
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 欽


Admire, Respect

qin¯ peiˋ

欽 qin¯
Admire, Respect, Imperial, Royal

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Phone , Tone

Words that rhyme with 欽佩 (yin-ei)

Grouped by first phone

qin, xin, yin

欽佩 qin¯ peiˋ

Admire, Respect

qin, xin, yin

新北市 xin¯ beiˇ shiˋ

New Taipei City

心肺復甦 xin¯ feiˋ fuˋ su¯

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

qin, xin, yin

因背傷無法工作時 yin¯ beiˋ shang¯ wuˊ faˇ gong¯ zuoˋ shiˊ

When unable to work due to back injury, While unable to work due to back injury

Grouped in tone pairs

14, 13

欽佩 qin¯ peiˋ

Admire, Respect

心肺復甦 xin¯ feiˋ fuˋ su¯

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation

因背傷無法工作時 yin¯ beiˋ shang¯ wuˊ faˇ gong¯ zuoˋ shiˊ

When unable to work due to back injury, While unable to work due to back injury

14, 13

新北市 xin¯ beiˇ shiˋ

New Taipei City


人-金 : > : > [欽]-欽佩 : > [欽]-欽佩 >

丿-亻 : > : > [佩]-欽佩 : > [佩]-欽佩 >

欽佩 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 欽

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