
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 著


Didn't lend

meiˊ jieˋ zhaoˊ

著 zhe˙, zhao¯, zhaoˊ, zhuˋ, zhuoˊ
Become, Get To, Verb Ending, (Zhao1), Bear, Anxious, For Continuing Action, For Command, For Success Or Attainment, (Zhao2), Catch Fire, (Zhu4), Author, Writer, Poet, Composer, Set Forth, (Zhuo2), Wear, Start, Move, Apply, Focus, Touch Pen To Paper, Land, Touch Down

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Phone , Tone


借著 jieˋ zhaoˊ

Words that rhyme with 沒借著 (ei-ye)

Grouped by first phone

mei, bei, fei, hei, lei, shei

沒別 meiˊ bieˊ

Nothing else

沒別的事 meiˊ bieˊ de˙ shiˋ

Nothing else

沒別的事好說了 meiˊ bieˊ de˙ shiˋ haoˇ shuo¯ le˙

Nothing else to say, Nothing else to talk about

沒別的可做 meiˊ bieˊ de˙ keˇ zuoˋ

Nothing else to do

沒別的聲音 meiˊ bieˊ de˙ sheng¯ yin¯

No other sound

沒解釋 meiˊ jieˇ shiˋ

Didn't explain

媒介 meiˊ jieˋ

Media, Medium, Agent, Agents, Vehicle

沒借到 meiˊ jieˋ daoˋ

Didn't buy

沒借著 meiˊ jieˋ zhaoˊ

Didn't lend

mei, bei, fei, hei, lei, shei

被別人 beiˋ bieˊ renˊ

By someone else, By other people

被別人碰 beiˋ bieˊ renˊ pengˋ

Being touched by others

被截肢 beiˋ jieˊ zhi¯

Been amputated

被列在括號 beiˋ lieˋ zaiˋ kuoˋ haoˋ

Placed in brackets, Written within brackets

被貼在驗屍報告裡 beiˋ tie¯ zaiˋ yanˋ shi¯ baoˋ gaoˋ liˇ

Stuck inside an autopsy report

被泄漏 beiˋ xieˋ louˋ

Were leaked, Were revealed

mei, bei, fei, hei, lei, shei

費解 feiˋ jieˇ

Difficult to understand, Elusive

mei, bei, fei, hei, lei, shei

黑獵犬 hei¯ lieˋ quanˇ

Black hound, Black hounds

黑鐵 hei¯ tieˇ

Iron, Black iron

黑夜 hei¯ yeˋ

Night, Darkness of night, Black night

mei, bei, fei, hei, lei, shei

類別 leiˋ bieˊ


mei, bei, fei, hei, lei, shei

誰也不想 sheiˊ yeˇ buˋ xiangˇ

No one wanted, No one wanted to

Grouped in tone pairs

24, 13, 14, 22, 23, 41, 42, 43, 44

媒介 meiˊ jieˋ

Media, Medium, Agent, Agents, Vehicle

沒借到 meiˊ jieˋ daoˋ

Didn't buy

沒借著 meiˊ jieˋ zhaoˊ

Didn't lend

24, 13, 14, 22, 23, 41, 42, 43, 44

黑鐵 hei¯ tieˇ

Iron, Black iron

24, 13, 14, 22, 23, 41, 42, 43, 44

黑獵犬 hei¯ lieˋ quanˇ

Black hound, Black hounds

黑夜 hei¯ yeˋ

Night, Darkness of night, Black night

24, 13, 14, 22, 23, 41, 42, 43, 44

沒別 meiˊ bieˊ

Nothing else

沒別的事 meiˊ bieˊ de˙ shiˋ

Nothing else

沒別的事好說了 meiˊ bieˊ de˙ shiˋ haoˇ shuo¯ le˙

Nothing else to say, Nothing else to talk about

沒別的可做 meiˊ bieˊ de˙ keˇ zuoˋ

Nothing else to do

沒別的聲音 meiˊ bieˊ de˙ sheng¯ yin¯

No other sound

24, 13, 14, 22, 23, 41, 42, 43, 44

沒解釋 meiˊ jieˇ shiˋ

Didn't explain

誰也不想 sheiˊ yeˇ buˋ xiangˇ

No one wanted, No one wanted to

24, 13, 14, 22, 23, 41, 42, 43, 44

被貼在驗屍報告裡 beiˋ tie¯ zaiˋ yanˋ shi¯ baoˋ gaoˋ liˇ

Stuck inside an autopsy report

24, 13, 14, 22, 23, 41, 42, 43, 44

被別人 beiˋ bieˊ renˊ

By someone else, By other people

被別人碰 beiˋ bieˊ renˊ pengˋ

Being touched by others

被截肢 beiˋ jieˊ zhi¯

Been amputated

類別 leiˋ bieˊ


24, 13, 14, 22, 23, 41, 42, 43, 44

費解 feiˋ jieˇ

Difficult to understand, Elusive

24, 13, 14, 22, 23, 41, 42, 43, 44

被列在括號 beiˋ lieˋ zaiˋ kuoˋ haoˋ

Placed in brackets, Written within brackets

被泄漏 beiˋ xieˋ louˋ

Were leaked, Were revealed


丶-氵 : > : > [沒]-沒借 : > [沒]-沒借著 >

丿-亻 : > : > [借]-借著 : > [借]-沒借著 >

人-艹 : > : > [著]-借著 : > [著]-沒借著 >

沒借著 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 著

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