
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 標



meiˊ youˇ biao¯ shiˋ

標 biao¯
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Phone , Tone


沒有 meiˊ youˇ

標示 biao¯ shiˋ

Words that rhyme with 沒有標示 (ei-you)

Grouped by first phone

mei, bei, hei, lei, nei, pei

沒酒喝了 meiˊ jiuˇ he¯ le˙

Run out of alcohol

沒留下任何證據 meiˊ liuˊ xiaˋ renˋ heˊ zhengˋ juˋ

Left no evidence, Leaving no evidence

沒求饒 meiˊ qiuˊ raoˊ

Didn't beg for mercy

沒有 meiˊ youˇ

No, Do not have, Does not have, Did not have, Do not, Does not, Did not, Was not, Were not

沒有一定 meiˊ youˇ yiˊ dingˋ

Indefinite, Undefined, General, Unspecific, Non-specified

沒有一粒原子 meiˊ youˇ yiˊ liˋ yuanˊ zi˙

Not a single atom

沒有中途 meiˊ youˇ zhong¯ tuˊ

Not even halfway through

沒有了 meiˊ youˇ le˙

Doesn't have

沒有人 meiˊ youˇ renˊ

No one else, Nobody

沒有人知道 meiˊ youˇ renˊ zhi¯ daoˋ

No one knows, Nobody knows

沒有什麼 meiˊ youˇ shenˊ me˙

Nothing, There's nothing, Nothing much

沒有什麼壞處 meiˊ youˇ shenˊ me˙ huaiˋ chuˋ

There are no bad points, There are no disadvantages

沒有什麼好擔心的了 meiˊ youˇ shenˊ me˙ haoˇ dan¯ xin¯ de˙ le˙

Nothing to worry about

沒有什麼對不起的 meiˊ youˇ shenˊ me˙ duiˋ buˋ qiˇ de˙

There is nothing to be sorry for, It's okay, Don't worry about it

沒有任何聲響 meiˊ youˇ renˋ heˊ sheng¯ xiangˇ

There was no sound

沒有使用這些物品或舉辦儀式的資格 meiˊ youˇ shiˇ yongˋ zheˋ xie¯ wuˋ pinˇ huoˋ juˇ banˋ yiˊ shiˋ de˙ zi¯ geˊ

Are not allowed to use these items or perform ceremonies

沒有來 meiˊ youˇ laiˊ

Did not come

沒有借口 meiˊ youˇ jieˋ kouˇ

No excuse, Does not have an excuse

沒有備案 meiˊ youˇ beiˋ anˋ

Does not recall, No recollection

沒有全然猜錯 meiˊ youˇ quanˊ ranˊ cai¯ cuoˋ

Wasn't completely wrong

沒有兩樣 meiˊ youˇ liangˇ yangˋ

No different, No different from

沒有其他選擇的可能性 meiˊ youˇ qiˊ ta¯ xuanˇ zeˊ de˙ keˇ nengˊ xingˋ

No other choice is possible, Situation where no other choice is possible

沒有再犯同樣的錯誤 meiˊ youˇ zaiˋ fanˋ tongˊ yangˋ de˙ cuoˋ wuˋ

Didn't make the same mistake twice, Didn't make that mistake again

沒有反抗 meiˊ youˇ fanˇ kangˋ

Did not resist

沒有取名 meiˊ youˇ quˇ mingˊ

Had no name, Had no name for, Was not christened

沒有問出口的問題 meiˊ youˇ wenˋ chu¯ kouˇ de˙ wenˋ tiˊ

Unspoken question

沒有回應 meiˊ youˇ huiˊ ying¯

Did not respond

沒有威脅 meiˊ youˇ wei¯ xieˊ

No threat, No danger

沒有宿醉地醒來 meiˊ youˇ suˋ zuiˋ diˋ xingˇ laiˊ

Wake up without a hangover

沒有意義 meiˊ youˇ yiˋ yiˋ

Meaningless, Insignificant, Worthless

沒有持繼 meiˊ youˇ chiˊ jiˋ

Did not continue

沒有持繼很久 meiˊ youˇ chiˊ jiˋ henˇ jiuˇ

Did not last very long

沒有提供飛機餐 meiˊ youˇ tiˊ gong¯ fei¯ ji¯ can¯

Doesn't provide an inflight meal, Didn't provide an inflight meal

沒有昨天那麼絕望 meiˊ youˇ zuoˊ tian¯ naˋ me˙ jueˊ wangˋ

Not as hopeless as yesterday

沒有更好的形容的話 meiˊ youˇ gengˋ haoˇ de˙ xingˊ rongˊ de˙ huaˋ

For lack of a better way to put it, Lacking a better way to describe it

沒有標示 meiˊ youˇ biao¯ shiˋ


沒有正確答案 meiˊ youˇ zhengˋ queˋ daˊ anˋ

There were no right answers

沒有水活不下去 meiˊ youˇ shuiˇ huoˊ buˊ xiaˋ quˋ

Can't live without water

沒有汽油了 meiˊ youˇ qiˋ youˊ le˙

Does not have any gas, Has run out of gas

沒有消失 meiˊ youˇ xiao¯ shi¯

Had not vanished, Was still there

沒有減弱 meiˊ youˇ jianˇ ruoˋ

Didn't weaken, Didn't subside, Unabated

沒有炸死他 meiˊ youˇ zhaˋ siˇ ta¯

The explosion didn't kill him, He didn't die in the explosion

沒有發生什麼奇怪的事吧 meiˊ youˇ fa¯ sheng¯ sheˊ me˙ qiˊ guaiˋ de˙ shiˋ ba¯

Nothing strange happened?

沒有看到 meiˊ youˇ kanˋ daoˋ

Didn't see

沒有看見他 meiˊ youˇ kanˋ jianˋ ta¯

Didn't see him

沒有看見她 meiˊ youˇ kanˋ jianˋ ta¯

Didn't see her

沒有私生活可言 meiˊ youˇ si¯ sheng¯ huoˊ keˇ yanˊ

Have no private life to speak of, Has no private life to speak of, Had no private life to speak of

沒有穿制服 meiˊ youˇ chuan¯ zhiˋ fuˊ

Is not wearing a uniform, Are not wearing uniforms, Was not wearing a uniform, Were not wearing uniforms

沒有簽名的 meiˊ youˇ qian¯ mingˊ de˙

Has not been signed, Unsigned

沒有臉的聲音 meiˊ youˇ lianˇ de˙ sheng¯ yin¯

Faceless voice

沒有花很長的時間 meiˊ youˇ hua¯ henˇ changˊ de˙ shiˊ jian¯

It didn't take too long, Don't take too long

沒有菸 meiˊ youˇ yan¯

Didn't have any cigarettes

沒有落淚 meiˊ youˇ luoˋ leiˋ

Had not cried, Had not wept

沒有被殺 meiˊ youˇ beiˋ sha¯

Were not killed

沒有見過 meiˊ youˇ jianˋ guoˋ

Never seen

沒有說話 meiˊ youˇ shuo¯ huaˋ

Said nothing, Didn't say a thing, Didn't speak

沒有走不通的死巷 meiˊ youˇ zouˇ buˋ tong¯ de˙ siˇ xiangˋ

There are no dead ends

沒有跟來 meiˊ youˇ gen¯ laiˊ

Wasn't following, Wasn't coming

沒有轉身 meiˊ youˇ zhuanˇ shen¯

Didn't turn around, Didn't turn

沒有辦法 meiˊ youˇ banˋ faˇ

Can't, Couldn't

沒有辦法打開 meiˊ youˇ banˋ faˇ daˇ kai¯

Can't open, Can't get open

沒有進行 meiˊ youˇ jinˋ xingˊ

Can't carry out, Can't perform, Can't do

沒有重要人物的場合 meiˊ youˇ zhongˋ yaoˋ renˊ wuˋ de˙ changˇ heˊ

When no one important is around, When no one important is around to hear, When no one important is listening

沒有錢讓我去上學 meiˊ youˇ qianˊ rangˋ woˇ quˋ shangˋ xueˊ

Not enough money for me to go to school

沒有開啟 meiˊ youˇ kai¯ qiˇ

Not open

沒有關係 meiˊ youˇ guan¯ xiˋ

Does not have a problem, No problem, That's fine

沒有風 meiˊ youˇ feng¯

No wind

沒有食物 meiˊ youˇ shiˊ wuˋ

No food, Had no food, Didn't have food

mei, bei, hei, lei, nei, pei

被囚禁了 beiˋ qiuˊ jin¯ le˙

Imprisoned, Was imprisoned

備有 beiˋ youˇ

Equipped with, Equipped

mei, bei, hei, lei, nei, pei

黑鈕釦 hei¯ niuˇ kouˋ

Black button, Black buttons

mei, bei, hei, lei, nei, pei

壘球 leiˇ qiuˊ


mei, bei, hei, lei, nei, pei

內疚 neiˋ jiuˋ

Remorse, Regret, Feel guilty

內有 neiˋ youˇ

Which had, Which included, Inside of which had

mei, bei, hei, lei, nei, pei

配有 peiˋ youˇ

Equipped with

Grouped in tone pairs

23, 13, 22, 32, 42, 43, 44

沒酒喝了 meiˊ jiuˇ he¯ le˙

Run out of alcohol

沒有 meiˊ youˇ

No, Do not have, Does not have, Did not have, Do not, Does not, Did not, Was not, Were not

沒有一定 meiˊ youˇ yiˊ dingˋ

Indefinite, Undefined, General, Unspecific, Non-specified

沒有一粒原子 meiˊ youˇ yiˊ liˋ yuanˊ zi˙

Not a single atom

沒有中途 meiˊ youˇ zhong¯ tuˊ

Not even halfway through

沒有了 meiˊ youˇ le˙

Doesn't have

沒有人 meiˊ youˇ renˊ

No one else, Nobody

沒有人知道 meiˊ youˇ renˊ zhi¯ daoˋ

No one knows, Nobody knows

沒有什麼 meiˊ youˇ shenˊ me˙

Nothing, There's nothing, Nothing much

沒有什麼壞處 meiˊ youˇ shenˊ me˙ huaiˋ chuˋ

There are no bad points, There are no disadvantages

沒有什麼好擔心的了 meiˊ youˇ shenˊ me˙ haoˇ dan¯ xin¯ de˙ le˙

Nothing to worry about

沒有什麼對不起的 meiˊ youˇ shenˊ me˙ duiˋ buˋ qiˇ de˙

There is nothing to be sorry for, It's okay, Don't worry about it

沒有任何聲響 meiˊ youˇ renˋ heˊ sheng¯ xiangˇ

There was no sound

沒有使用這些物品或舉辦儀式的資格 meiˊ youˇ shiˇ yongˋ zheˋ xie¯ wuˋ pinˇ huoˋ juˇ banˋ yiˊ shiˋ de˙ zi¯ geˊ

Are not allowed to use these items or perform ceremonies

沒有來 meiˊ youˇ laiˊ

Did not come

沒有借口 meiˊ youˇ jieˋ kouˇ

No excuse, Does not have an excuse

沒有備案 meiˊ youˇ beiˋ anˋ

Does not recall, No recollection

沒有全然猜錯 meiˊ youˇ quanˊ ranˊ cai¯ cuoˋ

Wasn't completely wrong

沒有兩樣 meiˊ youˇ liangˇ yangˋ

No different, No different from

沒有其他選擇的可能性 meiˊ youˇ qiˊ ta¯ xuanˇ zeˊ de˙ keˇ nengˊ xingˋ

No other choice is possible, Situation where no other choice is possible

沒有再犯同樣的錯誤 meiˊ youˇ zaiˋ fanˋ tongˊ yangˋ de˙ cuoˋ wuˋ

Didn't make the same mistake twice, Didn't make that mistake again

沒有反抗 meiˊ youˇ fanˇ kangˋ

Did not resist

沒有取名 meiˊ youˇ quˇ mingˊ

Had no name, Had no name for, Was not christened

沒有問出口的問題 meiˊ youˇ wenˋ chu¯ kouˇ de˙ wenˋ tiˊ

Unspoken question

沒有回應 meiˊ youˇ huiˊ ying¯

Did not respond

沒有威脅 meiˊ youˇ wei¯ xieˊ

No threat, No danger

沒有宿醉地醒來 meiˊ youˇ suˋ zuiˋ diˋ xingˇ laiˊ

Wake up without a hangover

沒有意義 meiˊ youˇ yiˋ yiˋ

Meaningless, Insignificant, Worthless

沒有持繼 meiˊ youˇ chiˊ jiˋ

Did not continue

沒有持繼很久 meiˊ youˇ chiˊ jiˋ henˇ jiuˇ

Did not last very long

沒有提供飛機餐 meiˊ youˇ tiˊ gong¯ fei¯ ji¯ can¯

Doesn't provide an inflight meal, Didn't provide an inflight meal

沒有昨天那麼絕望 meiˊ youˇ zuoˊ tian¯ naˋ me˙ jueˊ wangˋ

Not as hopeless as yesterday

沒有更好的形容的話 meiˊ youˇ gengˋ haoˇ de˙ xingˊ rongˊ de˙ huaˋ

For lack of a better way to put it, Lacking a better way to describe it

沒有標示 meiˊ youˇ biao¯ shiˋ


沒有正確答案 meiˊ youˇ zhengˋ queˋ daˊ anˋ

There were no right answers

沒有水活不下去 meiˊ youˇ shuiˇ huoˊ buˊ xiaˋ quˋ

Can't live without water

沒有汽油了 meiˊ youˇ qiˋ youˊ le˙

Does not have any gas, Has run out of gas

沒有消失 meiˊ youˇ xiao¯ shi¯

Had not vanished, Was still there

沒有減弱 meiˊ youˇ jianˇ ruoˋ

Didn't weaken, Didn't subside, Unabated

沒有炸死他 meiˊ youˇ zhaˋ siˇ ta¯

The explosion didn't kill him, He didn't die in the explosion

沒有發生什麼奇怪的事吧 meiˊ youˇ fa¯ sheng¯ sheˊ me˙ qiˊ guaiˋ de˙ shiˋ ba¯

Nothing strange happened?

沒有看到 meiˊ youˇ kanˋ daoˋ

Didn't see

沒有看見他 meiˊ youˇ kanˋ jianˋ ta¯

Didn't see him

沒有看見她 meiˊ youˇ kanˋ jianˋ ta¯

Didn't see her

沒有私生活可言 meiˊ youˇ si¯ sheng¯ huoˊ keˇ yanˊ

Have no private life to speak of, Has no private life to speak of, Had no private life to speak of

沒有穿制服 meiˊ youˇ chuan¯ zhiˋ fuˊ

Is not wearing a uniform, Are not wearing uniforms, Was not wearing a uniform, Were not wearing uniforms

沒有簽名的 meiˊ youˇ qian¯ mingˊ de˙

Has not been signed, Unsigned

沒有臉的聲音 meiˊ youˇ lianˇ de˙ sheng¯ yin¯

Faceless voice

沒有花很長的時間 meiˊ youˇ hua¯ henˇ changˊ de˙ shiˊ jian¯

It didn't take too long, Don't take too long

沒有菸 meiˊ youˇ yan¯

Didn't have any cigarettes

沒有落淚 meiˊ youˇ luoˋ leiˋ

Had not cried, Had not wept

沒有被殺 meiˊ youˇ beiˋ sha¯

Were not killed

沒有見過 meiˊ youˇ jianˋ guoˋ

Never seen

沒有說話 meiˊ youˇ shuo¯ huaˋ

Said nothing, Didn't say a thing, Didn't speak

沒有走不通的死巷 meiˊ youˇ zouˇ buˋ tong¯ de˙ siˇ xiangˋ

There are no dead ends

沒有跟來 meiˊ youˇ gen¯ laiˊ

Wasn't following, Wasn't coming

沒有轉身 meiˊ youˇ zhuanˇ shen¯

Didn't turn around, Didn't turn

沒有辦法 meiˊ youˇ banˋ faˇ

Can't, Couldn't

沒有辦法打開 meiˊ youˇ banˋ faˇ daˇ kai¯

Can't open, Can't get open

沒有進行 meiˊ youˇ jinˋ xingˊ

Can't carry out, Can't perform, Can't do

沒有重要人物的場合 meiˊ youˇ zhongˋ yaoˋ renˊ wuˋ de˙ changˇ heˊ

When no one important is around, When no one important is around to hear, When no one important is listening

沒有錢讓我去上學 meiˊ youˇ qianˊ rangˋ woˇ quˋ shangˋ xueˊ

Not enough money for me to go to school

沒有開啟 meiˊ youˇ kai¯ qiˇ

Not open

沒有關係 meiˊ youˇ guan¯ xiˋ

Does not have a problem, No problem, That's fine

沒有風 meiˊ youˇ feng¯

No wind

沒有食物 meiˊ youˇ shiˊ wuˋ

No food, Had no food, Didn't have food

23, 13, 22, 32, 42, 43, 44

黑鈕釦 hei¯ niuˇ kouˋ

Black button, Black buttons

23, 13, 22, 32, 42, 43, 44

沒留下任何證據 meiˊ liuˊ xiaˋ renˋ heˊ zhengˋ juˋ

Left no evidence, Leaving no evidence

沒求饒 meiˊ qiuˊ raoˊ

Didn't beg for mercy

23, 13, 22, 32, 42, 43, 44

壘球 leiˇ qiuˊ


23, 13, 22, 32, 42, 43, 44

被囚禁了 beiˋ qiuˊ jin¯ le˙

Imprisoned, Was imprisoned

23, 13, 22, 32, 42, 43, 44

備有 beiˋ youˇ

Equipped with, Equipped

內有 neiˋ youˇ

Which had, Which included, Inside of which had

配有 peiˋ youˇ

Equipped with

23, 13, 22, 32, 42, 43, 44

內疚 neiˋ jiuˋ

Remorse, Regret, Feel guilty


丶-氵 : > : > [沒]-沒有 : > [沒]-沒有標示 >

十-𠂇 : > : > [有]-沒有 : > [有]-沒有標示 >

十-木 : > : > [標]-標示 : > [標]-沒有標示 >

一-二 : > : > [示]-標示 : > [示]-沒有標示 >

沒有標示 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 標

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