
Definition, Pronunciation with definition for 由


No reason to risk

meiˊ liˇ youˊ maoˋ zhe˙

由 youˊ
By, From, Made By, Made up from, Follow, Reason, Cause

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Phone , Tone


理由 liˇ youˊ

冒著 maoˋ zhe˙

Words that rhyme with 沒理由冒著 (ei-yi)

Grouped by first phone

mei, bei, fei, gei, hei, lei, nei, pei

沒必要 meiˊ biˋ yaoˋ

Unnecessary, Don't need, Doesn't need, Didn't need

沒必要省錢 meiˊ biˋ yaoˋ shengˇ qianˊ

No need to economize, Not necessary to be frugal, Isn't necessary to be frugal, Economizing is not necessary

沒機會 meiˊ ji¯ huiˋ

Not had the chance, No chance, No opportunity, Not had the opportunity

每劑 meiˇ jiˋ

Each dose

沒離開 meiˊ liˊ kai¯

Hasn't left

梅里馬克 meiˊ liˇ maˇ keˋ


沒理會 meiˊ liˇ huiˋ

Ignore, Not pay attention to

沒理由冒著 meiˊ liˇ youˊ maoˋ zhe˙

No reason to risk

沒理由冒著超重的風險 meiˊ liˇ youˊ maoˋ zhe˙ chao¯ zhongˋ de˙ feng¯ xianˇ

No reason to risk carrying too much weight

沒禮貌 meiˊ liˇ maoˋ


梅麗莎 meiˊ liˋ sha¯


沒力氣 meiˊ liˋ qiˋ

Did not have the strength

美麗 meiˇ liˋ


美麗地 meiˇ liˋ de˙


美麗愉快的草原隨意放牧 meiˇ liˋ yuˊ kuaiˋ de˙ caoˇ yuanˊ suiˊ yiˋ fangˋ muˋ

Happy pastures ranged at will, Grazing freely in happy grasslands

美麗斜傾 meiˇ liˋ xieˊ qing¯

Beautifully angled, Artfully skewed

美麗的 meiˇ liˋ de˙


美麗的小池塘 meiˇ liˋ de˙ xiaoˇ chiˊ tangˊ

Beautiful little pond

美麗的風光 meiˇ liˋ de˙ feng¯ guang¯

Beautiful scenery, Beautiful view

魅力 meiˋ liˋ

Charm, Spirit, Enchantment, Enchant

沒祕密了 meiˊ miˋ miˋ le˙

There are no more secrets, There are no more mysteries

每批新地產 meiˇ pi¯ xin¯ diˋ chanˇ

Every new parcel of land

煤氣 meiˊ qiˋ

Gas, Coal gas

霉氣 meiˊ qiˋ

Musty, Moldy smell

每七分鐘 meiˇ qi¯ fen¯ zhong¯

Every seven minutes

媒體 meiˊ tiˇ


媒體明星 meiˊ tiˇ mingˊ xing¯

Media celebrity, Media celebrity

媒體牆 meiˊ tiˇ qiangˊ

Media wall

梅西 meiˊ xi¯


沒意 meiˊ yiˋ

Not interested, Uninteresting, Without meaning

沒意思 meiˊ yiˋ si¯

Meaningless, Uninteresting, Uninterested

沒意料到 meiˊ yiˋ liaoˋ daoˋ

The surprise, The unexpectedness, Surprise, Unexpected, Unexpectedly

每一個 meiˇ yiˊ ge˙

Every, Each and every

每一個人 meiˇ yiˊ ge˙ renˊ

Each and every person, Everybody

每一輛 meiˇ yiˊ liangˋ


每一輛救護車 meiˇ yiˊ liangˋ jiuˋ huˋ che¯

Every ambulance

每一頁 meiˇ yiˊ yeˋ

Each page

每一 meiˇ yiˋ

Each one, Each single, Each

每一丁點 meiˇ yiˋ ding¯ dianˇ

Every little bit

每一個儲存槽旁 meiˇ yiˋ ge˙ chuˇ cunˊ caoˊ pangˊ

Next to each tank

每一個輪輻 meiˇ yiˋ ge˙ lunˊ fuˊ

Each spoke, Every spoke

每一分秒 meiˇ yiˋ fen¯ miaoˇ

Each second

每一口氣 meiˇ yiˋ kouˇ qiˋ

Every breath of air

每一堂課都 meiˇ yiˋ tangˊ keˋ dou¯

Every class, Every lesson

每一天 meiˇ yiˋ tian¯

Each day, Every single day

每一幅畫 meiˇ yiˋ fuˊ huaˋ

Every picture, Every painting

每一款車 meiˇ yiˋ kuanˇ che¯

Every type of car

每一種物質都 meiˇ yiˋ zhongˇ wuˋ zhiˊ dou¯

Every substance

每一種物質都是 meiˇ yiˋ zhongˇ wuˋ zhiˊ dou¯ shiˋ

Every substance is

mei, bei, fei, gei, hei, lei, nei, pei

卑鄙 bei¯ biˇ


杯底 bei¯ diˇ

Bottom of a cup, Bottom of the cup

背地裡 beiˋ diˋ liˇ

Behind one's back, Secretly, In secret

北極 beiˇ jiˊ

North pole

北極圈 beiˇ jiˊ quan¯

Arctic Circle

北極熊 beiˇ jiˊ xiongˊ

Polar Bear

背肌 beiˋ ji¯

Latissimus, Back muscle

被肌肉刺激物弄得有點焦躁 beiˋ ji¯ rouˋ ciˋ ji¯ wuˋ nongˋ de˙ youˇ dianˇ jiao¯ zaoˋ

A little jumpy because of muscle stimulants

備及預 beiˋ jiˊ yuˋ

Seen, Have seen, Met, Have met

背脊 beiˋ jiˊ

Back of the body, Spine

背脊骨 beiˋ jiˊ guˇ

Spinal Column

被給予 beiˋ jiˇ yuˇ

Given, Be given, Been given

被給予傷痛者 beiˋ jiˇ yuˇ shang¯ tongˋ zheˇ

Receiving pain

背離 beiˋ liˊ

Deviate from, Depart from

背棄 beiˋ qiˋ

Turn (your) back on

被提升到了 beiˋ tiˊ sheng¯ daoˋ le˙

Been lifted to, Raised to

被吸引 beiˋ xi¯ yinˇ

Be attracted (to or by)

被吸引到一起 beiˋ xi¯ yinˇ daoˋ yiˋ qiˇ

Drawn together, Drawn towards each other

被繫在牠的供給 beiˋ xiˋ zaiˋ ta¯ de˙ gong¯ geiˇ

Tied to its feed

被一列火車載走了 beiˋ yiˊ lieˋ huoˇ che¯ zaiˇ zouˇ le˙

Taken away by a train, Carried away by a train

被移動過 beiˋ yiˊ dongˋ guoˋ

Been moved

被遺留 beiˋ yiˊ liuˊ

Abandoned, Marooned, Left

mei, bei, fei, gei, hei, lei, nei, pei

飛抵 fei¯ diˇ

Flew in from, Arrived from

飛地 fei¯ diˋ


飛機 fei¯ ji¯


飛機場 fei¯ ji¯ changˇ


飛機票 fei¯ ji¯ piaoˋ

Airplane ticket

飛機餐 fei¯ ji¯ can¯

In-flight meal, Meal service

費吉拉 feiˋ jiˊ la¯


費里 feiˋ liˇ


費力 feiˋ liˋ

Do a lot of work, Expend a lot of effort

費力地 feiˋ liˋ de˙


費力地悶哼一聲 feiˋ liˋ de˙ men¯ heng¯ yiˋ sheng¯

Grunt with exertion, Grunts with exertion, Grunting with exertion, Grunted with exertion

費莉絲蒂 feiˋ liˋ si¯ diˋ


飛起來了 fei¯ qiˇ laiˊ le˙


廢棄 feiˋ qiˋ


廢棄物 feiˋ qiˋ wuˋ

Waste material, Waste

廢氣 feiˋ qiˋ

Exhaust, Waste gas

飛體 fei¯ tiˇ

Stat, short for aerostat

mei, bei, fei, gei, hei, lei, nei, pei

給你 geiˇ niˇ

Give you, Grant you

給你看 geiˇ niˇ kanˋ

Let you see, Let you look, Give you a look

mei, bei, fei, gei, hei, lei, nei, pei

黑米 hei¯ miˇ

Black Rice

黑皮衣 hei¯ piˊ yi¯

Black leather clothing

黑漆 hei¯ qi¯

Black lacquer

黑漆漆 hei¯ qi¯ qi¯


黑衣 hei¯ yi¯

Black clothing

mei, bei, fei, gei, hei, lei, nei, pei

勒斃 lei¯ biˋ

Strangle, Throttle

雷擊 leiˊ jiˊ

Lightning strike, Lightning strikes

雷擊現象 leiˊ jiˊ xianˋ xiangˋ

Lightning strikes

累積 leiˇ ji¯

Accumulate, Build up, Amass

累積了 leiˇ ji¯ le˙

Accumulated, Accumulates, Adds up, Piles on

累計 leiˋ jiˋ

Cumulative number, Grand total

雷米特 leiˊ miˇ teˋ

Remit, Rimet

雷尼 leiˊ niˊ


類題演練 leiˋ tiˊ yanˇ lianˋ


mei, bei, fei, gei, hei, lei, nei, pei

內地 neiˋ diˋ

Inland, Interion, Mainland

內衣 neiˋ yi¯

Underwear, Undergarments

mei, bei, fei, gei, hei, lei, nei, pei

佩蒂 peiˋ diˋ


配以同花樣 peiˋ yiˇ tongˊ hua¯ yangˋ

Paired with a matching

Grouped in tone pairs

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

雷米特 leiˊ miˇ teˋ

Remit, Rimet

梅里馬克 meiˊ liˇ maˇ keˋ


沒理會 meiˊ liˇ huiˋ

Ignore, Not pay attention to

沒理由冒著 meiˊ liˇ youˊ maoˋ zhe˙

No reason to risk

沒理由冒著超重的風險 meiˊ liˇ youˊ maoˋ zhe˙ chao¯ zhongˋ de˙ feng¯ xianˇ

No reason to risk carrying too much weight

沒禮貌 meiˊ liˇ maoˋ


媒體 meiˊ tiˇ


媒體明星 meiˊ tiˇ mingˊ xing¯

Media celebrity, Media celebrity

媒體牆 meiˊ tiˇ qiangˊ

Media wall

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

飛機 fei¯ ji¯


飛機場 fei¯ ji¯ changˇ


飛機票 fei¯ ji¯ piaoˋ

Airplane ticket

飛機餐 fei¯ ji¯ can¯

In-flight meal, Meal service

黑漆 hei¯ qi¯

Black lacquer

黑漆漆 hei¯ qi¯ qi¯


黑衣 hei¯ yi¯

Black clothing

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

黑皮衣 hei¯ piˊ yi¯

Black leather clothing

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

卑鄙 bei¯ biˇ


杯底 bei¯ diˇ

Bottom of a cup, Bottom of the cup

飛抵 fei¯ diˇ

Flew in from, Arrived from

飛起來了 fei¯ qiˇ laiˊ le˙


飛體 fei¯ tiˇ

Stat, short for aerostat

黑米 hei¯ miˇ

Black Rice

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

飛地 fei¯ diˋ


勒斃 lei¯ biˋ

Strangle, Throttle

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

沒機會 meiˊ ji¯ huiˋ

Not had the chance, No chance, No opportunity, Not had the opportunity

梅西 meiˊ xi¯


23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

雷擊 leiˊ jiˊ

Lightning strike, Lightning strikes

雷擊現象 leiˊ jiˊ xianˋ xiangˋ

Lightning strikes

雷尼 leiˊ niˊ


沒離開 meiˊ liˊ kai¯

Hasn't left

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

沒必要 meiˊ biˋ yaoˋ

Unnecessary, Don't need, Doesn't need, Didn't need

沒必要省錢 meiˊ biˋ yaoˋ shengˇ qianˊ

No need to economize, Not necessary to be frugal, Isn't necessary to be frugal, Economizing is not necessary

梅麗莎 meiˊ liˋ sha¯


沒力氣 meiˊ liˋ qiˋ

Did not have the strength

沒祕密了 meiˊ miˋ miˋ le˙

There are no more secrets, There are no more mysteries

煤氣 meiˊ qiˋ

Gas, Coal gas

霉氣 meiˊ qiˋ

Musty, Moldy smell

沒意 meiˊ yiˋ

Not interested, Uninteresting, Without meaning

沒意思 meiˊ yiˋ si¯

Meaningless, Uninteresting, Uninterested

沒意料到 meiˊ yiˋ liaoˋ daoˋ

The surprise, The unexpectedness, Surprise, Unexpected, Unexpectedly

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

累積 leiˇ ji¯

Accumulate, Build up, Amass

累積了 leiˇ ji¯ le˙

Accumulated, Accumulates, Adds up, Piles on

每批新地產 meiˇ pi¯ xin¯ diˋ chanˇ

Every new parcel of land

每七分鐘 meiˇ qi¯ fen¯ zhong¯

Every seven minutes

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

北極 beiˇ jiˊ

North pole

北極圈 beiˇ jiˊ quan¯

Arctic Circle

北極熊 beiˇ jiˊ xiongˊ

Polar Bear

每一個 meiˇ yiˊ ge˙

Every, Each and every

每一個人 meiˇ yiˊ ge˙ renˊ

Each and every person, Everybody

每一輛 meiˇ yiˊ liangˋ


每一輛救護車 meiˇ yiˊ liangˋ jiuˋ huˋ che¯

Every ambulance

每一頁 meiˇ yiˊ yeˋ

Each page

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

給你 geiˇ niˇ

Give you, Grant you

給你看 geiˇ niˇ kanˋ

Let you see, Let you look, Give you a look

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

每劑 meiˇ jiˋ

Each dose

美麗 meiˇ liˋ


美麗地 meiˇ liˋ de˙


美麗愉快的草原隨意放牧 meiˇ liˋ yuˊ kuaiˋ de˙ caoˇ yuanˊ suiˊ yiˋ fangˋ muˋ

Happy pastures ranged at will, Grazing freely in happy grasslands

美麗斜傾 meiˇ liˋ xieˊ qing¯

Beautifully angled, Artfully skewed

美麗的 meiˇ liˋ de˙


美麗的小池塘 meiˇ liˋ de˙ xiaoˇ chiˊ tangˊ

Beautiful little pond

美麗的風光 meiˇ liˋ de˙ feng¯ guang¯

Beautiful scenery, Beautiful view

每一 meiˇ yiˋ

Each one, Each single, Each

每一丁點 meiˇ yiˋ ding¯ dianˇ

Every little bit

每一個儲存槽旁 meiˇ yiˋ ge˙ chuˇ cunˊ caoˊ pangˊ

Next to each tank

每一個輪輻 meiˇ yiˋ ge˙ lunˊ fuˊ

Each spoke, Every spoke

每一分秒 meiˇ yiˋ fen¯ miaoˇ

Each second

每一口氣 meiˇ yiˋ kouˇ qiˋ

Every breath of air

每一堂課都 meiˇ yiˋ tangˊ keˋ dou¯

Every class, Every lesson

每一天 meiˇ yiˋ tian¯

Each day, Every single day

每一幅畫 meiˇ yiˋ fuˊ huaˋ

Every picture, Every painting

每一款車 meiˇ yiˋ kuanˇ che¯

Every type of car

每一種物質都 meiˇ yiˋ zhongˇ wuˋ zhiˊ dou¯

Every substance

每一種物質都是 meiˇ yiˋ zhongˇ wuˋ zhiˊ dou¯ shiˋ

Every substance is

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

背肌 beiˋ ji¯

Latissimus, Back muscle

被肌肉刺激物弄得有點焦躁 beiˋ ji¯ rouˋ ciˋ ji¯ wuˋ nongˋ de˙ youˇ dianˇ jiao¯ zaoˋ

A little jumpy because of muscle stimulants

被吸引 beiˋ xi¯ yinˇ

Be attracted (to or by)

被吸引到一起 beiˋ xi¯ yinˇ daoˋ yiˋ qiˇ

Drawn together, Drawn towards each other

內衣 neiˋ yi¯

Underwear, Undergarments

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

備及預 beiˋ jiˊ yuˋ

Seen, Have seen, Met, Have met

背脊 beiˋ jiˊ

Back of the body, Spine

背脊骨 beiˋ jiˊ guˇ

Spinal Column

背離 beiˋ liˊ

Deviate from, Depart from

被提升到了 beiˋ tiˊ sheng¯ daoˋ le˙

Been lifted to, Raised to

被一列火車載走了 beiˋ yiˊ lieˋ huoˇ che¯ zaiˇ zouˇ le˙

Taken away by a train, Carried away by a train

被移動過 beiˋ yiˊ dongˋ guoˋ

Been moved

被遺留 beiˋ yiˊ liuˊ

Abandoned, Marooned, Left

費吉拉 feiˋ jiˊ la¯


類題演練 leiˋ tiˊ yanˇ lianˋ


23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

被給予 beiˋ jiˇ yuˇ

Given, Be given, Been given

被給予傷痛者 beiˋ jiˇ yuˇ shang¯ tongˋ zheˇ

Receiving pain

費里 feiˋ liˇ


配以同花樣 peiˋ yiˇ tongˊ hua¯ yangˋ

Paired with a matching

23, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 24, 31, 32, 33, 34, 41, 42, 43, 44

背地裡 beiˋ diˋ liˇ

Behind one's back, Secretly, In secret

背棄 beiˋ qiˋ

Turn (your) back on

被繫在牠的供給 beiˋ xiˋ zaiˋ ta¯ de˙ gong¯ geiˇ

Tied to its feed

費力 feiˋ liˋ

Do a lot of work, Expend a lot of effort

費力地 feiˋ liˋ de˙


費力地悶哼一聲 feiˋ liˋ de˙ men¯ heng¯ yiˋ sheng¯

Grunt with exertion, Grunts with exertion, Grunting with exertion, Grunted with exertion

費莉絲蒂 feiˋ liˋ si¯ diˋ


廢棄 feiˋ qiˋ


廢棄物 feiˋ qiˋ wuˋ

Waste material, Waste

廢氣 feiˋ qiˋ

Exhaust, Waste gas

累計 leiˋ jiˋ

Cumulative number, Grand total

魅力 meiˋ liˋ

Charm, Spirit, Enchantment, Enchant

內地 neiˋ diˋ

Inland, Interion, Mainland

佩蒂 peiˋ diˋ



丶-氵 : > : > [沒]-沒理 : > [沒]-沒理由冒著 >

一-王 : > : > [理]-理由 : > [理]-沒理由冒著 >

丨-由 : > : > [由]-理由 : > [由]-沒理由冒著 >

口-日 : > : > [冒]-冒著 : > [冒]-沒理由冒著 >

人-艹 : > : > [著]-冒著 : > [著]-沒理由冒著 >

沒理由冒著 meaning and pronunciation along with meaning and pronunciation of 由

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