoˋ

A good hat

ying, bing, ding, jing, ling, ming, qing, ting, xing

警報 jingˇ baoˋ

Warning, Alert, Alarm

警報器 jingˇ baoˋ qiˋ


警報聲吵 jingˇ baoˋ sheng¯ chaoˇ

Alarm, Warning sound

警告 jingˇ gaoˋ

Warn, Warning, Warned

警告過 jingˇ gaoˋ guoˋ


敬告 jingˋ gaoˋ


經貿 jing¯ maoˋ

Economy and trade

驚擾 jing¯ raoˇ

Disturb, Startle

ying, bing, ding, jing, ling, ming, qing, ting, xing

領導 lingˇ daoˇ


領導人 lingˇ daoˇ renˊ


領導人為 lingˇ daoˇ renˊ weiˋ

In command, Under the command (of), Leader, Acting commander

領導有方 lingˇ daoˇ youˇ fang¯

Leadership, Leadership skills, Strong leadership

領導者 lingˇ daoˇ zheˇ


領到 lingˇ daoˋ

Lead to, Lead to

令牢裡不得安寧 lingˋ laoˊ liˇ buˋ deˊ an¯ ningˊ

No peace in prison

ying, bing, ding, jing, ling, ming, qing, ting, xing

明朝 mingˊ chaoˊ

Ming dynasty

名號 mingˊ haoˋ

Name, Designation

ying, bing, ding, jing, ling, ming, qing, ting, xing

情報 qingˊ baoˋ


情報局 qingˊ baoˋ juˊ

Bureau of Intelligence, Office of Intelligence

請保持靜止 qingˇ baoˇ chiˊ jingˋ zhiˇ

Please keep still, Please remain still

青草 qing¯ caoˇ


青草地 qing¯ caoˇ diˋ

Green grass

青草茶 qing¯ caoˇ chaˊ

Grass Tea, Green grass tea, Herbal tea

情操 qingˊ cao¯

Sentiment, Noble thoughts

清朝 qing¯ chaoˊ

Qing dynasty

清炒四季豆 qing¯ chaoˇ siˋ jiˋ douˋ

Quick Fried Beans, Stir fried beans

清炒高麗菜 qing¯ chaoˇ gao¯ liˋ caiˋ

Quick Fried Cabbage, Stir fried cabbage

傾倒 qing¯ daoˇ

Collapse, Collapses, Collapsing, Collapsed, Fall over, Falls over, Falling over, Fell over, Fall for, Falls for, Falling for, Fell for, Pour, Pours, Pouring, Poured, Dump, Dumps, Dumping, Dumped, Empty contents of, Empties contents of, Emptying contents of, Emptied contents of, Topple, Topples, Toppling, Toppled

傾倒出 qing¯ daoˇ chu¯

Dump, Empty out, Disgorge

傾倒液體 qing¯ daoˇ yeˋ tiˇ

Pouring liquids, Pour liquids, Pours liquids, Poured liquids

清道夫 qing¯ daoˋ fu¯


清道夫裝置 qing¯ daoˋ fu¯ zhuang¯ zhiˋ

Scavenger, Scavenger

請告訴我 qingˇ gaoˋ suˋ woˇ

Please tell me

情好 qingˊ haoˇ


請老師教他 qingˇ laoˇ shi¯ jiaoˋ ta¯

Asked the teacher to help him

清掃 qing¯ saoˇ

Sweep up, Sweep, Clean, Mop up, Mop

青少年 qing¯ shaoˇ nianˊ

Teens, Teenagers

清早 qing¯ zaoˇ

Early morning

ying, bing, ding, jing, ling, ming, qing, ting, xing

聽到 ting¯ daoˋ

Hear, Heard, Listened

聽到了 ting¯ daoˋ le˙

Heard, Listened

聽到他 ting¯ daoˋ ta¯

Heard him

聽到後 ting¯ daoˋ houˋ

After hearing

聽到樓上傳來放水聲 ting¯ daoˋ louˊ shangˋ chuanˊ laiˊ fangˋ shuiˇ sheng¯

Heard the sound of running water from upstairs

聽到這個建議 ting¯ daoˋ zheˋ ge˙ jianˋ yiˋ

Heard this suggestion

聽好 ting¯ haoˇ

Listen, You know, I have a suggestion

挺好 tingˇ haoˇ

Not bad, Pretty good

挺好的 tingˇ haoˇ de˙

Pretty good, Not bad

ying, bing, ding, jing, ling, ming, qing, ting, xing

行道 xingˊ daoˋ


興高采烈 xingˋ gao¯ caiˇ lieˋ

Gleeful, Happy, Elated

型號 xingˊ haoˋ

Model, Model number

幸好 xingˋ haoˇ


性騷擾 xingˋ sao¯ raoˇ

Sexual harassemnt

性騷擾犯 xingˋ sao¯ raoˇ fanˋ


Grouped in tone pairs

12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

清朝 qing¯ chaoˊ

Qing dynasty

櫻桃 ying¯ taoˊ

Cherries, Cherry

櫻桃木 ying¯ taoˊ muˋ

Cherry wood

櫻桃木櫃 ying¯ taoˊ muˋ guiˋ

Cherry wood cabinet

櫻桃果醬 ying¯ taoˊ guoˇ jiangˋ

Cherry jam

12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

冰島 bing¯ daoˇ


驚擾 jing¯ raoˇ

Disturb, Startle

青草 qing¯ caoˇ


青草地 qing¯ caoˇ diˋ

Green grass

青草茶 qing¯ caoˇ chaˊ

Grass Tea, Green grass tea, Herbal tea

清炒四季豆 qing¯ chaoˇ siˋ jiˋ douˋ

Quick Fried Beans, Stir fried beans

清炒高麗菜 qing¯ chaoˇ gao¯ liˋ caiˋ

Quick Fried Cabbage, Stir fried cabbage

傾倒 qing¯ daoˇ

Collapse, Collapses, Collapsing, Collapsed, Fall over, Falls over, Falling over, Fell over, Fall for, Falls for, Falling for, Fell for, Pour, Pours, Pouring, Poured, Dump, Dumps, Dumping, Dumped, Empty contents of, Empties contents of, Emptying contents of, Emptied contents of, Topple, Topples, Toppling, Toppled

傾倒出 qing¯ daoˇ chu¯

Dump, Empty out, Disgorge

傾倒液體 qing¯ daoˇ yeˋ tiˇ

Pouring liquids, Pour liquids, Pours liquids, Poured liquids

清掃 qing¯ saoˇ

Sweep up, Sweep, Clean, Mop up, Mop

青少年 qing¯ shaoˇ nianˊ

Teens, Teenagers

清早 qing¯ zaoˇ

Early morning

聽好 ting¯ haoˇ

Listen, You know, I have a suggestion

12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

經貿 jing¯ maoˋ

Economy and trade

清道夫 qing¯ daoˋ fu¯


清道夫裝置 qing¯ daoˋ fu¯ zhuang¯ zhiˋ

Scavenger, Scavenger

聽到 ting¯ daoˋ

Hear, Heard, Listened

聽到了 ting¯ daoˋ le˙

Heard, Listened

聽到他 ting¯ daoˋ ta¯

Heard him

聽到後 ting¯ daoˋ houˋ

After hearing

聽到樓上傳來放水聲 ting¯ daoˋ louˊ shangˋ chuanˊ laiˊ fangˋ shuiˇ sheng¯

Heard the sound of running water from upstairs

聽到這個建議 ting¯ daoˋ zheˋ ge˙ jianˋ yiˋ

Heard this suggestion

12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

情操 qingˊ cao¯

Sentiment, Noble thoughts

12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

明朝 mingˊ chaoˊ

Ming dynasty

12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

情好 qingˊ haoˇ


12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

名號 mingˊ haoˋ

Name, Designation

情報 qingˊ baoˋ


情報局 qingˊ baoˋ juˊ

Bureau of Intelligence, Office of Intelligence

行道 xingˊ daoˋ


型號 xingˊ haoˋ

Model, Model number

營造 yingˊ zaoˋ

Build, Construct

12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

頂好帽 dingˇ haoˇ maoˋ

A good hat

領導 lingˇ daoˇ


領導人 lingˇ daoˇ renˊ


領導人為 lingˇ daoˇ renˊ weiˋ

In command, Under the command (of), Leader, Acting commander

領導有方 lingˇ daoˇ youˇ fang¯

Leadership, Leadership skills, Strong leadership

領導者 lingˇ daoˇ zheˇ


請保持靜止 qingˇ baoˇ chiˊ jingˋ zhiˇ

Please keep still, Please remain still

請老師教他 qingˇ laoˇ shi¯ jiaoˋ ta¯

Asked the teacher to help him

挺好 tingˇ haoˇ

Not bad, Pretty good

挺好的 tingˇ haoˇ de˙

Pretty good, Not bad

12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

警報 jingˇ baoˋ

Warning, Alert, Alarm

警報器 jingˇ baoˋ qiˋ


警報聲吵 jingˇ baoˋ sheng¯ chaoˇ

Alarm, Warning sound

警告 jingˇ gaoˋ

Warn, Warning, Warned

警告過 jingˇ gaoˋ guoˋ


領到 lingˇ daoˋ

Lead to, Lead to

請告訴我 qingˇ gaoˋ suˋ woˇ

Please tell me

12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

興高采烈 xingˋ gao¯ caiˇ lieˋ

Gleeful, Happy, Elated

性騷擾 xingˋ sao¯ raoˇ

Sexual harassemnt

性騷擾犯 xingˋ sao¯ raoˇ fanˋ


12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

令牢裡不得安寧 lingˋ laoˊ liˇ buˋ deˊ an¯ ningˊ

No peace in prison

12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

幸好 xingˋ haoˇ


12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

敬告 jingˋ gaoˋ


映照 yingˋ zhaoˋ

Shine, Reflect, Reflection


十-木 : > : > [櫻]-櫻桃 : > [櫻]-櫻桃 >

十-木 : > : > [桃]-櫻桃 : > [桃]-櫻桃 >

櫻桃 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 櫻

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